Hey everybody! For those of you that are bringing in the new year safe and sound in the house, you can still party it up on BABDC! Remember to keep it clean and make sure you don't go overboard on the celebratory drinks. Happy new year everyone!
Again, congratulations to us for receiving TWO WoD Award Nominations! Especially to Nancy- I'm happy to see that her work is being recognized. However, according to their Facebook page: "THESE WERE THE TOP NOMINATIONS THAT WERE SUBMITTED AND WILL BE VOTED ON BY THE AWARDS PANEL. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE FOR YOUR OPINION." So take a break from all that finger-tutting and start crossing 'em in hopes that we win. As reported earlier, the awards show will be held on January 14, 2011 in Hollywood, CA. Performances are still waiting to be announced. Thanks perezoverride.
Our fellow nominees (and friends) in the BEST DANCE MEDIA COVERAGE category PacificRimPress recently posted a Thank You/2010 Look Back video on their YouTube channel:
On behalf of BABDC, I'd like to thank PacificRimPress for all their fantastic coverage of ABDC and dance-related events. Personally, I think Chris Trondson and Angelica Alumia are two of the most entertaining field reporters/interviewers in the game. I've dabbled in interviewing myself, and those two really make it look easy. Major props go to the entire PacificRimPress family- you guys rock!
In other news, check out BeatFreakNation.com It's a cool, interactive site that takes a look back at all the amazing Beat Freak performances from 2010. My personal favorite was from the Greg Campbellock Jr. Memorial Show.
Via Chris Brown's Twitter: new video from the ArchiTEKSto Tank's "Foreplay" featuring Chris Brown. Congrats to Brian Puspos for receiving that awesome recognition.
(minor addition from Del): Since I didn't think it warranted a full post so close to year's end, StaticNoyze6TV uploaded a video (part 1) of their experience in Hawaii. Check it out:
Well, with Nancy coming back from vacation pretty soon, I'd like to thank her for giving me this opportunity to act as site-deputy these past two weeks. I hope I did a good job. Have a safe and happy New Year! And always remember to SHAM-ON! ::moonwalks away::
And so we countdown the final hours of 2010. But before we say hello to the teen's of the 21st century, we have some great news.
Blogging Best Dance Crew has been nominated for the World of Dance Awards in two categories! -Best Dance Website -Best Dance Media Coverage
Details are to come as we get them as how to vote for BABDC, as well as the event itself (to be held the night of the 14th). Check out the Facebook event page for details, as well as to see who else got nominated for what! Congratulations and a big thank you to Nancy for helping make this site what it is today.
Also, just some quick reminders that -Jabbaowckeez will be performing tonight on Fox's New Year Event live from Las Vegas. Tune in! -January 1st is the deadline for the Hype5-0 tshirt contest! Get your submissions of a holiday greeting card in before then! Check their website for details.
Poreotics has released a teaser video showing off the members of their junior team, Miniotics. They definitely look like a juniors team to watch out for in the future.
Although Ninjaboi originally meant to post this, I wanted to add more to the story... With everyone being nostalgic and looking back at 2010, I wanted to give special acknowledgment to Hype 5-0. I find their story to be one of the best of 2010. ABDC fans and avid readers of this blog had literally watched this crew grow as they auditioned for past seasons and other various YouTube videos. But it wasn't till ABDC Season 5 when all the hard work had paid off and got the callback from the show (this video still makes me tear up). With a strong support system of an entire island behind them, all they needed to do was get past the stiff competition and the approval of the panel of judges. After TWO hard fought battles, the crew went on and continued to shine on TV- displaying their talents and warm personalities, and gaining many fans in the process. And even after the show, their hard work still continues with lots of entertaining productions, competing (and winning), and touring all over the country; performing and teaching workshops. After meeting the crew during their latest visit to New York, I can attest that the entire Hype/Hypersquad family are polite, cool, down to earth people and truly deserve all the success that comes their way. Congratulations to Hype 5-0! If we didn't before, now we BELIEVE THE HYPE!
Here's their latest dance reel courtesy of Kai Media.
DJ Earworm has done it again, with another mashup of the top 25 Billboard hits of 2010.
As he takes this look back at the music of 2010, let's take a look back at the best dance moments of 2010 ourselves. What were the best moments? Was it a Youtube dance clip? A particular performance on ABDC? Some major dance event that happened? Something that occurred here on BABDC? Leave a comment below!
sonicboom510's youtube channel has the latest ElecTRONica performance from the night after Christmas. Now before you say that this is a re-post, this performance is just a LITTLE BIT different. It's done without their custom lighted suits. Also, via Dumbo's twitter: "what would u do if ur music play over while ur performing?! this is what poreotics would do!" Poreotics showing how they are true professionals in the game.
