Saturday, September 24, 2011

KoopaTV | Dance Clip of the Day: "Rain Dance"

Hey! We're sticking around Cali, once again! Today's episode of KoopaTV brings us to a group of young dancers, stranded in the desert

All the dancers in this video currently reside in Los Angeles. The video includes members of Mix'd Elements who got 2nd in HHI this year in the US competition and 2nd in WOD San Diego a couple years ago and who are also competing in this year's WOD SD!

If you love the vibe and style of this video, be sure to subscribe to Vinh Bui's Youtube channel, [Djvinom]:
A big thanks to EjRivera37, for showing me this video!

: : : Submissions for tomorrow's "Dance Clip of the Day" are always open, by Youtube message at : : :

***Submissions can be no older than TWO WEEKS!***

KoopaTV, signing off.

Kolaine Marks - "Currency"

Kolaine Marks. RNG. Again. They don't seem to stop do they? Enjoy this set to "Currency"

Video: Charles Nguyen (Poreotics) Freestyle in Seattle

WORLDOFDANCETOUR uploaded a video of Charles Nguyen (Poreotics) freestyling at Pike Market in Seattle.

Mailbox: JabbaWockeeZ MUS.I.C run extended; video - Poreotics charity performance

- Good news -- JabbaWockeeZ extends the run of their Las Vegas show "MÜS.I.C." through Spring 2012.The performances are scheduled Wednesdays through Sundays. Tickets are available for purchase online at and
- Poreotics performed at the Tony T Sessions charity concert in September 2011:

Vote for your favorite KoopaTV Dance Videos of the Week!

Every day, Koopa posts fresh video of some of the freshest dancesfound on the web. Now, it's your chance to rate those videos and let usknow what you think is the best. Each week, we'll post links to thatweek's KoopaTV. Watch (or rewatch them) if you want (just click on thevideo's title), then pick the TWO that you think are the standouts. Voting closes on Monday at midnight. This week's choices:
- Saturday: Leslie Hubilla - "Believer's Anonymous"
- Sunday: Bboy Dani - "Devastating Dance"
- Monday: JekaJane - "Walk in my Shoes"
- Tuesday: Ellen Kim - "Dance for You"
- Wednesday: Khalid Freeman at Urban Dance Showcase
- Thursday: Ian Eastwood & Nick Demoura - "Love Crimes"
- Friday: Bionic at NextGen Judge Showcase

Friday, September 23, 2011

Ulimate Showdown of ABDC Superiority Round Two Day Five

Are you ready for some painful match-ups? I hope so because today's match-ups are a doozy. First we have the b-boy legends of Super Cr3w taking on the graceful stylings of Static Noyze. Next is the female fury of Femme 5 versus the clean b-boy technique of Instant Noodles. FOUR CREWS GO IN , BUT ONLY 2 COME OUT! YOU'LL PAY FOR A SEAT, BUT YOU'LL ONLY NEED THE EDGE!!!!

For the second round there will be two match ups each. Please follow the links provided and watch each performance. Afterwords,,vote for which one you feel was the better routine.

--Only one vote per match up.
--You must vote for both match ups.
--One entry per day, per user.
--In the event of a tie I will cast the tie breaking vote.
--Voting ends at 12:01 am est 9/25/2011.
--Updated Bracket can be found here.

PREVIOUS ROUND RESULTS: With the greatest of ease Fanny packs stands tall over fellow season two powerhouse, A.S.I.I.D. The real fight of this round was between season four alums, FR3SH and Southern Movement. FR3Sh pulled out to a very early lead but Southern Movement was able to make a Herculean effort and catch up. In the (crew name) managed to pull out and win by only (number) votes. Though despite their great effort how will they fare up against Fanny Pak?


