Saturday, May 26, 2012

Send some love to Chris Trondsen -- it's his birthday!

Happy birthday to Chris Trondsen, ABDC interviewer extraordinaire! I've been working with him since ABDC Season 4 and it's been one of the best aspects of my time on this website. 

Most of you know Chris as an affable guy who gets to ask fun questions to dance crews at ABDC for us and celebrities at other red carpet events for Pacific Rim. What you don't see on our videos: Chris organizes the press team's logistics (including lining up interesting guest interviewers every week), works out the questions for the interviews, resolves all kinds of last minute problems and issues, develops trust with the dancers to support them and to get great interviews, works with the camerapeople to make sure the videos are posted quickly, and makes all this look effortless!  BloggingABDC could NOT bring you these interviews without Chris's loyalty, hard work, and creativity.

Chris also works during the day in healthcare, and recently traveled to give a speech at an industry conference. In addition (!), he goes to school part-time (just finished his finals and got straight As)!

All this is impressive (and exhausting), but I also want to give some insight to how I see Chris. He's really modest about all his achievements, and does it more for the excitement and friendships than for any ego boost. His warmth and empathy creates connections with the dancers that can can help them through the tough emotional times they experience on the show, which has allowed him to stay friends with them long past their time on ABDC. And I think these positive traits show in his videos, making them fun to watch.

So, thanks Chris and Happy Birthday!