Here's the performance of Kaba Modern in their only appearance in the America's Best Dance Crew Live Tour, filed by Xtremesaurus. Hat tip - Michael Tran.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Fanny Pak news: Tiffani Interview, Ping-pong with Dannity Kane
The Brentwood Press interviewed hometown heroine Tiffani Grant about Fanny Pak on America's Best Dance Crew, the VMAs, and her surprise visit to her old high school. Favorite quote: “Our strategy.. was to stay away from anything anyone else was doing. I think that’s what the fans liked about us...I’m just so happy we made it as far as we did, considering they didn’t really like us at the beginning.” Well, they certainly love you now!
In a visit to's offices, Fanny Pak played pingpong and Rock Band with Dawn Richard of Dannity Kane.
In a visit to's offices, Fanny Pak played pingpong and Rock Band with Dawn Richard of Dannity Kane.
Fanny Pak
ABDC Live Tour Reviews - Oakland, Los Angeles

LA Times covers it before during and after -- inspectin the 'coffin-like' tour bus beds, ratin crews' popularity by counting Tshirts, admiring the uniqueness of each of the crews (including special guests Fysh n Chicks and Kaba Modern), and hanging out at the meet and greet (which included Fanny Pak and Super Cr3w family members.) Read all about it.
Photos: Wendi Kaminski
ABDC Live,
Fanny Pak,
Fysh 'N Chicks,
Kaba Modern
Friday, October 17, 2008
World of Dance Videos: Supreme Soul, Kaba Modern
Urlilhyness had perfect seats at the World of Dance show to record the performances by Supreme Soul and Kaba Modern. Thanks!
Supreme Soul at WOD
Kaba Modern at WOD
Supreme Soul at WOD
Kaba Modern at WOD
Kaba Modern,
Supreme Soul
ABDC Auditions: Lil Mama's Recommendations, Video from the Miami Tryouts
Auditions have started for Season 3 of America's Best Dance Crew. First, click here to hear an interview with Lil Mama about ABDC Season 2 and the upcoming auditions.
And here's footage of two auditioning crews in Miami. One piece of news on the video: the judge tells a crew that there will be no callbacks. Instead, judges will see all the crews in all the cities, then contact the ones that will make the show.
And here's footage of two auditioning crews in Miami. One piece of news on the video: the judge tells a crew that there will be no callbacks. Instead, judges will see all the crews in all the cities, then contact the ones that will make the show.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Performance News: Super Cr3w's Halloween gala, Kaba Modern Fashion Show

Kaba Modern will appear in Runway Hits 13 Minutes Fashion Show and Party October 17 (tomorrow!) at Club 740 in LA. Attendees must be 21 or over. Click here for information and to buy tickets
Kaba Modern
Crews News: SoReal dance lessons, Kaba Modern Award and video

Congratulations to Kaba Modern for being voted "Best Dance Troupe" by OC Weekly
BakItWhy shows a Kaba Modern's performance and interview from the 2008 Festival of Philippine Arts and Culture:
Americas Best Dance Crew,
Kaba Modern,
SoReal Cru
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Upcoming performances: Boogie Bots, SoReal Cru
Boogie Bots: October 17, Fairleigh Dickinson University, NJ. They're helping with a dance-off fundraiser to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation. Click here and here for more details.
SoReal Cru: November 2, Port Huememe, CA - Performing in Best of the West. Click here for details and to buy tickets.
SoReal Cru: November 2, Port Huememe, CA - Performing in Best of the West. Click here for details and to buy tickets.
Boogie Bots,
SoReal Cru
JabbaWockeeZ Rynan interview in Hooah! Magazine
America's Got Talent,
Video of JabbaWockeeZ with Access Dallas: Performances, and talk of shoes and "who's available"
Several weeks ago, Access Dallas hosted a Dance contest where JabbaWockeeZ stole the show. This video has some great footage of their performance. It also has an interview that will delight all you fans who are into shoes and want to know which JabbaWockeeZ are still single.
Americas Best Dance Crew,
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
More free tickets to ABDC Live in San Diego
This just arrived in my mailbox: "The first 10 people to send their first and last names will win a free ticket to the ABDC Live event in San Diego. Names will be given to will call and tickets will have to be picked up there. Compliments of AEG and Armory Survival Gear. Please email" UPDATE: The 10 winners have now been chosen; this contest is closed.
ABDC Live,
Live in Color
Fanny Pak talks to Ask A Ninja
Just before the VMAs (not to be confused with the VNAs -- the Violent Ninja Awards), Matt and Meg from Fanny Pak were interviewed by They covered topics that I've always wanted to understand -- why Fanny Pak members are actually Zombies and the best way to kill someone using dance. You know, that would make a great challenge for America's Best Dance Crew Season 3... Here's the interview:
Americas Best Dance Crew,
Fanny Pak,
Review and Interview with Knucklehead Zoo in "Rewind" -- SEE IT!

Though it's staged in a theater that runs shows for kids, "Rewind" is not at all watered down - It's for anyone who loves to watch great hiphop. As crew member Steve puts it "this is street dancing taken to the next level."The 9-man crew pulls out some amazing moves while paying tribute to the evolution and future of breakdance. Lead choreographer is credited as Ben from Super Cr3w (who doesn't appear in "Rewind", but this is show goes way beyond anything you saw on America's Best Dance Crew by spotlighting the talents of all the Knucklehead Zoo members and integrating traditional b-boy moves with gun booting, jazz, and other dance forms.
After the show, we met up with fan and aspiring hiphop dancer Jeni to talk to KZ members Steve, Leo, and Yust. Listen here as they talk about stage dancing vs. street dancing, their influences, their answer to hiphop purists who look down on shows like Rewind or ABDC, their favorite crews, and how b-boying is different in the United States vs countries like Korea.
And, here's the in-show introduction of all the crew members and their guest beatboxer and dancers:
Hip Hop International
Monday, October 13, 2008
Interview with Break Sk8's Diamond Walker

Read the whole article here. And if you go to the Everett concert, email us or post about it!
Photocredit: MTV
ABDC Live Reports & Reviews from Denver and Oakland

Tinalio (a fan writing on Live Journal) describes the scene at Oakland, including meeting JabbaWockeeZ at their tourbus. Alas, Supreme Soul didn't appear as guests, but were replaced by E-40.
San Francisco Gate reviewed the Oakland show and loved it. They also have some great quotes -- Phil Tayag (JabbaWockeeZ) told them "We want you to see what's invisible." And according to ABDC choreographer Rosero McCoy, "It is the best time in the world for dance right now."
Americas Best Dance Crew,
Supreme Soul
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Kaba Modern Performance at the Really Awards
For those of us who don't receive Fox Reality TV, here's the video of Kaba Modern's performance at this year's awards. Thanks to Michael Tran for sending us the link!
Kaba Modern
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