Round Two Day Five

Super Cr3w- Week 1: Crew's Choice, "Get Up Offa That Thing" by James Brown
Static Noyze- Week 1: Chart Topper, "Whatcha Say" by Jason Derülo

Femme 5- Week 2: Video Star, "Hollaback Girl" Gwen Stefani
Instant Noodles- Week 6: Justin Bieber, "Runaway Love"

KoopaTV | Dance Clip of the Day: "Nexgen Judge Showcase"

Hey! We're staying in Cali once again! Today we find World renowned popper, Bionic (Machine Gone Funk/ Movement Lifestyle) as he showcases his talent at the Nexgen -September monthly Jam, held this past Saturday.

It was hard to choose between this clip and the showcase of the popper, Tetris, because both dancers were so proficient at their own unique styles. Feel free to check out both!

: : : Submissions for tomorrow's "Dance Clip of the Day" are always open, by Youtube message at : : :

***Submissions can be no older than TWO WEEKS!***

KoopaTV, signing off.

The Urban Movement Tour: Philadelphia

Here's a showcase of an event that's near and dear to my heart... or at least in my city.
The Urban Movement Tour recently stopped by Philadelphia for a full-day extravaganza, featuring many different events.  Here are just some highlights, and you may notice some familiar faces, along with talent you may never have heard of before.

Click here for the All-styles battles final, featuring Lil'O and Smart Mark, both alumni of ABDC2's Phresh Select (and more recently, Lil'O appearing on SYTYCD auditions). Winner: Lil'O

Click here for the full Power Battles.  If you skip to 3:12, you can spot Bebo from Phunk Phenomenon (ABDC6) reppin' for Boston. Congratulations to PeteNasty of Repstyles for taking the whole thing

Click here for the finals of the 2v2 Bboy battles.  Congratulations to Repstyles (PeteNasty and Knuckles) to winning.

If you've got the time, click here to check out the 7 to smoke battle, again featuring Bebo.
I'll leave you guys with this video of the 4 way exhibition battle between Toyz, Shorty, Sweet Lu, and El Nino (winner)


WOD Toronto Recap

HouseOfCrews made a recap video for the first ever World of Dance competition in Toronto.

Video: Massive Monkees at the National Folk Festival

Massive Monkees (America's Best Dance Crew Season 4) performed at the National Folk Festival in Nashville, Tennessee in September 2011.  

Massive Monkees & Othello at the National Folk Festival from Massive Monkees TV on Vimeo.

Massive Monkees Second Set at the National Folk Festival from Massive Monkees TV on Vimeo.

GOP & 787 Crew news: Showcase video, 2 crews to audition for ABDC Season 7

The GOP Family of dancers (787 Crew, Mixtape Crew,  & GOP Girls) needs to raise funds to compete over HHI 2012 mega crew Division.  As part of the effort, they have a new DVD for sale (below is a preview video) - for more info, call the GOP Dance school: 787 207-6241 or/787 527-0127. You can also follow 787 on their now Facebook Page.  

And, the Family wants another shot to wow the ABDC fans -- Mixtape Crew and GOP Girls are now preparing for the auditions for America's Best Dance Crew Season 7.  

Ulimate Showdown of ABDC Superiority Round Two Day Four

And now we move on to a round that will be fairly easy for most folks. First off how will A.S.I.I.D. do versus Fanny Pak? How will the votes split for FR3SH and Southern Movement? Vote and find out!

For the second round there will be two match ups each. Please follow the links provided and watch each performance. Afterwords,,vote for which one you feel was the better routine.

--Only one vote per match up.
--You must vote for both match ups.
--One entry per day, per user.
--In the event of a tie I will cast the tie breaking vote.
--Voting ends at 12:01 am est 9/24/2011.
--Updated Bracket can be found here.

PREVIOUS ROUND RESULTS: In a shock to no one both Break Sk8 and Jungle Boogie fell to Poreotix and ReQuest. We all know what this means. HHI 2010 rematch!


