Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Dancing Roundup! Happy Holidays!
Obviously Santa's been watching ABDC and has picked up a few moves of his own. Maybe he's been watching Last 4 One...
From BABDC, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!
To celebrate, click here for a compilation of Christmas Choreography from Swagger Crew, Moon of Marvelous Motion, and Hypersquad Studios, as well as a Christmas greeting from some readers!
Enjoy the holidays!
Swagger Crew
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Mailbox: Chonqiue Sneed's Show and Shorty's Compensation
Sorry for the lack of posts today guys. To make up for the lateness, here are two really great bits of news for ya'll.
-Chonique Sneed (ABDC5 Casting Judge, Hip Hop International Judge, Artistic Director for the Beat Freaks) has her debut music project release coming up on January 11th. "Welcome to the Cho" will feature ABDC2 Alum Fanny Pak. Purchase your tickets here! Congrats to Chonique!
-Beat Freaks (ABDC3) member Bgirl Shorty has concluded settlements with Demi Lovato, and as a result will receive an undisclosed amount of money. Click here for more details. Thanks Karen Chu for the link!
-Chonique Sneed (ABDC5 Casting Judge, Hip Hop International Judge, Artistic Director for the Beat Freaks) has her debut music project release coming up on January 11th. "Welcome to the Cho" will feature ABDC2 Alum Fanny Pak. Purchase your tickets here! Congrats to Chonique!
-Beat Freaks (ABDC3) member Bgirl Shorty has concluded settlements with Demi Lovato, and as a result will receive an undisclosed amount of money. Click here for more details. Thanks Karen Chu for the link!
Beat Freaks,
Fanny Pak,
Hip Hop International
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Mailbox: JBWKZ on NYE; Break Sk8 on tv; Quest mixes; Beat Freaks rock
- The JabbaWockeez will be performing on Fox's New Years Eve Special. Also on that show will be Brandy, Mariah Carey, and the Plain White T's. Also, according to their twitter, the ABDC champs will appear on an upcoming episode of Disney's Shake It Up! Thanks to JabbaJake.
- Speaking of Shake It Up!, Break Sk8 (Season 1) also recently made an appearance on the Disney show. You can check out their cameo from DCEofficial's youtube channel.
- Quest Crew's musically gifted, Ryanimay, recently posted exclusive Quest Crew music mixes available for download and offers tidbits of info on each track. Get them fast, b/c they won't be available for too long!
- Beat Freaks recently attended the Rock City 8 event in California. Along with their group performance, B-Girls: Lady Jules and Bonita participated in each of their own battles. Jules took on CryKit while B-Girl Bonita battled against Japan's Erie shown here:
Beat Freaks,
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Video: PacMoon is back with some ConceptART
While everyone wonders what their crew is going to look like for ABDC6, Pacman and Moon have brought us another dance video! This time Pacman asks Moon what it would have been like if he collaborated with him on the "ART of TUTTING" video instead of Hok. Check it out:
Thanks to perezoverride for the link!
Thanks to perezoverride for the link!
Enter ABDC Trivia Contest Week 4 now!
Time for more trivia about America's Best Dance Crew, for a chance to win some ABDC-related merchandise or an ITunes gift certificate. Full rules here. The prize goes to the highest cumulative score (plus winner of the tie-breaker) over this 10-week contest. Because I will be away from my home computer for much of the next two weeks, the deadline for this puzzle is Midnight on January 2, 2011.
Email with the answer to this question: What is the only crew in America's Best Dance Crew history to replace more than half its members from the original audition?
Email with the answer to this question: What is the only crew in America's Best Dance Crew history to replace more than half its members from the original audition?
More on ABDC Season 6 Casting
WRT (We Run This) recently submitted a casting video of their WOD 2010 N.Y. performance to ABDC Casting. Check it out:
Monday, December 20, 2010
Answer to ABDC Trivia Contest - JabbaWockeeZ' Kevin Brewer
This week's question was difficult -- even the person who submitted it got it wrong! The question: what dancer from which crew(s) had the most major roles in the most episodes of America's Best Dance Crew (including specials)? Answer: Kevin Brewer with 16 appearances. Many people named Kid Rainen, but I believe that he only has 14 appearances.
I've pieced together many people's answers for this count, so here goes. Both appeared on 13 airings for America's Best Dance Crew:
So, I'll give 2 points to anyone who named Kevin and said that he appeared on 16 episodes. If you disagree with this solution and want to justify a different person or number or solution, email listing each of the episodes on which that person appeared.
I am preparing this post several days ahead (since I am away from my home computer), so I can't tell you how many people got how many points -- but it's low compared to other weeks. Please keep playing even if you didn't get both points this week -- I will be surprised if anyone gets all the answers to the questions in this contest!
I've pieced together many people's answers for this count, so here goes. Both appeared on 13 airings for America's Best Dance Crew:
- 9 episodes of ABDC season 1
- Season 2 pre-season special "Walk it out with The JabbaWockeeZ" and Shane Sparks (thanks for reminding me of this one, Ninjaboi and Florian!)
- Season 2 VMA competition
- Season 5 Champions for Charity
- Top 10 "best of" countdown clip show
So, I'll give 2 points to anyone who named Kevin and said that he appeared on 16 episodes. If you disagree with this solution and want to justify a different person or number or solution, email listing each of the episodes on which that person appeared.
I am preparing this post several days ahead (since I am away from my home computer), so I can't tell you how many people got how many points -- but it's low compared to other weeks. Please keep playing even if you didn't get both points this week -- I will be surprised if anyone gets all the answers to the questions in this contest!
Shane Sparks
DirtFaceX’s field report (with video) on MICHAEL CD release party in New York City

Last Monday (12/13), I attended the album release party for Michael Jackson’s latest (and most likely, final) CD entitled, MICHAEL. Below are video highlights from the party including a dance routine featuring Denzel of Rhythm City (Season 4). See if you can spot the ABDC alumni! Here’s my report :::moonwalks away:::
“The party was held at the Roseland Ballroom in New York City. Admission was free, but not guaranteed. Although wristbands were given in advance through several different promotions - a new album (MICHAEL), DVD set (Visions), and Wii video game (MJ Experience) recently came out. As soon as I walked in, I was awestruck by the atmosphere. Words, pictures, nor youtube videos can truly describe the feeling in that building that night. It was an outpouring of LOVE for Michael Jackson. DJ Cassidy was spinning all the Jackson hits - classic and new - and everyone was celebrating the legacy of MJ. The party was held from 8pm-11pm, but I swear, I could have danced till sunrise..." Click here to read more about this epic event - including my encounter with Rhythm City - and more pictures!
Rhythm City
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Two more crews answer the ABDC6 Youtube Casting Call
It's been a few days since our last post on the youtube search for ABDC6 crews, and we've gotten two new crews to jump at the opportunity.
- First up is the very young and talented RNG (aka Rated Next Generation) from Mukilteo, WA:
-Next is another Washington crew, this time it's ShoryuKENT from Kent, WA. This crew (with a very Street Fighter inspired name it seems) responded with two different videos. The first (and longer of the two) is right here:
The second of the two can be found here. Thanks to Teldon for the links!
- First up is the very young and talented RNG (aka Rated Next Generation) from Mukilteo, WA:
-Next is another Washington crew, this time it's ShoryuKENT from Kent, WA. This crew (with a very Street Fighter inspired name it seems) responded with two different videos. The first (and longer of the two) is right here:
The second of the two can be found here. Thanks to Teldon for the links!
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