We caught up with Supreme Soul after the America's Best Dance Crew finale. Listen to these 2 audio clips to hear their impressions of the show, what's next for the crew, and advice for aspiring dance crews. TUNE IN TOMORROW FOR ADVICE FROM SUPER CR3W!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Supreme Soul Interview at the Finale
We caught up with Supreme Soul after the America's Best Dance Crew finale. Listen to these 2 audio clips to hear their impressions of the show, what's next for the crew, and advice for aspiring dance crews. TUNE IN TOMORROW FOR ADVICE FROM SUPER CR3W!
Americas Best Dance Crew,
Supreme Soul
The Official Scoop on Crews and Choreographers
At the finale, Winson Seto, PR rep for Warner TV, graciously took us around and answered some questions. At the top of my list: what's the official story about how much crews use choreographers? Given rumors that Super Cr3w got an unfair advantage using outside choreographers, we wanted the inside story.
Click here for the full story, and MTV Remote Control's 'smoking gun' report on this controversy.
Click here for the full story, and MTV Remote Control's 'smoking gun' report on this controversy.
Americas Best Dance Crew,
Special ABDC Show on August 30: Battle for the VMAs
On the “America's Best Dance Crew: Battle for the VMAs” special, airing next Saturday, August 30 at 1:00 p.m. ET/PT, Season one crews Status Quo, Kaba Modern and Break Sk8 compete against season two crews SoReal Cru and Fanny Pak as each crew performs to one of the music video nominees. The prize: presenting at the MTV Video Music Awards on September 7. Viewers vote to decide who wins. The winning crew will be revealed at the VMA when they come on stage to present the award.
Show highlight: JabbaWockeeZ and Super Cr3w will dance together to a choreographed routine by Shane Sparks.
Finale Photo Album
Friday, August 22, 2008
Wait -- the Fat Lady hasn't sung yet!
The finale may be in the can, but don't leave us just yet! This weekend, we'll have a lot more coverage from the media and our own interviews. Later, we'll report on the America's Best Dance Crew Live tour and the tryouts. And, we'll post any news we find about the ABDC crews you love (or hate), the judges, and other relevant folks. We'll be here for you during the pre-season 3 hiatus. If you want to keep up with America's Best Dance Crew news, sign up for our mailing list, on the left side of this page.
Americas Best Dance Crew
No decisions yet on the ABDC Live lineup -- A.S.I.I.D. not necessarily on the roster
During the finale after-show, Layla Kayleigh congratulated A.S.I.I.D. on being chosen to be in the America's Best Dance Crew Live show. The problem is, the line-up is not yet final. We spoke to several crews last night. They told us that the show producers have spoken to them, but nothing is finalized. So, if you are waiting to hear which other crews are in the line-up, you'll have to wait until next week's recap show. Yes, that's right -- there is still one more show in Season 2. Stay tuned.
Americas Best Dance Crew,
Layla Kayleigh
The stage is barely cleaned off, the VIP ABDC party-ers are probably still out drinking, but stalwart recappers have the scoop now:
- Buddy TV gets gushy over regional performances, Super Cr3w's win, and the fact that he gets paid to watch ABDC.
- As always, Zap2It gets all the facts. During the finale, I watched her writing the most articulate play-by-play writer EVER. You are my hero!
- Blend TV loves the West Coast's routine and is still bitter that Fanny Pak didn't make the Final 2.
- The Composed Gentleman applauds the fact the winners of both ABDC Seasons are Filipino.
- The Zaz Report posts videos from their after-show interviews with judges and crews
- Tubular gets emotional over SoReal Cru.
- Chrystal screamed at her TV set and declares this THE BEST DANCE SHOW. EVER.
- Abe at Andyadontstop congratulates everybody. Abe also won our Predict the Final Four Contest. He knows his ABDCs.
- MTV Remote Control has the footage from the post-show interview with Super Cr3w
Americas Best Dance Crew,
Fanny Pak,
SoReal Cru
ABDC Finale -- some early thoughts
We just returned to our hotel after watching the ABDC finale show in the press room and then standing on the stage to conduct post-show interviews. We talked to Super Cr3w, SoReal Cru, Supreme Soul, members of A.S.I.I.D. and Fanny Pak, all three judges, Mario Lopez, and Layla Kayleigh! The energy level was intense -- it reminded me of Times Square New Years Eve, complete with slippery confetti.
Stay tuned over the next few days for some great pictures and answers to burning issues like:
Stay tuned over the next few days for some great pictures and answers to burning issues like:
- how do crews REALLY use the ABDC supplied choreographer
- advice that crews give to people who want to appear on the show
- what some of the judges hope will happen next season
- opinions on America's Best Dance Crew voting issues
- what goes into costume design for the show (okay, this is not a burning issue, but it's still interesting)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The Live Blogging and Play-By-Play Room is Now Open!
The party room for America's Best Dance Crew Finale is now open! Share your predictions, impressions, frustrations, hates and loves. Live blog with us during the show. TBone will provide play-by-play commentary for you West Coasters.. Let everyone know what you think of the crews, judges and audience.
After the show is over: Tell us what you thought of Season 2, and what you think should change in Season 3
After the show is over: Tell us what you thought of Season 2, and what you think should change in Season 3
Americas Best Dance Crew,
SoReal Cru,
Super cr3w
Tonight -- Join our Live-blogging and Play-by-play Room!
Finale time! Who'll take the $100,000 and the title of America's Best Dance Crew? Tonight, all 10 crews will return to the stage and participate in regional performances. Plus, the two finalists will perform together!
At 10pm, we want YOU to join us and other fans here to live blog with us as we watch Super Cr3w and SoReal Cru battle it out. TBone will provide play-by-play for you impatient West Coasters. Then, after the show, let us know what you thought -- Did America get it right? Will you be watching Season 3? Should ABDC be changed?