Round Two Day Four

Fanny Pak- Week 7: Missy Elliott, "Get Ur Freak On"
A.S.I.I.D.- Week 1: Crew's Choice, "Whatever U Like" by Nicole Scherzinger routine starts at 1:12

Fr3sh- Week One: Crew's Choice, "Ante Up" by M.O.P.
Southern Movement- Week 3: Martial Arts, "Ugly" by Bubba Sparxxx

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Help Hypersquad Battle Cancer!

So I came across this on Facebook in the past few hours, and I thought it would be nice to post, so here it is.

Hypersquad studios (home studio of Hype 5-0, ABDC5) is fundraising for The Leukemia and Lymphoma's "Light the Night Walk," an event taking place at 6PM Hawaii local time tonight to help raise awareness and money for a cure for this disease.  The studio is dedicating their efforts to one of the members of Hypersquad, Xander.  There are still a few hours to raise money, so please find it in yourselves to contribute!

If you feel like contributing, head on over to and click on through to make a donation!


KoopaTV | Dance Clip of the Day: "Ian Eastwood & Nick Demoura - Love Crimes"

Hey! We're back to Cali! Today we find a collaboration between Nick Demoura & Ian Eastwood. In the past, I've even commented about their shared similarities of style. It's a real gift, being able to actually see this collaboration take place.

Subscribe to Ian Eastwood's Youtube channel, DJIcon. Shout out to the Kub Skoutz!

: : : Submissions for tomorrow's "Dance Clip of the Day" are always open, by Youtube message at : : :

***Submissions can be no older than TWO WEEKS!***

KoopaTV, signing off.

Video: IaMmE at Urban Dance Showcase

It seems like the folks at Urban Dance Camp have an endless supply of these videos to upload. Here's IaMmE's first performance at the Urban Dance Showcase:

Watch Episode 10 of LXD Season 3 now - "The Rise of the Drifts"

Today's episode of LXD is a stunner -- in all senses of the word. It starts with a haunting dream dance with quiet samisen accompaniment. The scene builds in intensity as instruments are added, dance styles are blended, and everything gets faster and more intense. By the end, there is death and betrayal. Wow. Watch this one, even if you haven't been following the series.

Ultimate Showdown of ABDC superiority Round Two Day Three

Today we have the battle of the bad clothes decades. Poreotix brings a powerful Disco performance and Break Sk8 counters with an 80's icon breakthrough hit. Will the dances do justice to these decades or will they just make them look silly. Which will be the superior dance style? ReQuest and their powerful poly-swag or Jungle Boogie and their raw urban swag?

For the second round there will be two match ups each. Please follow the links provided and watch each performance. Afterwords,,vote for which one you feel was the better routine.

--Only one vote per match up.
--You must vote for both match ups.
--One entry per day, per user.
--In the event of a tie I will cast the tie breaking vote.
--Voting ends at 12:01 am est 9/23/2011.
--Updated Bracket can be found here.

PREVIOUS ROUND RESULTS: Due to the system eating comments, voting for the previous round has been re opened untill 6 am est 9/23/2011. If you need to vote for that round please do so now.

For awhile it was neck and neck as Blueprint faced off against Striker's All-Stars, Though in the end Blueprint managed to pull out in front and claim victory against there worthy opponents. Ringmasters gave a respectable showing as well but it was no match for the grace of Rhythm City. Though now that they have defeated both their New York City rivals how will they fare when they face the Canadian juggernauts, Blueprint Cru?


Round Two Day Three

Poreotix- Week 4: Disco, "Dancing Machine" by The Jackson 5
Br8 Sk8- Week 5: Thriller, "Beat It" Michael Jackson (routine starts at 1:10)

Jungle Boogie- Week 1: Chart Topper, "How Low" by Ludacris
Request- Week 3: The Black Eyed Peas, "The Time (Dirty Bit)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

KoopaTV | Dance Clip of the Day: "Khalid Freeman

Hallo! We just can't escape the Urban Dance Camp videos from Germany! Today we have a performance by Khalid Freeman. He uses his body and the soles of his feet to create a rhythm and percussion all his own.

