Saturday, August 15, 2015

Poll: What was your favorite crew: VMA Fashion Challenge #abdc

What was your favorite crew for ABDC's VMA Fashion Challenge? (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 309

Recaps of ABDC's VMA Fashion Challenge #abdc

Aaron's Little Blog of Dance is not totally thrilled due to plagiarism and some weaker performances. But he's warming to the judges!

LA Times is unimpressed with how most crews handled the Fashion Challenge aspect of their routines

Entertainment Weekly doesn't care if the challenge wasn't met because the dance was "mind-boggingly creative. They again identify each crew's standout move

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Chris Trondsen's review of ABDC VMA Wardrobe Challenge #abdc

Chris Trondsen attended the taping of last week's ABDC (and will probably attend tonight). Because of his many other commitments (including Hip Hop International) his write-up was very delayed, but still interesting as a review/preview of the show that aired last night.

Some things you didn't see on the episode tonight is T-Pain having a dance off with Marcus from Elektrolytes.  T-Pain can actually dance and the dancers and crowd was shocked.  He also sang without auto tune and the guy has a great voice.  I don't know if they will show this at the end but all the dancers go into a freestyle battle during the credits and it's always impressive to see everyone do their thing without limitations and challenges.

 I think some people won't be too surprised about who goes home.  This was actually their best performance but the crew they went up against had their best performance as well.  Both crews used a similar theme by dressing up as other people so it was who made people laugh more and one crew won.  It will be sad to see them go, especially because of how nice and humble they are but no one can say they did not have an impressive showing. 

Click here to read the full review. Thanks Chris!


Enter Week 2 of our Top 5 contest now! #ABDC

This is the second week of our Top 5 contest! Predict the finishing order of the America's Best Dance Crew winners for glory and a prize!

The Top 5 contest: Submit the names of the top 5 crews -- in the order that they'll finish. For example, in Season 5 the winning entry would have read " FINAL 5: 1. Poreotix 2. Blueprint Cru 3. Hype 5-0 4. Jungle Boogie 5. Saltare" Note: if you change your mind, you can enter again the next week, but we will only accept the FIRST entry from each commenter each week (PLEASE DO NOT USE MULTIPLE IDENTITIES!!!). The prize goes to the first person to get it right, based on the week they submit the answer. If more than one person submits the right answer in that same week, we'll employ a tiebreaker rule to be determined.

To enter: Each week, we'll publish a new post for this contest. When the weekly post is up, add a comment with the names of the final 5, specifying the final order. Subsequent weeks' entries will be accepted from Thursdays (once I put up the new contest post) until midnight ET the following Monday. Yes I know there is a chance for spoilers since the program tapes the day after the prior show airs. That's why you need to get the order right as soon as possible! This week's contest is now closed. Enter again on Thursday!

  • Create a user name you will use every week for the entire contest, and make it memorable (not just a common first name or word).
  • MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE THE WORDS 'TOP 5' in the comment (so I can search for them easily)
Good luck! During Season 4, we didn't get a correct entry until 1 week before the season ended, so keep entering if you change your mind!

Poll: What was your least favorite crew for ABDC's VMA Fashion Icon Challenge? #ABDC

What was your least favorite crew for ABDC's VMA Fashion Challenge? (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 373

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

ABDC Party Room and Critics Corner now open! Join us! #abdc

The Party Room/Critics Corner for ABDC 8's VMA Fashion Icon Challenge is now open! Join lots of other readers, fans (or not) as they vent on what they love and what they hate. IMPORTANT: If you want to write a long comment, write in in NotePad or Word and then paste it into the comments field. Otherwise, all your work may disappear if someone posts something new while you're in the middle of writing.  JUST BELOW THIS POST IS OUR LIVE BLOG -- Join us there during the show taping!

Is this a really odd challenge theme? Did the right crew get sent home? Any highlights?  What do you think about this season so far? Let us know what you think!

Join us NOW: live play-by-play of ABDC's VMA Fashion Icon Challenge! #abdc

This is live play-by-play for tonight's America's Best Dance Crew Season 8 Episode 3 - the VMA Fashion Icon Challenge. Follow along or keep up with the show if you can't watch it immediately. It's not easy to simultaneously watch the show, write about it, AND monitor the comments, so please leave most of your long comments at the Party Room/Critics Corner post above this post! You should be able to sign in on the platform the first time you try to leave a comment. So -- dive in and watch with us.

Video: Super Cr3w explain how ABDC is a welcome change of pace #ABDC #ABDC8

Steve and Ronnie tell us what it like to compete non stop with the show. They also give hints at what they plan to do this week as well.