And just so you don't feel cheated, in other Poreotics news, the boys will be opening up for Justin Bieber when he performs in the Philippines in May 2011. Check out Poreotix.com for more info and other upcoming events.
If Jungle Boogie took Thanksgiving, then Hype 5-0 takes the holiday season with all the work they've produced in the past several weeks- winning WoD Hawaii, 12 Days of Christmas, and A Dream is a Wish. The island crew is still at it with their newest contest giving you the chance to win a Hype 5-0 t-shirt! Details are on Hype 5-0.com, but it's basically a holiday card design contest. Entries are due by January 1, 2011.G'luck!
Although now defunct, SoReal Cru alumni recently posted videos on their own, personal YouTube channels. First up, Brian Puspos looks back at 2010 while Andrew Baterina looks ahead and teases us with this trailer:
-Poreotics (ABDC5 champs) have several new videos on their Youtube channel. This one shows some of the members of the juniors Poreotics crew, Miniotics. This one shows the guys messing around backstage with their sound-sensitive light EleTRONica suits. This one shows them practicing for the ElecTRONica show, hence a better view of some illusions, though missing some tricks. -Poreotics also has a post-Christmas sale (20% off most gear), along with three new shirts at Threaderstyle. Go check it out and grab some before they go back to full price! -LXD choreographer Chris Scott gives a Christmas greeting as well, featuring Baby Boogaloo (funny how he's showing up in everything, huh?)
Sorry for the lack of posts today guys. To make up for the lateness, here are two really great bits of news for ya'll.
-Chonique Sneed (ABDC5 Casting Judge, Hip Hop International Judge, Artistic Director for the Beat Freaks) has her debut music project release coming up on January 11th. "Welcome to the Cho" will feature ABDC2 Alum Fanny Pak. Purchase your tickets here! Congrats to Chonique!
-Beat Freaks (ABDC3) member Bgirl Shorty has concluded settlements with Demi Lovato, and as a result will receive an undisclosed amount of money. Click here for more details. Thanks Karen Chu for the link!
The JabbaWockeez will be performing on Fox's New Years Eve Special. Also on that show will be Brandy, Mariah Carey, and the Plain White T's. Also, according to their twitter, the ABDC champs will appear on an upcoming episode of Disney's Shake It Up! Thanks to JabbaJake.
Speaking of Shake It Up!, Break Sk8 (Season 1) also recently made an appearance on the Disney show. You can check out their cameo from DCEofficial's youtube channel.
Quest Crew's musically gifted, Ryanimay, recently posted exclusive Quest Crew music mixes available for download and offers tidbits of info on each track. Get them fast, b/c they won't be available for too long!
Beat Freaks recently attended the Rock City 8 event in California. Along with their group performance, B-Girls: Lady Jules and Bonita participated in each of their own battles. Jules took on CryKit while B-Girl Bonita battled against Japan's Erie shown here:
While everyone wonders what their crew is going to look like for ABDC6, Pacman and Moon have brought us another dance video! This time Pacman asks Moon what it would have been like if he collaborated with him on the "ART of TUTTING" video instead of Hok. Check it out:
Time for more trivia about America's Best Dance Crew, for a chance to win some ABDC-related merchandise or an ITunes gift certificate. Full rules here. The prize goes to the highest cumulative score (plus winner of the tie-breaker) over this 10-week contest. Because I will be away from my home computer for much of the next two weeks, the deadline for this puzzle is Midnight on January 2, 2011.
Email ABDCContest@gmail.com with the answer to this question: What is the only crew in America's Best Dance Crew history to replace more than half its members from the original audition?
This week's question was difficult -- even the person who submitted it got it wrong! The question: what dancer from which crew(s) had the most major roles in the most episodes of America's Best Dance Crew (including specials)? Answer: Kevin Brewer with 16 appearances. Many people named Kid Rainen, but I believe that he only has 14 appearances. I've pieced together many people's answers for this count, so here goes. Both appeared on 13 airings for America's Best Dance Crew:
9 episodes of ABDC season 1
Season 2 pre-season special "Walk it out with The JabbaWockeeZ" and Shane Sparks (thanks for reminding me of this one, Ninjaboi and Florian!)
Season 2 VMA competition
Season 5 Champions for Charity
Top 10 "best of" countdown clip show
Kevin also appeared on the Season 2 Live audition show, Season 3 Hip-Hop Decathlon episode and on the Season 5 NYC auditions (as a judge). That gives him 16 appearances total. Kid Rainen only appeared on one episode without the rest of JabbaWockeeZ, as a judge for the Season 3 Crew's Choice episode. Also, as DirtfaceX pointed out, Kid Rainen did not appear in Season 2 live audition show because he was injured.