Check out the [UrbanDanceShow] Youtube channel, for more exclusive content!

: : : Submissions for tomorrow's "Dance Clip of the Day" are always open, by Youtube message at : : :

***Submissions can be no older than TWO WEEKS!***

KoopaTV, signing off.

Video: Mike Song - LXD "Reprogram" Rehearsal

If you couldn't really see too much of the details of the popping choreography in the LXD season 3 episode 6, featuring Mike Song, he took the liberty of uploading some of their practice footage to his Youtube Channel.

This clear angle of the choreography is a lot better!

Video: Amanda Suk - "3 Days"

Here is Amanda Suk of the mL staff, with her set for the Australian Dance Festival. As the set's name implies, the whole routine was put together in 3 days! Show some love:

Instant Noodles Dance Workshop

Ever wanted to learn to dance? Always wanted to take lessons from a dancer you've seen on TV? What about a dancer who's well respected by the community? What about seven? If you happen to live near Studio 661 in Delano, CA, You're just in luck!

Instant Noodles will be hosting a workshop this coming Saturday, September 24th. Below is the schedule of classes
[12:00-1:00pm] Registration
[1:00 - 2:15pm] Beginner Bboying/Basic Fundamentals (Mike & Chris)
[2:30 - 3:45pm] Locking (Arthur)
[4:00 - 5:15pm] Choreography (Rob & Chuck)
[5:30 - 6:45pm] Intermediate Bboying (Geo & Charles)

[7:00 - 8:00pm] Meet and Greet

Not only do you get to get lessons from these excellent dancers, you get it for low low low prices, as follows: $10 - 1 class; $18 - 2 classes; $25 - 3 classes; $30 - for all 4 classes!
In addition, you can get ahold of one of their "Keep Calm and Noodle On" tanks. $15 for black, $25 for a special RED edition.

Click through here for the details on the facebook event page.

If anyone can make it and get footage, we would be much obliged!

Noodle On ~Ninjaboi

IBE 2011: BBoy Champs European Final

One of the biggest events held during The Notorious IBE every year is the Bboy Champs European final. Winning this event earns a crew a chance to compete at the UK Bboy championships, one of the most prestigious world championship events for bboy crews around the world. This year's final pitted Dead Prez against La Smala.

La Smala emerged victorious, earning themselves one of the three spots up for grabs at The Notorious IBE. Be sure to catch them, along with several other world class bboy crews, at this year's UK Bboy Championships to be held this October.

Poreotics videos at Saigon Electric showing: New dance set, Pacific Rim interviews!

Poreotics (ABDC Season 5 champions) were among the special guests at the Saigon Electric sneak preview on September 20, 2011. Tasteapiggi3 Youtube taped the full Poreotics performance -- a new set -- at the show that night.
And, before the show, Chris Trondsen interviewed Poreotics  for Pacific Rim, including a discussion on No H8 and a separate video talking about their online reality show and their new dance set:

Video: Footage from the ABDC Season 6 NY auditions room- including ICONic Boyz

Evcr wonder what it's like to be waiting for an America's Best Dance Crew audition? Serious4evr Youtube just released a video of the SIR Studios waiting room for the ABDC Season 6 auditions. Among the crews that are interviewed: ICONic Boyz (Season 6 runners-up) as well as Equation crew (the videomaker's group), Next Level, and 9 other crews.

Ulimate Showdown of ABDC Superiority Round Two Day Two

One of these crews is not like the others. Which one is different? Do you know? Can you tell which crew is not like the others? I will tell you, if it is so. OK sorry after looking at today's line-up I could not resist.

For today we have the Canadian powerhouse, Blueprint Crew facing off against the men of Strikers All-Stars. Will Blueprint's strong chreo be enough for the powerful stepping of Striker's? In another battle for the best crew from New York City which crew will come out the winner,
Rhythm City or Ringmasters?

