Saturday, August 28, 2010
Video: Workshop with Ajaye from Swagger Crew
Ajaye from Swagger Crew teaches a weekly workshop at GottaDance Atlanta. Here's video from a recent class, danced to Laza Morgan's "This Girl". From Hiphopfl05 Youtube Channel. The video also gives good info on how you can continue to follow his post-ABDC career in dance.
Swagger Crew
Video: Poreotics robot out and teach isos on Hawaii TV
Poreotics appeared on KHON-TV to promote their visit to Hawaii. Click to watch the video -- much more amusing than the typical TV crew interview!
Video: Legless breakdancer on India's Got Talent
Legless B-boy Vinod Thakur from a poor neighborhood in Delhi has become a star on India's Got Talent. His audition was a hit and will compete in the next round later this week. Here's his TV performance:
Video: Another nifty JabbaWockeeZ tribute using an original remix of "Robot Remains"
Sangers &Ra created an an unofficial bootleg remix of "Robot Remains". It's a fullpace Breakbeat to Dubstep to Breakbeat mix. Click here for the music track. And, they used the track for a nifty tribute JabbaWockeeZ tribute video on the Sangsational Youtube Channel:
Beat Freaks announce 2 more winners in the DancePlug Spark Your Career Contest
Meet two more winners in the Spark Your Career contest at
- Beat Freak member Lady Jules chose hip hop dancer Johnny Burgess from Jackson MS. Here's a sample of his work; there are other videos in his profile equally worth watching
- Beat Freak Keeley chose Olivia Kelly-Larsen from Sacramento. Click here for a brief clip of her work>
- Beat Freak member Lady Jules chose hip hop dancer Johnny Burgess from Jackson MS. Here's a sample of his work; there are other videos in his profile equally worth watching
- Beat Freak Keeley chose Olivia Kelly-Larsen from Sacramento. Click here for a brief clip of her work>
Beat Freaks
Friday, August 27, 2010
Video: Static Noyze 6 perfomance at TEDxBoston
Static Noyze regaled the TEDxBoston audience in August 2010 with another of their signature performances -- high-skill and cutting edge. From the TedXTalks Youtube Channel.
Static Noyze
Video: Super Cr3w and Meister Performance at Jet Nightclub
Super Cr3w performed with Meister at Jet Nightclub in Las Vegas on August 23, 2010. This reminds me why they deserved to win America's Best Dance Crew in Season 2. From Thirdivan Youtube Channel. Language warning.
DirtfaceX at JabbaWockeeZ' MUS.I.C. - the show, meeting the guys & 'will there be a MUS.I.C. tour'?
Reader DirtfaceX left this comment about his experience attending JabbaWockeeZ' MUS.I.C show in Las Vegas, and I wanted to make sure the rest of you read it: "I just got off the plane from my "One Night in Vegas". I went
yesterday to see the "last" Jabba show in Vegas... BEAUTIFUL
show....the Coldplay part
was beautiful...... my only criticism isn't even about the show,
but I thought that that crowd was kinda weak. I was front seemed that I was the only one goin' "WHOO!!!!!" every two
seconds. And altho I didn't pay for $150 for the Meet n Greet
session, I was able to ninja my way in there and meet the
guys. They were all mad cool. I asked them if they're
gonna do any more shows and they said that they'll prolly do
another 'leg' in Vegas. Afterwards I spoke with a person
from their staff and I told 'em "you guys should really go on
tour with this like the 'Groovaloos' did". And altho he
liked my suggestion it's probably not going to happen......".
Thanks, DirtfaceX for the report!
Thanks, DirtfaceX for the report!
Video: JabbaJake's tribute to JabbaWockeeZ and 'Robot Remains'
Reader JabbaJake created this tribute video to JabbaWockeeZ, using their newly released 'Robot Remains' single. From his Jpimpin2593 Youtube Channel. Thanks JabbaJake!
Upcoming events: August 27, 2010 and beyond
8/27: Kaba Modern and Quest Crew at Rutgers University
8/28: Quest Crew, Lydia Paek, Wong Fu Productions among the many performers at ISA in NY
8/28: We are Heroes and Blueprint Cru at World of Dance San Diego
8/28: Poreotics and Hype 5-0 at The Movement in Oahu, HI
8/28: Justin Bieber's tour dancers teaching workshop at ICON Dance Complex in Englishtown, NJ. One attendee will win 2 tickets to Bieber's show that night
8/28: Beat Freaks at OC Foodie Fest in Anaheim, CA
8/28: Quest Crew perform at Times Square Arts Center (after ISA show)
8/28: Super Cr3w at Looze Control in Liverpool Australia
8/28: Jason Croom (Swagger Crew) teaches workshop in Atlanta
8/28: Kaba Modern and Super Cr3w at Urban Funk in Melbourne Australia
8/29: Quest Crew at Swack! in Lake in the Hills, IL (they are getting around fast this weekend!)
