More highlights from our day at the NY auditions for America's Best Dance Crew Season 4 on June 14, 2009. IMPORTANT: we have no influence on MTV and America's Best Dance Crew audition judges, and we have no inside information. We just know what we like.
Today's featured crew: Ridonkulous from Cambridge, Massachusetts. The crew is composed of students or graduates from MIT who have better places to be than in Burbank, CA but auditioned anyway. They don't have the polished technique of many of the crews that have appeared on ABDC. Still, I love their humor, their story-based approach to dance (instead of only choreography or stunt based styles) here and in competition, their total lack of pretension, and the fact that they always look like they're having fun! I doubt think they could win on ABDC 4, but they could probably develop a loyal following.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Video: Finally the Michael Jackson Tribute dance by Beat Freaks Maryss & Rino, w/ other ABDC people
Pacific Rim and TV Guide taped clips from 'Finally the Michael Jackson Tribute Dance' created by Beat Freaks Maryss and Rino and taught in Hollywood on July 2, 2009. Also dancing in the video: America's Best Dance Crew judge Lil Mama, Quest Crew's Feng, Team Millennia's Jeff and Alexis, and Fysh N Chick's Taeko.
Beat Freaks,
Fysh 'N Chicks,
Lil Mama,
Team Millennia
Fly Khicks Karelix: featured dancer in Sean Paul's new video
Sassy Kicks (aka Karelix) from Fly Khicks (America's Best Dance Crew Season 3) is making it big in music videos. Here's her debut as a featured dancer in Sean Paul's new video "So Fine. She can be seen starting at 0:47. Thanks for the tip, ThePrez!
Fly Khicks
Friday, July 3, 2009
ABDC4 Auditions: The Newest Status Quo and R2D2
Members of Status Quo (members of the runner-up crew for America's Best Dance Crew Season 1) were back for the New York auditions for ABDC 4. As with the Season 3 auditions (described and shown here) they were comprised of 2 crews. The first to audition was R2D2, which was led by the old Status Quo's Jamal. This is from Semitoastysushi's Youtube channel. Click here to see more coverage of R2D2's Season 4 auditions.
Late in the audition day, the 'new' Status Quo stepped up to audition, showing a few different members than appeared in Season 1 but keeping their trademark swagger.
Should either of these crews make it? For that matter, what do you think about the whole idea of crews from past seasons re-auditioning for a new shot at ABDC fame and love?
Late in the audition day, the 'new' Status Quo stepped up to audition, showing a few different members than appeared in Season 1 but keeping their trademark swagger.
Should either of these crews make it? For that matter, what do you think about the whole idea of crews from past seasons re-auditioning for a new shot at ABDC fame and love?
Status Quo
ABDC Creator Howard Schwartz on ABDC rumors and plans; how Hip Hop International beats the competition
We caught up with Howard Schwartz - creator of Hip Hop International and co-creator of America's Best Dance Crew -- during the New York auditions for ABDC 4. In this exclusive interview, Howard talks about how Hip Hop International 2009 is one of the largest international dance events, with representation from about 35 countries, with the newest additions being France, Turkey, Poland, and Korea. He also addresses how the event varies from other public dance events and ABDC: crews are limited to 5-8 members (unlike other events with 20+ members onstage),there are events featuring youth and teen dance groups; and international judges are trained on a Olympics-type rating scale to greatly reduce judge bias and variation (a charge I've heard leveled at several 2009 dance events!) Click here to purchase tickets to Hip Hop International 2009.
In the second half of the interview, Howard covers some of the rumors about ABDC including whether there will be an all-star version anytime soon, how many more seasons are planned, if ABDC is in danger of cancellation, some ideas for future seasons. He also describes what it's going to take for a crew to be picked for Season 4.
In the second half of the interview, Howard covers some of the rumors about ABDC including whether there will be an all-star version anytime soon, how many more seasons are planned, if ABDC is in danger of cancellation, some ideas for future seasons. He also describes what it's going to take for a crew to be picked for Season 4.
Hip Hop International
This week's events: July 3-9
- JabbawockeeZ continue their tour with New Kids on the Block
- Quest: July 3: Flamingo, Las Vegas
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Give some love to Karla Garcia, leaving SYTYCD!
Karla Garcia of the Boogie Bots has been sent home from So You Think You Can Dance, after 4 weeks of tremendous dancing. Personally, we think that she would have lasted longer had she had the benefit of an earlier changes in partners, more attention during the auditions, more comments about her from the judges , and a better slot on the this week's competition (why DID the producers isolate her dance until after all the other pairs finished and after a long, dull promotion for their new charity -- viewers probably left the show early and didn't get to watch her wonderful quickstep!) But, in any case, we loved watching you dance each week and hope to see much more of you. For those of you who do not follow SYTYCD, here's a video from BoogieBotsTV.