So, I'll give 2 points to anyone who named Kevin and said that he appeared on 16 episodes. If you disagree with this solution and want to justify a different person or number or solution, email ABDCContest@gmail.com listing each of the episodes on which that person appeared. I am preparing this post several days ahead (since I am away from my home computer), so I can't tell you how many people got how many points -- but it's low compared to other weeks. Please keep playing even if you didn't get both points this week -- I will be surprised if anyone gets all the answers to the questions in this contest!
Last Monday (12/13), I attended the album release party for Michael Jackson’s latest (and most likely, final) CD entitled, MICHAEL. Below are video highlights from the party including a dance routine featuring Denzel of Rhythm City (Season 4). See if you can spot the ABDC alumni! Here’s my report :::moonwalks away::: “The party was held at the Roseland Ballroom in New York City. Admission was free, but not guaranteed. Although wristbands were given in advance through several different promotions - a new album (MICHAEL), DVD set (Visions), and Wii video game (MJ Experience) recently came out. As soon as I walked in, I was awestruck by the atmosphere. Words, pictures, nor youtube videos can truly describe the feeling in that building that night. It was an outpouring of LOVE for Michael Jackson. DJ Cassidy was spinning all the Jackson hits - classic and new - and everyone was celebrating the legacy of MJ. The party was held from 8pm-11pm, but I swear, I could have danced till sunrise..."Click here to read more about this epic event - including my encounter with Rhythm City - and more pictures!
It's been a few days since our last post on the youtube search for ABDC6 crews, and we've gotten two new crews to jump at the opportunity.
- First up is the very young and talented RNG (aka Rated Next Generation) from Mukilteo, WA:
-Next is another Washington crew, this time it's ShoryuKENT from Kent, WA. This crew (with a very Street Fighter inspired name it seems) responded with two different videos. The first (and longer of the two) is right here:
The second of the two can be found here. Thanks to Teldon for the links!
Hey guys, Ninjaboi here. Last night's party room was pretty awesome, not only giving us a little bit of a reunion and hype for season 6, but also a bunch of videos that are worth sharing!
-LXD's Illister aka Bboy Cloud shares a video he and the rest of the members of the LXD made in between shoots of the Season 2 finale episodes. Thanks to Karen Chu for the link!
-Quest Crew member Hok visited Boracay in the Philippines, and did a bit of tutting over there to the song "Derezzed" from Disney's TRON:Legacy. Thanks to DRAZ for the video.
In other news, -If you're willing to fly to Pleasant Ridge, Michigan, you could audition to train with a crew who's planning to audition in New York for the next season of ABDC. Read more here. -BGirl the Movie (featuring Beat Freaks member Lady Jules, as well as LXD members Legacy, Richard "Steelo" Vasquez and Ivan "Flipz" Velez) recently won an award at the La Femme Film Festival. Congratulations!
Straight from ABDCCasting's YouTube channel, here's an official promo for ABDC Season 6 Casting. Thanks DRAZ for the link. Also, more audition videos have been posted by RNG and ShoryuKENT Note from Nancy (yes, I'm still here!) -- I love this new promo video from ABDC Casting,
since it addresses two important but neglected aspects of the crews
that succeed on the show: 1. It's not JUST the dancing, but the whole
package (swag, look, colors) that make the top crews successful on ABDC
and afterwards. 2. ABDC winners appear to have more successful
after-careers than winners of many other competitive reality shows. (I promise I won't invade other guest posts!)
Here's a party room for all of you longing for some holiday carousing! It'll be open as long as you want, but keep it clean and please -- no bloodshed! And, here's a change -- I will be travelling a lot over the next two weeks. I'll post occasionally (including the ABDC Trivia contest results and new challenge) but won't be able to spend as much time on BABDC. So, to keep things simple and make it a lot more interesting, I've appointed 3 deputies: DirtfaceX, Ninjaboi, and Del! Starting tomorrow, they will do some posting and comment moderation as their schedules and desires permit. If you want them to consider something, please leave it in the comments. They also have the ability to ban obstreperous posters, so you are warned. Now -- let the games begin!
Kid Bowser sent in this video of Choreo Cookies at the Bridge 2010, with the following description: "It's an especially powerful performance, because this was widely rumored to be Emmett Agapay's (director/founder of Choreo Cookies) finale and the last piece he'll ever perform with Choreo Cookies. The ending is simply moving, and the set as a whole, is unlike anything I've seen before. They're really getting stronger with each new piece they create." From the Di2ifter Youtube Channel.