9/2: Poreotics, Team Millennia, Sheroes, Boogaloo Shrimp and others at TM Summer Intensive Showcase in Anaheim, CA
9/3: Super Cr3w at Harrahs in Atlantic City, NJ
9/3-5: BoogieZone University taught by members of Quest, Beat Freaks, Kaba Modern, L0st Kids, Fanny Pak, and many other crews, in Irvine, CAL
9/5: Poreotics and Jay Park among many performers at ISA in Los Angeles
Leave a comment if you want to add to this calendar for this period or in the future. Thanks!
8/28: Quest Crew, Lydia Paek, Wong Fu Productions among the many performers at ISA in NY
8/28: We are Heroes and Blueprint Cru at World of Dance San Diego
8/28: Poreotics and Hype 5-0 at The Movement in Oahu, HI
8/28: Justin Bieber's tour dancers teaching workshop at ICON Dance Complex in Englishtown, NJ. One attendee will win 2 tickets to Bieber's show that night
8/28: Beat Freaks at OC Foodie Fest in Anaheim, CA
8/28: Quest Crew perform at Times Square Arts Center (after ISA show)
8/28: Super Cr3w at Looze Control in Liverpool Australia
8/28: Jason Croom (Swagger Crew) teaches workshop in Atlanta
8/28: Kaba Modern and Super Cr3w at Urban Funk in Melbourne Australia
8/29: Quest Crew at Swack! in Lake in the Hills, IL (they are getting around fast this weekend!)
9/2: Poreotics, Team Millennia, Sheroes, Boogaloo Shrimp and others at TM Summer Intensive Showcase in Anaheim, CA
9/3: Super Cr3w at Harrahs in Atlantic City, NJ
9/3-5: BoogieZone University taught by members of Quest, Beat Freaks, Kaba Modern, L0st Kids, Fanny Pak, and many other crews, in Irvine, CAL
9/5: Poreotics and Jay Park among many performers at ISA in Los Angeles
Leave a comment if you want to add to this calendar for this period or in the future. Thanks!
Beat Freaks,
Fanny Pak,
Kaba Modern,
Swagger Crew,
Team Millennia
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Videos: Poreotics at Culture Shock Soul Survivors - they really are done competing!
Pacific Rim talked to Poreotics at the Culture Shock Soul Survivors Show about competing,pre-show activities, birthdays, working with Hype 5-0, Step Up 3-D, etc.
Video: JabbaWockeeZ do 'Bohemian Rhapsody' in MUS.I.C.
I keep hoping that there will be a concert version video of JabbaWockeeZ's Las Vegas Show MUS.I.C. In the meantime, there are a few good home videos out there, including this one of their 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. Click here for a lower-quality video showing other sections of the show.
Video: New interview with Hype 5-0 about their experience on America's Best Dance Crew
DanceLounge sat down with Hype 5-0 recently, seeking answers to questions like: What
is Hype 5-0's symbol? Who inspires or influences you? How did you
feel when you finally made it onto America's Best Dance Crew? How was your experience on
ABDC? What difficulties did you face on ABDC? What was your favourite
ABDC Challenge? What's the sweetest thing fans
have done for you? Who do you think was the best champ of ABDC? Nothing brand-new here and it won't help with the trivia contest, but it's great to see the guys together, joking with each other.
Click here to watch Part II of the interview.
Click here to watch Part II of the interview.
Latest DancePlug Dish: Fanny Pak, JabbaWockeeZ, Dancing Kaleidoscope Spectacular ++
The latest DancePlug dish contains multiple segments worth watching. One of my favorites: the Kaleidoscope Spectacular designed by choreographer Ryan Heffington using many dancers and the windows at LA's Standard Hotel. Also of note: coverage of the Fanny Pak and JabbaWockeeZ music releases, a backstage look at Sirens Assassins, and the latest Spark Your Career winners. Thanks for the tip, PerezOverride!
Fanny Pak,
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Video: Kaba Modern at San Francisco Korean Day Festival
A treat from dkim74542 Youtube Channel: Kaba Modern dancing at the San Francisco Korean Day Festival on August 21, 2010.
Kaba Modern
Higher-quality video of JabbaWockeeZ' performance at the Robot Remains Release Party
KarmaloopTV helped sponsor the recent release party for JabbaWockeeZ 'Robot Remains' single. They've got pro-quality video of the party including some of the performance as well as brief interviews with the America's Best Dance Crew Season 1 champions.