For the second round there will be two match ups each. Please follow the links provided and watch each performance. Afterwords,,vote for which one you feel was the better routine.

--Only one vote per match up.
--You must vote for both match ups.
--One entry per day, per user.
--In the event of a tie I will cast the tie breaking vote.
--Voting ends at 12:01 am est 9/22/2011.
--Updated Bracket can be found here.

PREVIOUS ROUND RESULTS: In what was no shock to anyone whoever watched the show, I.aM.mE thoroughly wins over Beat Ya Feet Kings sending them back home to DC. In the closet match up yet, Street Kingdom and 787 Crew are neck and neck with an inconsistency in the votes. After some spam votes thrown out a miscount resulting in a tie, a tie breaker and a total recount and individualized layout of who voted for what, 787 Crew came out on top with one vote.


Blueprint Cru- Week 3: Lady GaGa, "Bad Romance"
Strikers All-Stars- Week 3: Britney Spears "Gimme More" Routine starts at 1:00

Rhythm City- Week 3: Martial Arts, "La La La" by LMFAO
Ringmasters- Week 4: Whack Track, "Macarena" by Los Del Rio

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

KoopaTV | Dance Clip of the Day: "Dance For You"

Hey! We're actually staying in the same studio in LA! Today we join Ellen Kim, as she performs Beyonce's "Dance For You" with the help of Aye Hasegawa, April Rodriguez, Darina Littleton, and Phoebe Smith.

If you're a fan of Ellen's work, don't forget to subscribe to her Youtube Channel!
Thanks House-Styler for the great link!

: : : Submissions for tomorrow's "Dance Clip of the Day" are always open, by Youtube message at : : :

***Submissions can be no older than TWO WEEKS!***

KoopaTV, signing off.

Video: Chachi (IaMmE) & Mykell Wilson - "Amber Rose"

Mykell Wilson (Movement Lifestyle) had recently uploaded this new video of his choreography, featuring Chachi of IaMmE. If you enjoyed this piece, check out Mykell's other pieces at his Youtube Channel. Here's the clip:

Survey Results: "Marvin Gaye & Chardonnay" is this week's most popular KoopaTV Video

Thanks to all who voted in our poll to name this week's favorite KoopaTV video. The winner was "Marvin Gaye & Chardonnay" danced by Brian Puspos (38%), followed by "IBE 2011" (25%). Click here to view the detailed results. For those who missed it, here again is the winning video:

Video: Dumbo (Poreotics) at U4ria Dance Studio

Poreotics (ABDC 5) recently uploaded a video on their YouTube channel featuring Dumbo performing his new choreography with members of U4Ria.

Legendary Hip Hop | Tight Eyez - Rize

Over the course of Legendary Hip Hop, we've covered bboying, locking, and popping. It's time now to cover another style of dance, near and dear to the hearts of certain readers in the community - KRUMP.

During ABDC6, Judge Dtrix mentioned that Tight Eyez (Street Kingdom) was a living legend for having helped create this dance style, and made reference to a movie Rize. Rize was a documentary in 2005 that helped bring awareness not only to KRUMP, but also the related style of Clowning. While a single movie on the history of dance does not an expert make, I still strongly recommend that you find the time to watch this movie and educate yourself on at least part of the origins of this dance style.

In this clip, Tommy the Clown (originator of the Clowning style), hosts a competition between krumpers and clowners of Los Angeles, judged by the volume of the crowds reaction after each set. Watch for the 3:45 mark when Tight Eyez (in a yellow shirt) comes up and rips apart the stage on behalf of the krumpers.

Unfortunately, due to Youtube restrictions, we can't embed the clip here, but click through here to watch it on Youtube!


Video: Fallen Kings on a roll -- 9 wins + Morris ranked top Bboy in world!