Ciara held nothing back on her recent performance on George Lopez Tonight. Backing her up: ABDC alums from Strikers All-Stars. Thanks for the tip, Austin!
ABDC1 Champions and Las Vegas headliners JabbaWockeeZ show off their car and their office on the MTV Cribs episode that aired December 15, 2010. Thanks for the tip, JabbaJake!
While America's Best Dance Crew will still be holding auditions, they are also encouraging crews to upload audition videos to the comments on their Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ABDCCasting. To add your video, just go to the JabbaWockeeZ video here, then upload your video in the comments section. The first one loaded is from Beat BangerZ. Thanks for the tip, Anna!
The LXD ends Season 2 with an Old West showdown. Why did the action switch to 19th Century Old West? Not completely sure, though 1. it fits the title and the idea of a confrontation between forces of good and evil; and 2. director John Chu has paid tribute to classic movie genres (e.g., silent films) for other episodes.
What do you think of these episodes? Who are your favorite characters? Do you think the LXD will be back for a Season 3?
Time for more trivia about America's Best Dance Crew, for a chance
to win some ABDC-related merchandise or an ITunes gift certificate. Full rules here.
The prize goes to the highest cumulative score (plus winner of the
tie-breaker) over this 10-week contest. Deadline for this week: Midnight
on December 19, 2010.
Email ABDCContest@gmail.com with the answer to this poser: What dancer from which crew(s) had the most major roles in the most episodes of America's Best Dance Crew (including specials)? To get ANY credit, you have to give both the name of the crew and the name of the dancer. And, for an extra credit point, tell us how many episodes he/she appeared in.
D-trix of Quest Crew was one of the judges at World of Dance Hawaii this past weekend, but it certainly didn't stop him from taking center stage. From WestlifePinoy Youtube Channel.
Several of the crews from America's Best Dance Crew Season 5 staged a reunion at World of Dance Hawaii, with free-style solos from members of Poreotics, Hype 5-0, Static Noyze, Heavy Impact, and Swagger Crew. From 808musiclover87 Youtube Channel.
Here's a short video that really captures the beauty of movement, including some breaking. From Errone's Vimeo Channel . Thanks for the tip, Triscuit Deluxe!
Hype (the larger group that spawned ABDC5's Hype 5-0) won first place at World of Dance Hawaii on December 11, 2010. Here's their performance, courtesy of PacificRim Video:
ABDCCasting.Com posted the specific locations for America's Best Dance Crew Season 6 auditions (with maps), as well as the forms you need to fill out and how you need to prepare. Here's the list: - January 21, Chicago: Hubbard Street Dance, 1147 W. Jackson Blvd - January 23, Houston: SoReal Dance Studio, 6108 S. Rice Ave., Suite 104 - January 29, New York: S.I.R. Studios, 520 W. 25th St. (between 11th and 12th Avenues) - February 5, Los Angeles: Alley Kat Studio, 1455 Gordon St.
Something you don't see every day: Conan O'Brien's Taco Man in a dance battle to the floor with several of the bad guys from OX (the guys battling the LXD). Thanks for the tip PerezOverride!
This video from Learn2Bust featuring Marvelous Moon and Popping John is inspiring. I hope it comes with some step-by-step help for the typiccal aspiring hip hop dancer!
12/11: Reunion dance of many America's Best Dance Crew Season
5 crews (Poreotics, Hype 5-0, Static Noyze, Swagger Crew, Heavy
Impact), plus Future Funk and many competitors at World of Dance Hawaii
12/11: Team Millennia and their related groups perform at The Bridge Competition in Lakewood, CA
12/11: Fanny Pak's Meg Lawson and Twitch at Premeditated Dance in Baton Rouge, LA
12/17-18: Blueprint Cru perform in Trinidad
12/18: Beat Freaks members Lady Jules and Bonita battle other B-girls and Beat Freaks perform at Rock City in Fullerton, CA
Conan O'Brien's show on December 8 featured villains (including some representation from Ringmasters) from all the Season 2 LXD episodes. Thanks, PerezOverride!
Beat Freak member Alex Welch (aka Shorty) is demanding an apology for the beating she received from Demi Lovato, according to MTV. Legal options are being investigated.
A new website called Universalflava.com has been launched. It's devoted to videos of all forms of street dance, making it easier for fans to discover and watch the best dancers around, be they world famous or relative unknowns
According to a recent post on Poreotix.com, TicTic teams across the world are starting up for Poreotics, and they're still looking for administrators for different countries/states around the world. If you're interested, send a message to Poreotics Manager Danny Batman on his Facebook page. Thanks, Ninjaboi!