Video: Saltare's Billy dances to "Single Ladies"
Billy Jackson of Saltare (America's Best Dance Crew Season 5) shows his dancing skills at a recent UK event. From the Ladygabalot Youtube Channel. Thanks for the tip, Ninjaboi!
Video: Taeko Carroll (Fysh N Chicks, Beast Mode ) coaches dance aspirant on MADE
Taeko Carroll -- dancer in America's Best Dance Crew Season 1's Fysh N Chicks and in Beast Mode -- acted as coach to a wannabe dancer Cheyenne on the August 18 MADE. Click here to watch clips from the episode on Taeko's Blog Here's an extra clip that includes a deleted scene of Taeko teaching a hip hop combination to Cheyenne, as well as Taeko talking with Cheyenne about their MADE experience. Thanks to perezoverride for the tip!
Fysh 'N Chicks
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tonight: Help support Hip Hop Dance on TV by voting for Future Funk on America's Got Talent!
From Ninjaboi: "Future Funk performs as the only Hip Hop group tonight. (Next week has popper Haspop and dance crew Studio One Young Beast Society) They are competing for one of the top 5 places tonight to move to the finals. Tune in from 9-11 to catch them, and then vote to put them through! They are already competing against some of the favorites, and another child dance group (ballroom dancers Anna and Patryk), so they need all the help they can get". Couldn't have said it better myself. Here's a reminder on why they deserve your votes:
America's Got Talent
Enter Week 7 of ABDC Master Mix Contest now!
We're at Week 7, halfway through the ABDC Master Mix Contest completely created by Dirtface X. In this variant on Name
that Tune, our video contains a sample of an ABDC Master Mix,
followed by a judge's comment about the routine. Your challenge: identify the tune AND the crew
who performed it.
The mixes were prepared by (though only the Season 5 mixes are currently on their website). Full episodes of the programs can be found
on Whoever can correctly
identify the most routines
(crew and song title) will be the winner. Click here for all the rules.
For those of you who have trouble watching the videos, here's the judge's comment: Shane Sparks: "I love the fact that you got a lil' theatrical stuff goin' on".
Please send all entries to MAKE SURE YOU USE THE SAME EMAIL ADDRESS EVERY TIME SO I CAN TRACK AND SCORE YOUR ENTRIES PROPERLY! All entries for Week 7 must be received by midnight on August 29.
For those of you who have trouble watching the videos, here's the judge's comment: Shane Sparks: "I love the fact that you got a lil' theatrical stuff goin' on".
Please send all entries to MAKE SURE YOU USE THE SAME EMAIL ADDRESS EVERY TIME SO I CAN TRACK AND SCORE YOUR ENTRIES PROPERLY! All entries for Week 7 must be received by midnight on August 29.
Shane Sparks
TiVO alert: MADE marathon THIS AFTERNOON featuring hip hop dance episodes
MTV is running a MADE marathon today to celebrate the release of the new MADE movie tonight. From 2pm - 7pm ET/PT, they will be re-running episodes about teens who want to become dancers. I am not sure of the specific lineups, but it looks like they will run the one where they visited America's Best Dance Crew Season 2 and met Fanny Pak, Supreme Soul and A.S.I.I.D. They may also run the recent episode that features Taeko (Fysh N Chicks) as one of the coaches. (Note: I'm flat out busy today, but tomorrow I promise to post some videos from Taeko's episode). Thanks for the tip, PerezOverride!
Fanny Pak,
Fysh 'N Chicks,
Supreme Soul
Absurd TV Moment: Hip Hop Elvis Impersonators at Miss Universe Swimsuit competition (video)
The 2010 Miss Universe Competition was held in Las Vegas. So, of course, the only appropriate entertainment to distract viewers during the bathing suit competition: breakdancing Elvis impersonators. The relevant section on this video starts at 4:37.
Video: New performance by Vogue Evolution's Leiomy
Leiomy Mizrahi from Vogue Evolution (America's Best Dance Crew Season 4) danced it out at Big Yo's in Houston on August 14, 2010. From the tmccoy1984 Youtube Channel.
Vogue Evolution
Monday, August 23, 2010
ABDC Master Mix Week 6 answer: Kaba Modern dances to "Sensual Seduction/I Would"
We received just over 100 correct entries for Week 6 of our Master Mix contest. Everybody identified the crew as Kaba Modern from America's Best Dance Crew Season 1's Movie Challenge. We accepted 3 answers for the tune: 'Sensual Seduction', 'Sexual Seduction' (the original name of the Snoop Dogg song), and 'I Would' by Adolf Witherspoon (the song that is actually heard during our clip.