Join us tonight for ABDC live play-by-play, party room, surveys ++ #abdc

Tonight is Episode 3 of America's Best Dance Crew's Road to the VMAs - the VMA Fashion Icon Challenge! The picture above shows some VMA fashion icons I personally don't want to see (especially since We are Heroes aren't competing!)  We'll be watching  at 11pm ET/PT, 10pm other timezones and will open our live-blogging post about 15 minutes before showtime. We welcome the comments, observations, and clean snark of the community. 

We'll also have a Party Room/Critics Corner post for you to comment on what you've seen, as well as a few surveys. And, let us know if you feel inspired enough to write a recap in the next days. And, let us know if you're planning to attend tomorrow's taping!

Hope to hear from you tonight!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Video: Kinjaz tell us how they are growing. #ABDC #ABDC8

Villin and M-Pact share with us some of the difficulties they had this week. They also let us know how that are pushing themselves.

Video: Elektrolytes explain this week's challenge #ABDC #ABDC8

Chris let's know how last week has affected the crew (spoiler-Joey went home). He also tells us what this week's theme is about and how the crew plans to face it.

Though I just want to say get better soon Joey! I know it is not easy to leave your brothers behind like that. I am just glad you are looking out for yourself.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Video: I.aM.mE let us know they are going to try something new #ABDC #ABDC8

Bebo and Brandon give us a sneak peek about the opening number. Then they go on to explain how they are trying to bring new elements into their style.

Video: Quest tells us how it has been broughten #ABDC ABDC8

In this behinds the scenes interview both Jo Lee and Ryanimay tell us how they are preparing to make the best routine of their lives.

Video: Sneak Peek of Episode Three Opening Number #ABDC #ABDC8

Do you want a seek peak at what is going to start off episode three? OF COURSE YOU DO!!! Well in this sneak peek we see Super Cr3w and Elektrolytes do their crew solos. Apparently there is an MMA theme with this one and the Music is (shudder) Bad Blood by Taylor Swift.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Watch the #HHI2015 World Championships RIGHT NOW!

Head on over to right now and watch the LiveStream of The World  Hip Hop Dance Championships for free! Leave comments on which routines are your favorites below.

The LiveStream is scheduled to begin at 6:00PM PST. Keep trying if the stream isn't loading.

Videos: Chris Trondsen Interviews Super Cr3w, Elektrolytes at latest taping #ABDC

Chris Trondsen (representing Pacific Rim Videos) got backstage before the taping of America's Best Dance Crew's VMA Fashion Challenge. He spoike to Super Cr3w, Elektrolytes and about how they've changed for this season, impressions of other crews and the judges. FYI - the fashion challenge aspect is not evident from the interviews -- we'll have to see the show to understand this challenge.

#HHI2015 World Championship Semi-Finals Results | Controversy in the Megacrew division

Its been an intense week here in SoCal at HHI.  Dancers from all over the world brought their A-game and have left their hearts out on that stage trying to take the Gold. And I'm just a fly-on-the-wall, watching and enjoying everything that's going on. Even if you're not a dancer, I would still encourage any fan of hip-hop to attend HHI at least once in their life. It's truly an amazing experience!

Don't forget to follow us on Instagram - BLOGGING BEST DANCE - and see the new friends I'm making and EXCLUSIVE video clips from the preliminaries and semi-finals rounds in all divisions.

Here are the results from the semi-finals:

Junior Division

1. ChapKIDZ - USA
2. Next Jr. - Japan
3. Bubblegum - New Zealand
4. Youngsters - Canada
5. Classic - USA
6. Khaos - New Zealand

Varsity Division

1. Legit Status - Philippines
2. Kana-Boon! - Japan
3. Sorority - New Zealand
4. JB Star Varsity - Japan
5. Brotherhood Varsity - Canada
6. Duchesses - New Zealand
7. Ill Habits - USA

Adult Division

1. Romancon - Philippines
2. The Bradas - New Zealand
3. Keraamika - Germany
4. Kings United - India
5. Brotherhood - Canada
6. 158 Crew - Russia
7. Prophecy - USA
8. Rockstars - Philippines
9. PNT - Canada

Megacrew Division

1. The Royal Family - New Zealand
2. Lock n LOL Crew - Korea
3. A Team - Philippines
4. La Salle Street Dance Co. - Philippines
5. Chapkis Dance Family - USA
6. Legit Status - Philippines

Scores and performance breakdowns can be found on the Hip-Hop International Facebook page.

It should be noted there was quite a bit of controversy Friday night after the announcements of the Megacrew semi-final results.  Many in attendance felt that Canada's DM Nation Megacrew should've placed higher than they did and should've been in the finals- especially coming from 2nd position with an absolutely STUNNING performance. As the final six crews were announced and presented, more than half the audience in attendance filled the arena with chants of "D!-M! D!-M!" and "C-A... N-A... D-A! WHAT?!" Needless to say, the judges had made their decision and it is what it is.

Tomorrow is the World Championships and will be LiveStreamed for absolutely free! We'll post a link for it later tonight.