About a year ago, BloggingBestDanceCrew.com had to switch our commenting software from JS-Kit to Echo, at a cost of $10/year. While the change brought some good features (threading, the ability to 'like'), it also had major problems (breakdowns during peak times, blocking some of our most frequent users). To add major injury, they've announced that the rates for this site will increase to $10-25+/month (depending on site traffic). My existing contract runs out in less than a week.
I really don't want to pay the extra amount -- it will severely reduce the money I have available for contests, costs for equipment and interviews, etc. Here are my options -- let me know what you think.
Option 1 - go to another system like Disqus or Blogger. If I do that, everything before the change will be archived, so that readers will need to click on another link at the top of the page to get to older posts. This will also make searches on my site a two-step process -- a little more hassle for my readers. In some of these software alternatives, I would be unable to search and edit comments (as I do now) for obscenity/spoilers so that my only option would be to delete complete comments if there is ANY problem with a comment
Option 2 - keep Echo despite the costs and problems. I might set up a tip jar in case anyone wants to help me defray the costs.
What do you think? What's your experience with comments on this and other sites?
Marvelous Motion alums Moon and PacMan (aka Phillip Chbeeb, who also appeared on So You Think You Can Dance) are officially auditioning for America's Best Dance Crew Season 6! And, they need a few more people for their crew, so they are holding an open call to audition for their crew which will audition for the ABDC season! The audition is at Soundbox Studios in Houston on December 28 at 9pm. Watch this video for the full information Will you be there? Do we have the ABDC6 champions in the making here? Thanks Isaac (first to find!), JJVirus, and BSG.
In the latest episode of the LXD called "Experiments", the adult Dark Doctor is out for revenge, so he works on building the perfect gruesome specimens for world conquest.
Wednesday December 8 is a double-LXD day. The next episode will be released in the morning (and it's INTENSE). Then many of the dancers will appear on Conan O'Brien's late-night TBS show (11pm ET/PT). Thanks for the tip, Ninjaboi!
Time for more trivia about America's Best Dance Crew, for a chance to win some ABDC-related merchandise or an ITunes gift certificate. Full rules here. The prize goes to the highest cumulative score (plus winner of the tie-breaker) over this 10-week contest. Deadline for this week: Midnight on December 12, 2010.
Email ABDCContest@gmail.com with the answer to this useless but interesting nugget: Which crew auditioned for every season of America's Best Dance Crew?
Seeing On the Rocks handle "Bad Romance" on The Sing Off made me realize:
The Sing Off is similar to America's Best Dance Crew in showcasing genuinely talented people to TV, rather than the schlock talent, D-level celebrities looking for attention, or truly awful and clueless performers often shown on other TV competitions. Bravo to Michelle McNulty who casts both The Sing Off and ABDC
Though On The Rocks had some clever moves in their rendition of "Bad Romance", it only made me REALLY miss Blueprint Cru (and their take on Bad Romance shown here) and the talents of other ABDC alums
Here's "The 12 Days of Christmas" (Hawaii version) from Hype 5-0, on their Hype50TV Youtube Channel. A worthy start to the holiday season, what with singing and caroling about hula lessons, fat pigs and mynahs in papaya trees!Thanks for the link, PerezOverride!
Thanks to all of you who entered Week 1 of our America's Best Dance Crew Trivia Contest. There were 35 correct answers to the question. The answer: Brysen of Massive Monkees (ABDC Season 4) was bitten by a spider shortly before he arrived in Los Angeles to compete on the show. Here's a picture of his swollen hand, from the MTV Remote Control blog.
Next round will be posted tomorrow. Out of curiousity: did readers find the question easy or difficult?
Prelude EC was the latest East Coast hip hop competition, and UFP continues to dominate the scene. They won first place, followed by EPIC Motion and Academy of Phresh. Haaachi Youtube Channel has most of the action, including UFP's winning dance and a special performance of "I Am" choreographed by Adrian Causing, leader of Fr3sh (America's Best Dance Crew Season 4). Thanks for the report, Chris Bata!
Massive Monkees (ABDC Season 4) battled Killafornia in the Crew vs. Crew finals at Freestyle Session 13 in Los Angeles on November 27, 2010. Winner: Killafornia. From theintegrazx6 Youtube Channel.
The U.S. version of Got To Dance begins in January 2011. But the show is an import from the UK's Sky1 channel, where a 10-year old hip hop dancer named Akai won in February 2010. Thanks for the tip, Jacintha!