Boogie Bots,
so you think you can dance
LA Audition Highlights: Tripl3 Threat
Salima Koroma attended part of the Los Angeles auditions for Americas' Best Dance Crew Season 4 and shares film of some of her favorite auditions. REMEMBER: we at have no insider information or influence with MTV or the ABDC judges. We just call them as we see them.
Today's featured Crew: Tripl3 Threat from Sacramento, CA. One of the crew's key members is Frost from Supreme Soul (ABDC Season 2). At the auditions (which starts at 2:21), they delivered a balanced mix of choreography and hip hop tricks, with a mellower style than many auditioners. For more information on Tripl3 Threat, visit their official MySpace page and watch Yuri and Taeko's interview (also at the auditions).
Today's featured Crew: Tripl3 Threat from Sacramento, CA. One of the crew's key members is Frost from Supreme Soul (ABDC Season 2). At the auditions (which starts at 2:21), they delivered a balanced mix of choreography and hip hop tricks, with a mellower style than many auditioners. For more information on Tripl3 Threat, visit their official MySpace page and watch Yuri and Taeko's interview (also at the auditions).
Supreme Soul
Distorted X in Performance and Choreography
Distorted X, from America's Best Dance Crew Season 2, is still together. Here's a recent performance at Level Up Choreographer's Showcase, from Dxkeana's Youtube Channel. Also, Distorted X member Lori Mallini choreographed for Houston's Dynamo Girls; you can watch the practice here and the final performance here. Thanks for the tip, Po Po!
Distorted X
Shane Sparks fires back at this critics
My friend Albert Lawrence at Talk of Fame manages to get everyone he interviews to really open up! Here, Shane Sparks (America's Best Dance Crew judge) speaks directly to one of his critics.
Shane Sparks
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
NY ABDC Audition Highlights: BeatYaFeet Kings
America's Best Dance Crew Season 4 starts next month! To prepare, we're showing some (not all) of our favorite auditions from NY, where we were able to attend the full day of auditions and callbacks. In some cases, when we think the callback performance was noteworthy, we'll include that video as well. IMPORTANT information: we have no inside information or influence with MTV and the ABDC judges. We're just know what we like.
Today's featured crew: BeatYaFeet Kings from Washington, D.C.. This is another crew proficient in a distinctive style not yet seen on America's Best Dance Crew. I think the Beat Ya Feet style is CRAZY, and has enough variety that it won't feel like the 'same old' after a few episodes.
Today's featured crew: BeatYaFeet Kings from Washington, D.C.. This is another crew proficient in a distinctive style not yet seen on America's Best Dance Crew. I think the Beat Ya Feet style is CRAZY, and has enough variety that it won't feel like the 'same old' after a few episodes.
Beat Ya Feet Kings
Mailbox: JC Remembers Michael Jackson; Do-Knock's video blog
- Time Magazine posts a touching interview with JC Chasez, where the America's Best Dance Crew judge talks about performing with Michael Jackson. Favorite quote: "He cared about every note that came out of his mouth when he was onstage. That's saying something"
- Do-Knock from Super Cr3w has started a video blog to help his fans keep up with SC3's doings.
JC Chasez
Video: Kaba Modern's Mike Song's Nintendo Wii Tutting Routine
The cure for a blah day: a hilarious tutting routine from the Youtube Channel of Kaba Modern's Mike Song.
Kaba Modern
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Video: Trailer for ABDC Season 4
Here's the trailer announcing America's Best Dance Crew Season 4 and showing some of the crews that auditioned. Thanks to MTV for sending us a copy.
Update: Halloween JabbaWockeeZ mask murder
On Halloween 2008, 12-year old Tony Darrisaw was killed when trick-or-treating in a JabbaWockeeZ mask. His mother, Daphne Grinnell, emailed us to say that that they are now in the process of going through Federal trials. She wants people to keep them in her prayers and encourages people to contact her at or at her address: 40 Burkett Drive, Sumter SC 29150.
NY ABDC4 Audition Highlights: Bollywood Funk
America's Best Dance Crew Season 4 starts in less than 6 weeks! So, here are more videos of our personal favorites from the ABDC 4 auditions in NY. For NY, we will post both the audition and the choreography callback performance, if we think that both were standout. Important warning and disclaimer: I am NOT a judge, have nothing to do with the selection process, and have no insider information on who's going to be chosen for Season 4. I'm just lucky enough to attend the auditions.
Today's featured crew: Bollywood Funk from New York. MTV made it clear that they want to see some different types of dance on America's Best Dance Crew; we think this is one of the more successful approaches to that end. Their graceful moves pay tribute to Bollywood in the audition but, as you'll see in the callback, the group can incorporate other styles to keep it brisk and energizing.
