Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ninjaboi's Review of ABDC5's Lady Gaga Challenge

Here's Ninjaboi's review: 
Let me preface this week’s review with this short disclaimer:  I have what some have called “an intensely passionate dislike” for Lady Gaga.  Some combination of the fashion, music style and general manner just doesn’t sit well in my stomach.  But I’ll do the best I can this week.  I’ll probably actually boost a couple crews scores since the more Gaga they brought, the better they gave me the heebie-jeebies, as well as completing this week’s challenge: capture the essence of Lady Gaga.  I apologize to any crew that may feel insulted and feel that I am being way too overly harsh or negative compared to how I usually am, but that was largely a result of the music, I think. 

Click here to read the rest of Ninjaboi's detailed analysis and his power rankings. Thanks Ninjaboi!