Quest Crew's visit to the Philippines is being treated as a major event by TV and the fans. Here's more from the visit by the ABDC champs.. Click here for more on Showtime. And watch here their appearance on ASAP XV (a Philippine variety show) and footage from their live show, shot byour reader Maxann and carried on her currydough Youtube Channel. Thanks also for the links, Sadakups and akosiace!
Quest Crew is in the Philippines this week and making the circuit on local TV shows. On Shoutout! they perform and talk about themselves and the tour. On Showtime (a dance competition show) the America's Best Dance Crew Season 3 winners battle XB Gensan (the Showtime Season 1 champions). Who won? Thanks for the links, Maxxann and akosiace!
Here's one of the first videos I've seen showing B-girl Bonita working with Beat Freaks, at the Dancers Alliance AFTRA party on November 11, 2010. Video from Pacific Rim. Thanks for the tip, JabbaJake!
No new information, but the artwork has me excited about the new ABDC season. As mentioned earlier, they want crews with 5-7 members, though they will consider larger groups. Click on the poster to enlarge it.
Microsoft opened its first retail store in the company's hometown, Bellevue, WA, on November 18, 2010. About 1,000 people lined up early, mostly to get free tickets to a Miley Cyrus concert.People started lining up Wednesday afternoon and waited in the parking garage overnight with sleeping bats and folding chairs. Microsoft hired Massive Monkees ABDC Season 4) entertain the people in line.
12/4: Some of the best East Coast crews (many of whom will audition for ABDC6) compete and Adrian Causing (Fr3sh founder) choreographs special dance for Prelude EC in Rahway, NJ.
12/11: Reunion dance of many America's Best Dance Crew Season 5 crews (Poreotics, Hype 5-0, Static Noyze, Swagger Crew, Heavy Impact), plus Future Funk and many competitors at World of Dance Hawaii
12/11: Fanny Pak's Meg Lawson and Twitch at Premeditated Dance in Baton Rouge, LA
12/18: Beat Freaks members Lady Jules and Bonita battle other B-girls and Beat Freaks perform at Rock City in Fullerton, CA
Ongoing: JabbaWockeeZ (with members of Super Cr3w) in MUS.I.C. in Las Vegas
Please leave a comment if you want us to add something to the calendar (or want to notify us about an upcoming event).
No detail is available on the specific dates and times, but you can go to abdccasting.com to register, completethe application, and read the FAQs. Interesting development -- it says that they are looking for 'all ages' this time. Will we see some kid crews during Season 6?
If you enjoyed NigaHiga's Agent of Secret Stuff (watch it here), you should also watch the alternate endings video on theDOMINICshow Youtube Channel. As you should surmise from the channel name, the alternatives prominently feature Quest's Dtrix (but still no dancing).
Rollingout.com interviewed Jungle Boogie recently. The video shows some of their characteristically energetic cranking, and also provides perspective for crews considering auditioning for America's Best Dance Crew. They talk about forming for the show, how this made them underdogs compared to other Southern crews, and how their hardest battle occurred after the show when they had to figure out how to keep the group together and performing.
LA Times interviewed Michelle McNulty, casting director for America's Best Dance Crew, and it's a must-read for crews that are considering auditioning for ABDC Season 6. Among the topics:
The auditions will be in late January/early February. New York and Los Angeles are definite, and two other cities will probably be added
"We've never really had a straight krumping crew ... A jerk crew, house crew. Turfing. There's definitely styles that I'd like to see get on and be represented."
She talks about the importance of originality and the "it" factor, defined as the personality that winning crews like Super Cr3w and Poreotics show at the auditions and in the casting interviews
Congratulations to Swagger Crew (ABDC5) for landing a sponsorship deal with Osiris shoes!
AFP reports on a hip hop crew that performs on the New York subway system. Above picture shows crew member Marcus Walden and some typical subway riders
If you're in the Los Angeles area on December 4, you should check out a non-competitive cypher party held by Keep it Live. Click here for the details.
Jungle Boogie members Raqi, Anthony, and Antwain danced back-up for R Kelly and Jazmine Sullivan on the Soul Train Awards show aired November 28, 2010.
LXD is back and takes us back in time. We've seen how the good guys in the LXD got started. Now it's time to understand how people get to be evil. In "The Origins", you see the Dark Doctor as a cherubic but curious kid named Jasper with somewhat creepy toys who breaks into his brilliant but clueless father's secret military lab.
Last minute notice for Poreotics fans -- they will appear at ElecTRONica at Disneyland Wednesday December 1, 2010. Here's the official video of their last show. Thanks for the tip, Ninjaboi!