Here's the clue again, followed by the full
routine. This contest and its videos were conceived and created by
Dirtface X -- Thanks!! And, come back tomorrow for the next installment.
Kaba Modern
Video: Josue from Afroborike teaches IDA workshop
Josue De la Vega of Afroborike (runners up for America's Best Dance Crew Season 4) teaches a Latin Jazz Funk class at IDA Hollywood on Wednesdays 6-7pm. Click here for details on this and other IDA Hollywood classes. Here are some brief highlights from a recent class:
Video: More ABDC Behind-the-scenes from Royal Flush
'The Royal Life' with Royal Flush (America's Best Dance Crew Season 5) is back with more offstage and backstage views from ABDC. Video from RoyalFlushCrewATL Youtube Channel.
Royal Flush
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Readers: Let's help Chaz (Saltare) win $1 million for St. Judes Hospital, Make a Wish, and himself!
Chaz Robinson from Saltare (America's Best Dance Crew Season 5) needs everyone’s help! He entered a video contest called the “Billion Points Video Contest”, sponsored by Kmart and Sears. If he win, he gets ONE MILLION DOLLARS, but here’s the catch: he must donate $500,000 of my winnings to the charities of his choice. He chose St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and the Make-A-Wish Foundation, two causes he's supported for years.
Here’s where we all can help: The contest winner is chosen by whoever has the most votes. If lots of the BABDC readers vote 3-5 times, there is a VERY good chance he could win! The preliminary voting ends October 5th and then the finalist voting will begin after that to name the winner.
1.Watch the video by clicking here
2. Click the “Vote” button directly to the right of the video.
3. When you click the button a blue box will appear, asking you to enter your email address then type it again to confirm it. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SIGN UP FOR KMART REWARDS!
4. The first time you vote, it'll ask you to confirm your email address. Go to your email Inbox to confirm your email address by clicking the URL provided in the email. IF IT IS NOT IN YOUR INBOX CHECK YOUR SPAM OR JUNK MAIL! If it doesn’t show up the first time, within about 5 minutes, try again. It will take you to a page that says, “Thanks for voting.” This only happens the first time you vote!
5. Please REPEAT with ALL of your email addresses everyday until October 5th!
And, please retweet or send this post onto your friends, family, relatives, co-workers, jump rope team members, parents, dance crews, and anyone else you think would like to help out! You can also join his Facebook page to help support the project by clicking here.
Here’s where we all can help: The contest winner is chosen by whoever has the most votes. If lots of the BABDC readers vote 3-5 times, there is a VERY good chance he could win! The preliminary voting ends October 5th and then the finalist voting will begin after that to name the winner.
1.Watch the video by clicking here
2. Click the “Vote” button directly to the right of the video.
3. When you click the button a blue box will appear, asking you to enter your email address then type it again to confirm it. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SIGN UP FOR KMART REWARDS!
4. The first time you vote, it'll ask you to confirm your email address. Go to your email Inbox to confirm your email address by clicking the URL provided in the email. IF IT IS NOT IN YOUR INBOX CHECK YOUR SPAM OR JUNK MAIL! If it doesn’t show up the first time, within about 5 minutes, try again. It will take you to a page that says, “Thanks for voting.” This only happens the first time you vote!
5. Please REPEAT with ALL of your email addresses everyday until October 5th!
And, please retweet or send this post onto your friends, family, relatives, co-workers, jump rope team members, parents, dance crews, and anyone else you think would like to help out! You can also join his Facebook page to help support the project by clicking here.
Video: performance by Mischief Makers (new crew started by Fanny Pak's Beau Fournier)
The Fanny Pak EP release party showed off multiple talents of the ABDC alums. Among them -- the new group founded by Beau Fournier called Mischief Makers. Their dance demonstrates the skills, twists, and humor that I've come to expect from all the members of Fanny Pak. Video from the Pacific Rim Youtube Channel.
Fanny Pak
World of Dance San Diego on August 28: We are Heroes, Jalen, Rock Steady crew & dozens more
World of Dance hits San Diego on Saturday August 28, 2010. Featured entertainers include America's Best Dance Crew Season 4 winners We are Heroes as well as Jalen, Robert Muraine, Rock Steady Crew, and Mischief Makers (Fanny Pak member Beau Fournier's team). Some familiar teams are scheduled to compete including Academy of Villains, Flos Angeles, VIP San Jose, and 8 Count (a crew connected to Blueprint). Click here for more details and to buy tickets.
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