Fallen Kings members have been making the mark in competitions over the last few months, with a nine-win streak:
-1st Place - Battle for Creative Arts
-1st Place - Battlefest 360
-1st Place - Breakers at War (on a saturday)
-1st Place - Beat Swap Meet (the following sunday) - 2 events in 1 weekend
-1st Place - Hip Hop International "10 Year Anniversary"
-1st Place - Extreme Auto Fest "The Main Event"
-1st Place - Bay's Best Dance Crew (on a saturday)
-1st Place - World of Dance 3 vs 3 B-Boy Championship (on the same saturday)
-1st Place - World of Dance Upper Division Choreography (on the same saturday) - 3 events in 1 day

To top it off, Morris was just ranked Top BBoy in the world by Here are a few videos of the group: D-trix (ex-Quest Crew) performing with members Dereleek and Swellz at HHI, Morris at the World BBoy Classic, Morris' elbow tip spins, and Fallen Kings battle against Suicide Kings in the HHI 3x3 finals:

Monday, September 19, 2011

Ulimate Showdown of ABDC Superiority Round Two Day One

Well it has been a fun ride so far, but things are about to get a bit more interesting! After watching the other 48 crews battle the Top Eight are now entering the ring. Will they fare better coming into this without fighting or will their hungry opponents one up them?

Today will Beat Ya Feet Kings be able to Go-Go and get a single vote when they face The newest ABDC champion, I.aM.mE? In a battle of beloved underdogs who will come out on top, Street Kingdom or 787 Crew? Gird yourself folks because these rounds aren't get any easier!

For the second round there will be two match ups each. Please follow the links provided and watch each performance. Afterwords,,vote for which one you feel was the better routine.

--Only one vote per match up.
--You must vote for both match ups.
--One entry per day, per user.
--In the event of a tie I will cast the tie breaking vote.
--Voting ends at 12:01 am est 9/21/2011.
--Updated Bracket can be found here.

PREVIOUS ROUND RESULTS: In a battle of fan favorites Kaba Modern shows why they are still one of the best to ever grace the stage and soundly whomp SoReal Cru. Though will they still be so favored when they face Quest? Despite having one fo the best audition routines ever, Swagger was no match for the amazing and creative set of Phunk Phenomenon. A stellar clutch perfomance earns Fysh n Chicks a well deserved victory over Eclectic Gentlemen. Though which of these two will move one when they face each other?


Round Two Day One

I.aM.mE- Week 5: Rihanna, "S&M"
Beat Ya Feet Kings- Week 4: Bollywood, "So Fine" by Sean Paul

787 Crew- Week 4: Katy Perry, "Hot n Cold"
Street Kingdom- Week 4: Katy Perry, "E.T."

KoopaTV | Dance Clip of the Day: "Walk In My Shoes"

Hey! We're going back to LA for this episode of KoopaTV! Today we join JekaJane in the Movement Lifestyle studio, for an amazing concept piece of her own creation.

With the help of Mariel Martin, Brandon Dumlao, Amanda Grind, Chris Martin, and Mike Fallorina, Jeka was able to bring her vision to life! Support this amazing artist and subscribe to her Youtube channel, [Here].


: : : Submissions for tomorrow's "Dance Clip of the Day" are always open, by Youtube message at : : :

***Submissions can be no older than TWO WEEKS!***

KoopaTV, signing off.

Video: Bam Martin (Mos Wanted Crew) @ The Vibe

Here's a new upload from [TheVibeBlog] featuring Bam Martin (Mos Wanted /Boxcuttuhz). This piece is BUCK! Check it out:

Instant Noodles Backstage

During the regular season of ABDC, aside from the heavily edited packages given to us by MTV, we rarely see the creative process behind the routines these crews put on. In addition, beyond backstage interviews, it can be difficult to really see the personalities of the individual crew members behind the scenes. Instant Noodles has invited us into their creative process and the fun times they had when they were creating their Hip Hop International 2011 set.

First we have a video that shows the "labbing" or the creative process of their routine, and how they practiced and worked things out.

On a less serious note, we also have a video by them showing the more lighthearted times they had.