It's not yet time for America's Best Dance Crew 6, but many of you still have detailed and vivid memories of past seasons. So, let's find out how much all of you remember!
Starting today, I'll post a trivia question for 10 weeks (though there may be a holiday break in the action). If you know the answer, email it to ABDCContest@gmail.com. The person who gets the most answers right and bgest deals with our tie-breaker round will win a T-shirt (of his/her choice) or iTunes certificate worth up to $25. This week, all answers must be received by midnight on December 5.
Question 1: Before their ABDC season kickoff, which crew had a member suffer a spider bite injury?
At World of Dance Chicago on November 27, 2010, the competition was won by Homegrown, a crew from Houston that originated in Soreal Studios and was directed by SoReal Crew members (America's Best Dance Crew Season 2 runners-up) Andrew Baterina and Jackie Lautchang as well as Jheru Alba. Second place went to Redefinition and third place to Design Dance. Congratulations to all and we hope you audition for ABDC6! Thanks for the tip Wes! Here's the Homegrown performance as well as the exhibition performance by Royal Flush (and click here to see Poreotics in exhibition) , from the AlterEGOmn Youtube Channel.
ThreaderStyle is currently the best source of merchandise for America's Best Dance Crew fans, with shirts for Poreotics, Fanny Pak, We are Heroes, Blueprint Cru, Jungle Boogie, and for Hip Hop International. There are bargains on much of their merchandise now, including many of the crew-logo shirts.
Former America's Best Dance Crew judge Shane Sparks teaches ESNews how to do the Dougie and gives his predictions on the Mayweather vs. Pacquiao bout. I am not sure of the date this video was shot (it might be new, it might be over a year old) but I am glad to see Shane dancing at all!
Brazil's Neguin won the 2010 Redbull BC One, battling Netherland's Just Do It from in the finals. RedBull BC One has this highlights video as well as the final battle.
The [Your Nation Here's] Got Talent continues to showcase interesting hip hop dance groups. We've seen dancers from the U.S., Britain, Australia, Holland, and India. Now, here's Lil Unit which appeared on France's Got Talent. Click here to watch, from the Tibimac Youtube Channel. What do you think?
Envisean Youtube posted many outstanding performances from Maxt Out 2010 held in November in Pasadena, CA. Among my favorites: Style 2 Kill, Griminals, Breed, and Indecisive Dance Krew (IDK) shown here. Thanks for the links PerezOverride!
RedBull BC One is planning to stream most of their battles live this year! So, those of us who didn't make it out to Tokyo for the event can still watch the action starting Saturday November 27. Thanks for the tip, Karen Chu! Here's the link. The event organizers are also selling a $1.99 game for IPhone, IPod Touch, and IPad where you match moves against the original moves of 7 of the world’s best B-Boys on 28 different stages. There are different difficulty settings and 29 licensed B-Boy tracks. Let us know if you try it. Click here to read more and to buy it.
The major dance event this weekend in the U.S. takes place in Chicago at World of Dance. Exhibition crews include America's Best Dance Crew 5's Poreotics and Royal Flush, as well as Footworkings (America's Got Talent), and Remote Kontrol (So You Think You Can Dance). Maybe you'll see one of the next ABDC competitors there. And, the event will feature b-boy and b-girl battles too. Click here for more information and to buy tickets.
Though "Agent of Secret Stuff" from NigaHiga and Wong Fu Productions was designed for the computer screen, it had a special big-screen opening on November 24, 2010. Watch the 35-minute martial-arts comedy here. On hand at the premiere were multiple members of Quest Crew giving support to crewmate Dtrix in his acting debut. Pacific Rim interviewed many of them, as well as other stars of the production.
America's Best Dance Crew alums have been getting regular work as back-up dancers onstage and in videos. The latest: Keshia Shante's "Table Dancer" video features Kim and Vincent from Blueprint Cru (ABDC5 runners-ups).
Battle of the Year 2010 international was held in Montpellier, France this month. The final battle matched Japan (Mortal Kombat) vs Korea (Jinjo Crew). Definitely watch to the end on this! Winner: Jinjo Crew. From metatron38 Youtube Channel. Thanks for the links, PerezOverride!
Hiphopdancebattle.com is starting an on-line contest with a top prize of $250.00. If you want to enter, just choreograph a routine about 1-2 minutes in length to the battle song on the homepage.Upload your video on Youtube.com; then submit it on hiphopdancebattle.com (along with a $20 entry fee per battle). All videos submitted will be posted to the site within 12 hours and viewable to the public. Each battle, the 10 hottest videos will be chosen as finalist.These videos will then be voted on by the public to determine the winner for the battle.The winner will receive the $250and become the reigning HHDB champion. The winning crew will also receive free entry into the next battle.
