Monday, May 16, 2011

Readers: Please abide by our commenting guidelines!!

For the first time ever in the history of this site, I've shut down the comments field on two posts (the polls) and hidden the results. The reason: the discussion became out-of-control on both sides. It felt like fans of one group were spamming the comments field by leaving messages that didn't forward any discussion and served to alienate people who are not avid fans of that crew. In retaliation, the non-fans were getting abusive to the fans in inappropriate ways.

Guys -- this site is for all of you, but in order to make it work, you have to follow some common sense rules of civil commenting. Click here to read the commenting guidelinesand PLEASE abide by them. DO NOT REPEAT THE PROBLEM ON A DIFFERENT POST OR I WILL START BANNING THE ABUSERS.  I promise that following the guidelines will make this a better site for everyone.