Saturday, November 15, 2008
Exclusive Podcast with DJ Virman, DJ on America's Best Dance Crew Live Tour!

Randy Jackson at the ABDC Auditions - "This is what the Dawg Wanted"
Talk of Fame met with Randy Jackson at the Los Angeles auditions for America's Best Dance Crew. He's coy about the surprises in store but announces "This is what the Dawg wanted." And if the Dawg wants it, the Dawg's gonna get it. so stay tuned.
And stay tuned for more Talk of Fame links over the next week or so . They've got some new angles on ABDC's personalities and crews and I'm looking forward to watching and sharing.
And stay tuned for more Talk of Fame links over the next week or so . They've got some new angles on ABDC's personalities and crews and I'm looking forward to watching and sharing.
Friday, November 14, 2008
JabbaWockeeZ in Winnipeg -- videos and pictures

Here's my favorite of the batch, with some dances that I hadn't seen before:
Shane Sparks: ABDC's Impact, Forecasts & How ABDC can kick SYTYCD's butt

How will Season 3 be different from prior seasons?" I'd like to see more female groups and more break dancing groups. The Season 3 crews need to be ready to break more records each week, just like JabbaWockeeZ did, and step it up."
What do you think it takes to be a winning crew for Season 3?"The winning crew will have a bit of Fanny Pak, Super Cr3w, and JabbawockeeZ, while bringing something else completely different to the stage.
Do you think America's Best Dance Crew has had an impact on America's perception of hip hop dancing?"Yes. It's given these kids in the street the opportunity to get off the streets. It gives them something to look forward to every week. It gives them something to work on and perfect so they can try out for Season 4."
What are the main differences between So You Think You can Dance and America's Best Dance Crew? " The dance crews are more self-taught talent and offer better dances. They do their own choreography. They are totally individual."
kaba Modern on VH1's "Real Chance of Love" on Nov. 17
Kaba Modern's Cindy Minowa and Jia Huang will appear on VH1's "Real Chance of Love on November 17. They'll be splitting up the show's contestants into two crwes and serving as team captains for a dance face-off. Thanks for the tip, Michael Tran!
Here's the preview:
Here's the preview:
Kaba Modern
Upcoming Performances: Boogie Bots, Kaba Modern, Knucklehead Zoo
- Tonight (November 14), Roselle Park, NJ: Joesar Alva of Boogie Bots will be teaching and performing at the Paragon Ballroom. Click here for details.
- November 21, Los Angeles: Kaba Modern will be one of the performers at the KoreAm Journal Achievement awards. Click here for details
- November 22, 8Pm ET, everywhere!: Knucklehead Zoo will be hyping "Planet B-boy" at a Youtube Live event. Other guests include Akon, Katy Perry and Mythbusters. Here's the info.
Boogie Bots,
Kaba Modern
Thursday, November 13, 2008
More LA audition coverage complete with teaser video
Talk of Fame also attended the LA auditions for America's Best Dance Crew Season 3, and have issued a teaser video. It includes interview clips with Randy Jackson, Shane Sparks, Quest, World Famous, Head Hunters, Body Poets, and Trendsetters, as well as audition clips from World Famous and Trendsetters. Here's their write-up.
Here's their video. As soon they post again, we'll bring it to you. And, BABDC still has a few more crew audition videos coming up soon.
Here's their video. As soon they post again, we'll bring it to you. And, BABDC still has a few more crew audition videos coming up soon.
Mailbox: Planet B-Boy Video release, Mario Lopez Behind-the-Scenes, JabbawockeeZ PR
- Planet B-Boy has been released on video. Watch Knucklehead Zoo and some of the best crews in the world. Order it here.
- For those fans who cannot get enough of Mario Lopez (I know you're out there), "Extra" Raw stalked him through the streets of NY
- Another sign that JabbaWockeeZ has made it legit: The crew is now being handled by "It" Girl Public Relations, PR firm to Nelly and Backstreet Boys. "The publicity firm will be working with JabbaWockeeZ as they prepare to break in the entertainment industry in addition to launching their hip trendy men's street wear clothing line." Let's hope they keep it real.
Knucklehead Zoo,
Mario Lopez,
Super cr3w
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Another ABDC Season 3 Contender -- Tripl3 Threat
Another hot crew for your consideration: Tripl3 Threat auditioned in San Francisco for Season 3 of America's Best Dance Crew. We bring them to your attention because 1. they won the opening dance-off for ABDC Live in Oakland (and got loads of love!), 2. have a member (Frost) who's an alum of Supreme Soul, and 3. they've got precision and some fresh moves.
Judge for yourself. Here's Tripl3 Threat's performance at ABDC Live in Oakland:
Here they are at World of Dance:
Do you think they've got what it takes for Season 3?
Judge for yourself. Here's Tripl3 Threat's performance at ABDC Live in Oakland:
Here they are at World of Dance:
Do you think they've got what it takes for Season 3?
NSYNC Redux -- ABDC Tour bus tribute, and Final Request Live
NSYNC may be out of the picture (for now, at least!) but Americas' Best Dance Crew is still in the tribute business:
- JC Chasez will appear with Justin Timberlake (as well as Christina Aguilera, Kid Rock, Ludacris, Fall Out Boy and a ridiculous and growing A-list of performers) on "Total Finale Live". The show airs on MTV Sunday November 18 at 8PM ET/PT. Click here to read the latest. Hey, if Backstreet Boys can appear, why not an impromptu NSYNC reunion -- you've already got 2 of the members present!
- On the ABDC tour bus, the crews and DJ Virman got down with NSYNC videos.
Meet Kaba Modern, Fysh N Chicks, Fanny Pak and More at LA's Expo!