Today's featured crew: Bollywood Funk from New York. MTV made it clear that they want to see some different types of dance on America's Best Dance Crew; we think this is one of the more successful approaches to that end. Their graceful moves pay tribute to Bollywood in the audition but, as you'll see in the callback, the group can incorporate other styles to keep it brisk and energizing.
Exclusive - New Quest Video -- upcoming projects and words of wisdom
Field reporters Mark and Courtney interviewed Quest during their dinner break after The Show in Dallas on June 13, 2009. The America's Best Dance Crew Season 3 winners talk about how hard it was to perform without Steve (who was sick with the flu), their upcoming projects, and some words of wisdom for aspiring dancers.
Thanks for the entertaining interview Mark, Courtney and QUEST!
Thanks for the entertaining interview Mark, Courtney and QUEST!
MTV Remote Control: ABDC Michael Jackson Tributes, Season 4 NY auditions
MTV's Remote Control Blog has returned with:
- Tributes to Michael Jackson from Beat Freak's Rino, Quest's Hok, and Supreme Soul's Bionic
- Video coverage of the New York auditions. Their video profiles Fr3sh and Massive Monkees with interviews, footage from the street, Massive Monkees audition, and the choreography callback practice.
Massive Monkees,
Supreme Soul
Monday, June 29, 2009
It's Official - ABDC 4 First Episode Airs August 9 at 9pm!
Tonight (June 29) at 11pm ET, the trailer for America's Best Dance Crew Season 4 ran on MTV . As soon as there's an online version I'll post it. It shows a lot of new crews from all over the U.S. -- great footage! And, it announces the first episode as starting on Sunday August 9 at 9pm ET/PT.
ABDC 4 Trailer airs tonight at 11pm!
The trailer for America's Best Dance Crew Season 4 will air on MTV tonight (June 29) immediately following Run's House. That works out to 11pm ET/PT.
Tell us if your crew auditioned for ABDC Season 4 -- ABDC survey ahead!

My problem: I don't know all the crews that auditioned in Chicago, Orlando, or even LA. And, for a number of reasons, SemiToastySushi and I will not be posting most of our NY audition videos on Youtube.
So if your crew (or a friend's crew) auditioned for Season 4 AND you can direct me to the best video of ONE of your crew's performances in 2008-2009 -- please leave a comment or email me at with the info. During the week of July 13, I'll post names of UP TO 64 of the auditioning crews (with video links to help readers choose), then run the surveys. Thanks for your help.
NY Audition Highlight: Vogue Evolution
We will post videos of some (not all) of our favorite NY auditions for America's Best Dance Crew Season 4. When we think it's noteworthy, we'll also include the choreography callback performance (if the crew had one). REMEMBER: we have absolutely no inside information or influence on MTV or America's Best Dance Crew producers and judges. We just know what we like.
Today's featured crew: Vogue Evolution. I think they successfully meld voguing style with hip hop for a mesmerizing and distinctive style. One member, Leyomi, is already somewhat legendary in the underground dance world, with her moves emulated by many, including Beyonce and ABDC alums Fysh N Chicks. My question: is the MTV audience open to a crew with openly gay and transgender members? I certainly hope so.
The initial audition video comes courtesy of SemiToastySushi's Youtube channel (the group that also brings you The callback performance video is ours.
Today's featured crew: Vogue Evolution. I think they successfully meld voguing style with hip hop for a mesmerizing and distinctive style. One member, Leyomi, is already somewhat legendary in the underground dance world, with her moves emulated by many, including Beyonce and ABDC alums Fysh N Chicks. My question: is the MTV audience open to a crew with openly gay and transgender members? I certainly hope so.
The initial audition video comes courtesy of SemiToastySushi's Youtube channel (the group that also brings you The callback performance video is ours.
Fysh 'N Chicks,
Vogue Evolution
Poreotics at Body Rock 2009
We keep getting questions about the Poreotics audition for America's Best Dance Crew Season 4. Our field reporter did not see it, and I do not know if it was taped by anyone else. So, to appease Poreotic fans, here's their performance at Body Rock from ArthurTong's Youtube Channel. It's a noteworthy routine because it shows how they can adapt their style to Top 40 rock, and even show a softer side. And yes, we still have more audition videos to share over the next several weeks.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Exclusive Video: Shane Sparks on ABDC 4 -- "I want to see something DIFFERENT!"
Instead of just showing highlights from the Season 4 auditions, I thought it would be worthwhile to hear how Shane Sparks (one of the judges for the America's Best Dance Crew auditions and the show) is viewing the audition process. In this interview with Salima Koroma, he talks about his desire to have ABDC showcase new styles, how dance is evolving, and how ABDC has helped its dancers become successes. He also says that he thinks ABDC could EASILY go on for another five to ten seasons!
Shane Sparks
Live in Color's Bianca in new Ciara video - Work

Live in Color
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