Videos: FootworKINGz Rock Out & Dance Is My Hustle

Chicago's own FootworKINGz have been very busy lately, pumping out video after video of their latest endeavors. Make sure to follow them at their [Official Youtube Channel]. Here are their two latest updates:

Rock Out:

Dance Is My Hustle Promo:

Sept. 20 at Fountain Valley CA: Poreotics, Kaba Modern & Sneak Preview of Saigon Electric!

An exciting upcoming event for you West Coast people: On September 20, 2011, there will be a sneak preview of the movie "Saigon Electric". To further amp up interest in the film, Poreotics and Kaba Modern will be dancing. Click here for details. If you go, let us know all about it! The movie's official US release will be October 7, 2011.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ulimate Showdown of ABDC Superiority Round One Day Eight

We are now at the last match up for the first round. This one is sure be a heart breaker as all six routines are simply amazing. Let us all curse and the bracket generator for these match ups.

Which co-ed legend will prove to be the strongest, Kaba Modern or SoReal Crew? Will Swagger be able to take out the titans of Phunk Phenomenon? In a battle of the sex will the Eclectic Gentlemen be the last men standing or will Fysh n Chicks prove to be stronger?

For the first round there will be three match ups each. Please follow the links provided and watch each performance. Afterwords vote for which one you feel was the better routine.

--Only one vote per match up.
--You must vote for all three match ups.
--One entry per day, per user.
--In the event of a tie I will cast the tie breaking vote.
--Voting ends at 12:01 am est 9/20/2011.
--Updated Bracket can be found here.

PREVIOUS ROUND RESULTS: In our first check-squeaker, Boxcuttahs narrowly defeats the daggering of Afroborike'. Though they may be to bloodied to fight when it come time to face the legendary Jabbawockeez. Artistry in Motion's graceful stylings were of little help when faced with the volcanic fury of Hype 5-0. In a truly magical showdown the Beat Freaks make Supreme Soul disappear. Though will the same magic happen again when the Beat Freaks faces Hype 5-0 in the next round?


Kaba Modern- Week One: Crew's Choice, "Technologic" by Daft Punk
SoReal Crew- Live Auditions

Phunk Phenomenon- Week 3: The Black Eyed Peas, "Don't Stop the Party"
Swagger- Southern Regionals, "Ice Cream Paint Job" by Dorrough

Eclectic Gentlemen- Week 1: Lil Wayne. "Fireman"
Fysh n Chicks- Week 4: Movie Character. "Maneater" Nelly Furtado

KoopaTV | Dance Clip of the Day: "Devastating Dance"

Hey! This episode of KoopaTV takes us to Las Vegas! Today we join Bboy Dani (Full Force Crew) in his newest promotional ad for Inner Circle Clothing Company (IC3).

This video utilizes multiple projections of Dani, to not only showcase the different clothes he wears, but also to demonstrate his wide range of skills all in one shot.

Song: Devastating Stereo - The Bangerz

: : : Submissions for tomorrow's "Dance Clip of the Day" are always open, by Youtube message at : : :

***Submissions can be no older than TWO WEEKS!***

KoopaTV, signing off.

Video: Jaja Vankova (IaMmE) - "Above The Law"

Jaja (I.aM.mE) uploaded another video to her Youtube Channel. This new piece features 11 year old dancer, Trinity. Also, new I.aM.mE shirt information at the end of the video:

Video: Pat Cruz (The Company) - "Living This Life"

Here's some more new content from Pat Cruz's Youtube channel, [Impatcruz]. Another piece to some Big Sean:

Lil Phunk at HHI 2011

HouseOfCrews recently posted a video of Lil Phunk freestyling and doing sections of choreography at the Red Rock Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Song: Zone by Chaptabois.

Video: Kaba Modern and Jaylen performing at FPAC

Kaba Modern danced at the Festival of Philippine Arts and Culture (FPAC) in September 2011. Click here to see Jaylen's performance too. From itr712 Youtube.