Click here for more information and buy tickets.
America's Got Talent,
Fanny Pak,
Fysh 'N Chicks,
Kaba Modern,
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Interview with Quest Crew at ABDC Auditions
Pacific Rim Video and Seattle PI Blog interviewed the members of the Quest Crew when they auditioned for America's Best Dance Crew Season 3. Three members -- Ryan Conferido, Dominic Sandoval, and Hok Konishi-- competed on So You Think You can Dance. Here's their interview, talking about Quest's style, what they've given up to compete, and their goals.
For those who missed it, here's the Quest Dance Crew performance from the June 26 SYTYCD.
For those who missed it, here's the Quest Dance Crew performance from the June 26 SYTYCD.
so you think you can dance
Upcoming performances: Super Cr3w, Supreme Soul, XTreme Dance Force
- Super Cr3w: November 14, Atlanta GA: Emory University and Studio 72. November 15, Jacksonville, FL: Super Cr3w at Aqua Night Club. 18+ only.
- November 19, San Jose, CA: Supreme Soul at San Jose Improv. Click here for details and tickets.
- December 8 Oshkosh Wisconsin: Xtreme Dance Force is part of "Christmas in the Air" at the Airventure Museum. Click here for more information.
Supreme Soul,
Xtreme Dance Force
Monday, November 10, 2008
Exclusive Interview with Howard Schwartz, Co-creator of America's Best Dance Crew

Boogie Bots, Fanny Pak and Kaba Modern in Guam-- Press Videos, Photos, and Reviews

Buddy TV talked to Fanny Pak's Matt Cady and Tony Anderson (the show's MC).
Pacific News Center attended a press conference with the crews, with quotes on their unexpected success and on advice for aspiring crews.
Photocredit: Mike G. Santos for Pacific Sunday News
Boogie Bots,
Fanny Pak,
Kaba Modern
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Super Cr3w performance in Las Vegas
Raw Vegas TV caught Super Cr3w when they performed at the Jet Nightclub in the Las Vegas Mirage. Here's a video interview and performance.
Interview with JabbaWockeeZ Chris Gatdula

Photocredit: MTV
Fanny Pak, Kaba Modern, Boogie Bots performances in Guam
Shara attended the Music Dance & Wishes II show, and taped performances of America's Best Dance Crew favorites Fanny Pak, Kaba Modern, and Boogie Bots. Click here to visit Shara's Multiply site and read her commentary. Thanks, Shara!
Boogie Bots,
Fanny Pak,
Kaba Modern
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