Friday, August 5, 2011

Exclusive interview: Instant Noodles talk about HHI, ABDC, and some personal matters

Chris Trondsen attended a few days (including the finale) for Hip Hop International, and interviewed many of the stellar crews. We'll be sharing them over the next week.

First up: Instant Noodles (ABDC Season 6),  placed third in the Adult Division. They talk about what it feels like to compete in the finals, how HHI is different from America's Best Dance Crew, and why the week is especially grueling for US crews. They also answer some personal questions (the funniest things they've ever done to each other, what they look for in a girl, the first thing one does when they wake up and the last thing one does before going to bed, music to cheer them up, and guilty pleasure song, favorite TV show). Thanks to MOVeMedia Productionsfor the camera and production help.