Friday, August 28, 2009

Got ABDC Questions? Here's your chance to get them answered

Do you have some questions for the ABDC 4 crews or judges? Our backstage interviewers want to use some of our readers' questions at the ABDC tapings. This is your chance to help us 'get it right' and let the crews tell you what you need to know! And, they'll give a shoutout to the people whose questions are used.

Submit your questions in the comments section. Guidelines:
  • They're never sure which crews they'll interview, so submit both general questions for all crews as well as questions specific to any one crew
  • Keep it simple -- something that can be answered in 30 seconds or less
  • This is video, so questions that require visual responses (e.g., dance steps) are cool
  • Be original! There are a lot of interviewers out there, so we want things that are relevant but will surprise and delight the people being interviewed.