At 10pm, we want YOU to join us and other fans here to live blog with us as we watch Super Cr3w and SoReal Cru battle it out. TBone will provide play-by-play for you impatient West Coasters. Then, after the show, let us know what you thought -- Did America get it right? Will you be watching Season 3? Should ABDC be changed?
Americas Best Dance Crew,
SoReal Cru
ABDC Season 2 - Top Ten Performances
Buddy TV has created their top ten favorite routines from America's Best Dance Crew Season 2. Crews represented: A.S.I.I.D., Boogie Bots, Fanny Pak, SoReal Cru, Super Cr3w, and Supreme Soul. We alphabetized the list, so as not to spoil his countdown! Click here to read their choices and reasoning.
I agree with most of Buddy's list, though I'd have a few different choices and a different order. What you you pick?
I agree with most of Buddy's list, though I'd have a few different choices and a different order. What you you pick?
Americas Best Dance Crew,
Boogie Bots,
Fanny Pak,
SoReal Cru,
Supreme Soul
TGIT Finale Edition: Win ABDC Live Tickets, Fanny Pak "Do It Yourself"
Vibe Magazine is running a contest where you can win a pair of tickets to the ABDC live concert in the town closest to you. Click here to enter.
MTV Remote Control runs the story (and video) of how Fanny Pak showed up last week, not realizing they were out, and creating their own "do-it-yourself" challenge. Cute, guys.
MTV Remote Control runs the story (and video) of how Fanny Pak showed up last week, not realizing they were out, and creating their own "do-it-yourself" challenge. Cute, guys.
ABDC Live,
Americas Best Dance Crew,
Fanny Pak
Poll Results -- Super Cre3w wins Final Week
Ah, but who will win the $100,000 tonight?
Americas Best Dance Crew,
Super cr3w
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
In the Mailbox -- Loads of videos!
Countdown -- one day to the finale!
- Yahoo TV has exclusive interviews with Super Cr3w and SoReal Cru about the season and preparations for the finale
- For Shane Sparks fans: he'll be choreographing for an upcoming Rock4Change Concert. Click here for more information about the concert.
- Chrystal posts video shoutouts from JabbawocKeeZ to fans
- SpoiltheEnding shows footage on Fanny Pak
- What no FP Fanny Pak? HoneywithSole posts a letter from Fanny Pak on their upcoming apparel line including shirts and shoes
Americas Best Dance Crew,
Fanny Pak,
Shane Sparks,
SoReal Cru
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Distorted X Weighs In -- They Got Robbed!
MTV Remote Control made a video interview with Distorted X during the finale rehearsals. The crew is still bitter at being the first crew eliminated, but say that this weed's number with SoReal Cru is hot. And, they do a little dance. Emphasis on little. My opinion: they should be very thankful for the exposure they got from America's Best Dance Crew.
Americas Best Dance Crew,
Distorted X,
SoReal Cru
Another Question: How should ABDC Change for Season 3?
Season Two is all over but the crowning and the screaming. We want to know if you were happy with this season and what you would change next season. Do you plan to watch Season 3? Do you think the judging should change? How about the voting system? The types of crews chosen? The challenges?
Americas Best Dance Crew,
Monday, August 18, 2008
What interview questions would YOU ask at the finale?

Vote Right Pt. 2 - Super Cr3w and SoReal Cru Compilations
For those of you who want to vote based on the entire season of America's Best Dance Crew, ABDC Superfan created video compilations for the final two, with two videos per crew. Here's Part 1 for SoReal Cru: And Part 1 for SuperCr3w.
Click here the Part 2 compilations for both crews.
Click here the Part 2 compilations for both crews.
SoReal Cru
Vote Right Pt.1 -- More recapper reactions
You can still vote for your favorite dance crew on-line, by clicking on our MTV link (right side of this page) or going to the MTV site. Here's more expert opinion, weighing in on last Thurday's ABDC:
- Deegah gives Super Cr3w the win for around-the-world, but calls SoReal Cru the champions for Dance Craze and Last Word. And, she can't wait for the finale since Fanny Pak will be performing!
- Melbs fantasizes about how Fanny Pak would have handled the dance craze challenge!
- Spoil The Ending thinks the crews reversed roles this week, with Super Cr3w presenting a refined b-boy act and SoReal battling it out.
Fanny Pak,
SoReal Cru
Sunday, August 17, 2008
ABDC Live tickets -- better act soon!
We're seeing some blogger and MySpace posts that, in some cities, most ABDC Live tickets are already GONE. We don't know if the scalpers were up early on Saturday to snatch them up. Our advice: if you haven't bought yet, buy today!
You can buy tickets by clicking on the widget on the right side of this page. And, no, Blogging America's Best Dance Crew doesn't get any commission on sales linked to our site. Unfortunately.
You can buy tickets by clicking on the widget on the right side of this page. And, no, Blogging America's Best Dance Crew doesn't get any commission on sales linked to our site. Unfortunately.
More Recapper Reactions on the Final Two Showdown

- Roebby is Revolutionary thinks that SoReal Cru might have earned the ABDC title for the week with their Dance Craze and Final Word. But he still misses Fanny Pak.
- Elanie thought SoReal Cru was acting too cocky, though she loved their last word. Her advice: Super Cr3w all the way.
- Celebrity Hader also believes that SoReal seemed arrogant and overconfident.
- Something for Nothing loved most of the night's performances. His call: the evening was a tie, so vote for your favorite.
- Stuff Fly People Like does not like that the remaining crews are not consistently fly. His vote: Bring back Fanny Pak!
Fanny Pak,
SoReal Cru
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