Now that America's Best Dance Crew's new season is no longer speculation, it's time for some other speculation/wishful thinking? Who would you like to see on the show? Here are links to videos (including some from the ABDC auditions) forthe groups that auditioned for Season 5 from New York (parts I, 2, 3, and 4), Los Angeles (parts 1, 2, 3, 4), Denver (Parts 1 and 2), and Atlanta (Parts 1 and 2). How about the groups at Hip Hop International -- any that you'd like to see get work visas? How about groups with So You Think You Can Dance veterans -- will that show feed us another winner like Quest? If you've got other nominees, name them and include a video in your comments!
The new CBS competition series Live to Dance will debut with a special two hour episode, Tuesday, Jan. 4 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT). Paula Abdul is an executive producer, mentor and lead expert of the series. It will then move to its regular time period on Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on Jan. 5, and then be broadcast LIVE starting Wednesday, Jan. 12.
The premiere episode of Live to Dance will follow dancers from across the country auditioning for Abdul and the series' experts in specially constructed Dance Domes that were built in both New York and Los Angeles to host the auditions. At the end of the premiere episode, a group of dancers from all styles, backgrounds and ages will be selected for the cast.
When the show moves to its regular time period on Wednesday, Jan. 5, an additional group of dancers from the Dance Dome auditions, who the experts feel deserve a second look, will have one final opportunity to compete in a dance-off, to earn a coveted spot in the cast. Those contestants who make it through the dance-off will travel to Los Angeles, rounding out the final cast of 18 dance acts.
Starting Wednesday, Jan. 12, the first six dance acts will compete against each other live on CBS with two acts advancing. After a total of three rounds, the six dance acts that have advanced will compete against one another in the grand finale, where they will battle for the right to be crowned Live to Dance champion and awarded a $500,000 prize.
The Beat Freaks (ABDC3 runners-up and current stars of Old Navy ads among their many credits) and Momz-N-Da Hood (auditioners for ABDC5 and for Paula Abdul's upcoming show Live to Dance) spent some quality time together after the Beat Freaks completed a busy weekend giving workshops on Long Island, N.Y. Lady Jules even took the time to help Lori with her headspin technique! There was a lot of love and mutual respect in the room which strengthens the belief that HipHop dance brings together people who share the passion.
MTV announced today that America’s Best Dance Crew Season Six is scheduled to premiere April 2011 with casting underway in January 2011. Auditions will be held in cities nationwide; schedule to be announced soon. I've heard that it will be back on Thursday nights, but not in direct competition with American Idol.
Poreotics (ABDC5 Champions) are part of the show at ElecTRONica at Disneyland's California Adventure from November 21-24, 2010. Here's the performance, from the JaCJaCisBaLLiN Youtube Channel. Thanks for the tip, Ninjaboi!
Old Navy has definitely stepped up their ad campaign for the holidays. Here are two ads featuring both Beat Freaks (America's Best Dance Crew Season 3) and Jungle Boogie (ABDC5). Thanks for the links, Desteny and Elise10!
Pride 3 Dance Competition was held at Rutgers University on November 30, 2010. The results (with video links): E.P.I.C. Motion won first, with second place going to UFP (a new group with many Fr3sh members) and third place to The Mooks. Thanks for the tip, BSG and PerezOverride!
DirtfaceX attended two recemt sessions of Beat Freaks workshops. Here's his report:
On November 13 and 14, 2010, Teresa Espinosa, Rino Nakasone, Alison 'Al-Star' Faulk, and Lady Jules of The Beat Freaks taught several workshops on Long Island, NY. The first one I attended was on Saturday night. The turnout was great! As soon as I walked in, there were about 50 or so kids ready to take the workshops. We were split into two groups - Group 1 was anyone under the age of 14, and Group 2 were the rest. Alison and Jules taught the first group, while Teresa and Rino taught the second. I barely kept up with Teresa's workshop - not that it was TOO difficult, but I'm not a dancer. That said, I didn't even try Rino's workshop. She taught a k-pop routine and it looked pretty intense. Sorry, no videos. Throughout the class, Teresa and Rino were stressing the point of 'musicality', 'being in the moment', and 'feeling the music'. Afterwards, anyone who wanted to got the opportunity to meet the girls and have their photo taken.
Click here to read about the second day and for details from his interview with Beat Freaks where they talk about which ABDC crew they'd most like to perform with, their upcoming appearances in ads and the AMAs, their newest member Bonita, and whether they'd appear on future seasons of America's Best Dance Crew. Thanks DirtfaceX!