Friday, January 21, 2011

Mailbox: Profile of Blueprint Cru, Another Canadian crew for ABDC?, PureMovement at Stanford

  • posted an in-depth interview with ABDC5's Blueprint Cru. Among the topics: how they formed, the hardest parts of working on America's Best Dance Crew, differences in the dance scene between Canada and the rest of the world, and advice for aspiring dancers. Thanks for the tip, DirtfaceX! 
  • According to BC Local News, Canadian crew Kick It Up a Notch will be auditioning in Los Angeles for the new season of ABDC. Their choreographer was urged to audition by Blueprint Cru's president, Steve Bolton. No video available yet.
  • PureMovement, a group using hip hop as concert dance will be performing at Stanford on January 22. SFGate just published an interview with Rennie Harris, the group's founder, where he decries ABDC and how other countries have incorporated hip-hop choreography into theater. Here's a recent video of PureMovement: