Saturday, January 29, 2011

Let us Know if you auditioned for ABDC in New York!

This year, the press was only invited to watch the America's Best Dance Crew New York auditions for a few hours, and are not invited to watch the callbacks. So, we only got to watch 21 of the approximately 70 crews that auditioned, and did not see any groups after 2pm. I'll share some of my notes and interviews over the next few days (we were not allowed to film any of the auditions or practice sessions). If you were there as a crew member or supporter, let us know about your experience! Which other crews did you meet? What did you think about the audition judges and the crews you saw practicing? 

There are going to be a LOT of crews to choose from -- about 50 in Chicago, over 30 in Houston, about 70 in New York, and who knows how many in Los Angeles. I hope this translate into an amazing ABDC season.

Video: Del's interview with I.aM.mE (another ABDC6 auditioner)

Del spoke to I.aM.mE outside the Houston auditions for America's Best Dance Crew 6. They talk about putting the group together, the strengths of each of the members (with a little demonstration!) and how they'd approach the ABDC challenge if they got onto the show, Will we be seeing more of this crew on TV? Thanks Del!

Video: I,Am.Me's RehearSOUL

This new video from I.aM.mE is called RehearSOUL, which implies that it shows parts of the routine they prepared for the America's Best Dance Crew Season 6 audition in Houston. From PacMan Youtube Channel. Thanks for the tip, Ashlaylay!

In Case U Missed It: Kaba Modern vs. Poreotics

Waaayyy before ABDC was on the air, Team Millennia held an annual event called "In The Spotlight"- showcasing all sorts of local dance/hip-hop styles. Although, the exact dates of these events are unknown, these videos were posted as early as 2007 (courtesy of tovu & onynn) Here's a battle featuring Kaba Modern's Tony Tran going up against Poreotics' Dumbo from ITS2. My my, how they've grown so much! ::tear:: Check out some more ABDC related battles from ITS events below.

Mike Song vs. Twitch
Mike Song vs. Jet Li
Tony Tran vs. Jet Li
Mike Song vs. Tony Tran

Friday, January 28, 2011

Video: Del's interview with Collizion (another ABDC6 auditioner)

Del interviewed Collizion Crew outside the Houston auditions for America's Best Dance Crew Season 6. Thanks Del! (and we've got one more special interview set for tomorrow, since I'll be unable to post much of the day, since I'm going to the New York auditions).
And here's the crew's demo reel.

Another ABDC auditioneer: JHHA Droppas

JHHA Droppas posted this video on Youtube, announcing that they will be at the America's Best Dance Crew auditions in New York tomorrow.

Video: Behind the scenes at the taping of Beat Freaks and Jungle Boogie's Old Navy Ad

Here's a delightful video about the making of the Old Navy "Gobble Dance" Thanksgiving ad that featured Beat Freaks and Jungle Boogie, from thetse986 Youtube Channel. It gives a rare picture into the creative process for creating an ad and the best way to incorporate the dancers.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hype 5-0 Auditions Round 2, AOV auditions

In Hawaii and need something to do tonight? Missed last week's auditions for The Hype (Mother crew of Hype 5-0 ABDC5?) Then go to Hypersquad Dance Co. for their second round of auditions!  7-9PM

And for those of you unlucky to not be in Hawaii but lucky enough to be in the Bay Area (San Francisco), Academy of Villains (Supreme Soul [ABDC2] 2nd Generation) will be having their auditions in a month.  So plan ahead!

Video: Del's interview with Second 2 None (another ABDC6 auditioner)

Del went to the Houston auditions for America's Best Dance Crew 6, and interviewed several crews. Here's his talk with Second 2 None:
And here's the crew's performance at World of Dance in 2010:

Jungle Boogie at VIBE 2011

Taking a break from some audition stuff... We blogged a while ago about the upocming VIBE dance competition on January 30th.  Here's another promo with some of our favorite dancers, Jungle Boogie.  Mad energy and crazy moves in this one, wish I could make it to VIBE.  

Looks like there are other promo videos on the same channel.  Looking forward to seeing if some other crews like Kaba Modern, Boxcuttuhz, Team Millenia and Poreotics among others put out promo videos.

Another ABDC auditioneer: Oceans 11 (Eclectic Gentlemen)

Ocean's 11 will audition for America's Best Dance Crew 6 in Los Angeles. The group consists of members of  Heavy Impact, Iconic, LXD and Destined 2 Be. Video from Tfreshestkid Youtube Channel. Thanks for the tip, The Trend! UPDATE: The group will compete on ABDC6 as Eclectic Gentlemen

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Live to Dance Party Room is now open -- come on in!

Tonight, we learn if Jalen or Twitch will make it to the finals, and watch a few more acts get showered with Paula's motherly mentoring and acceptance. So, let's party. Did America get it right? Is this show something that should return for a new season? And, what about the America's Best Dance Crew auditions -- what crews do you want to see on MTV in April? Type away!

Another ABDC6 auditioner: T.O.Y.S

 T.O.Y.S. (Turn On Your Soul) Crew will be auditioning for America's Best Dance Crew Season 6 in New York on January 29. Here's a sample of the work of the larger group, from the TheBSeth Youtube Channel:

Join us tonight for Live To Dance Party Room!

Join us tonight during and after Live To Dance. Find out whether Jalen, Twitch or Du-Shant Stegall made it to the finals, and watch 6 more acts with us. We'll set up a party room just before 8pm ET for you to talk about L2D, the ABDC6 auditions, or whatever else is on your mind. 

Second field report on the Houston ABDC auditions - callback crews, experience inside the auditions studio

Art reports back on the action inside the studio where the Houston auditions were held:
I attended the Houston audition. At first all the crews were standoffish to each other. The producers and cameraman had all the crews join together in the street in a big freestyle circle. I have videos that I can post if you guys like. The vid shows PacMan and a couple members of his crew freestyling. All kinds of crews were there, and all ages, from little girl crews who looked like they were 5, to crews with a ton of experience. 41 crews auditions and 18 received call backs. Didn't really have time to walk around since my crew was auditioning itself, because they wanted everyone to stay in a certain area after you received a call back so they could find you.  

A couple of the crews who received a call back were: 
--Wreckless - crew from Florida, which you might remember on America's Got Talent season 5 
--I.Am.Me - PacMan's all star crew  
--TRAFFIKjam - an Austin based crew with an interesting style close to Fanny Pak's   
--Second 2 None- didn't really get a chance to talk with them  
--U4ria Dance Crew - featured on 106 N Park, along with other shows  
--Mad Skills Dance Crew - a portion of a much larger dance company who have a down south swag type of style  
--Alien Tactics - an Austin based crew with clean hard hitting choreo  
--STAK'D - another Austin crew whos have a down south swag style to them with hard hitting choreo  
--Beat Junkeez - didn't really get a chance to speak with them  


Click here to read the rest of his report. Thanks Art!

Del reports about the Houston ABDC Auditions (with a video interview of STAK'D, a called-back crew)

Reader/contributor Del attended the Houston auditions for America's Best Dance Crew Season 6 and talked to some of the crews. We'll post his video interviews over the next few days; here's his conversation with STAK'D and his field report:

Since I got there real early I got to see the crowd develop as time went on. There seemed to be a nice turn out there and even when I was leaving there were more and more crews coming in to get into the line. I didn't get a chance to meet that many BABDC favorites like U4Ria or Ben10 and his new crew, but I did run into I.aM.mE and Second2None (from San Antonio) along with STAK'D and a couple of others. Click here to read about those that I met.
Thanks Del!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Enter ABDC Trivia Contest Week 8 now!

Time for more trivia about America's Best Dance Crew, for a chance to win some ABDC-related merchandise or an ITunes gift certificate.  Full rules here. The prize goes to the highest cumulative score (plus winner of the tie-breaker) over this 10-week contest. The deadline for this puzzle is midnight on January 30, 2011.

This week's question:  America's Best Dance Crew and So You Think You Can Dance have had a lot of people appear on or audition for both shows. What members of Poreotics tried out for So You Think You Can Dance? Email your answer to Good luck!

A Third field report (listing favorite crews) for the Chicago ABDC auditions

Jean Sebastian reacts to our earlier posts about the Chicago auditions for America's Best Dance Crew Season 6. Thanks Jean! Here's the report:
I was there too from the beginning and I saw probably 35 to 50 crews, the room was hot as Hell at the beginning and nearly we keep inside. This was a really big dance room. In the registration table I looked upon a three pages of the crews that were registered to take over the dance floor.  With this detail out of my chest, the crews that take my breath away are the following: 
  •  An all-girl crew (don't remember their name but I think they had someone from A.S.I.I.D. choreograph their number). These girls were hot like hell, they dance ok but they have a great opportunity to get into the show cause they have a great sex appear like the Fly Khicks from season 3. Looking forward to see them on the show.  
  • Stereo Junkies. With the headphone in their heads mark something interesting, and their style of dance. Sick!!!  
  • 787 Crew. I don't understand what is the problem with people leaving comments to this crew, they were great. They don’t have only the dance factor. Styles, props that they use, and the neon part is what really complements this crew. Everybody in the audition stops once to watch their performance and It was off the hook. 
  • N-10city.  This crew seem to me like a part of Vogue Evolution but they bring an more hoody flavor cause they perform different styles in the same routine...and the guy with the Mow hack that I never seems before was crazy like hell.  I think they had been auditioning quite a while for ABDC and pass till the final stage but never get the call to get into the show.  I hope they made it this time.   
  • And finally but not less important: 8 count.  This guys was like being seeing Blueprint back again into the stage. They were really awesome with their transitions and routine. Wasn't nothing new about it. They were one of my favorite though cause they really killed it at the call back. I know the Blueprints will be more than happy to see this crew back again into the stage of ABDC season 6. 

Teldon's ABDC Rewatch - Season 1, Finale!

About this series: Teldon is going to watch every episode of America's Best Dance Crew to try and see them with a fresh outlook, judging them on their own merits.  He invites you to join him, rewatching and reviewing the shows. Click here to read his criteria and how he is judging the performances. His only request:  "please keep an open mind through out this look back.  You may surprise yourself and learn to enjoy crews you did not like or see one of your favorites in a new light."

Well we are now at the end of Season One.  How do all the crews do when they pair up with the others in their region?  Only one way to find out.  Watch it here!, then click here to read the review. Season 2 Rewatch starts in a day or so.

Hype 5-0 x Aloha Inc. Collaboration - Vote for them now!

Who remembers "The Jerk" from the New Boyz? (Rhythm City from ABDC4 maybe?)  They're holding a contest to find the best jerkers out there, and members of Hypersquad studio (home of Hype 5-0 ABDC5) have put together a crew known as Aloha Inc.  

This week, they battle Second to None from California.  You can view their battle here, and vote for whoever you think did better.  Voting ends January 31st so get on it!

In order to show their love for their studiomates, Hype 5-0 has put out this collab video with Aloha Inc. in order to get your votes!  Dope dancing guys!

Another field report on the crews auditioning for America's Best Dance Crew in Chicago

Finn the Human reports on the America's Best Dance Crew auditions in Chicago on January 21. Thanks, Finn the Human!

I attended the Chicago auditions and was surprised at how many crews did NOT show up considering this is the first time in 2 or 3 seasons the Midwest was back in the picture. I'd say about 15 to 20 crews were there. Amongst all of the auditioning crews I recognized quite a few of them:
  • 8 Count as we all know to be affiliated with Blueprint Cru. Their choreo was very clean and precise! A mixture of Fanny Pak and Blueprint! Def a team we should all watch out for. 
  • A group with really big terrible masks on called Incognito.
  • There was an awesome group of guys from Canada called The Union. As they were running through their set everyone stopped and watched in awe! They are also a team we should look out for. 4 crews out of Indianapolis attended the audition.
  • Dynasty, who brought a different style to the show called Buckin. They give off the vibe that Ringmasters gave off. Kind of unkempt but they made the shortlist. Too much dance.
  • A group of about 10 with members no older than 17. The youngest girl in the group is 8 and she is definitely the star but with RNG auditioning, I doubt this crew will see any time on the show.
  • J'Dore, All girl crew all scantily clad who sadly didn't make it past the first cut. 
  • My favorite crew from the Chicago auditions and they went by the name D2B short for Destined 2 Be. They have been a crew to look out for ever since the Auditions for Season 2 so hopefully this is their year. The group is very different from the group we've all seen on America's Got Talent: Only 1 original member and the other 6 are all from other Midwestern states.   
  • 787. A group from Puerto Rico. Amazing dance team with amazing stunts and an amazing look. They all look like little Puerto Rican Dumbos with a mix of hype 5-0.
  • Vixenz crew that has a team of 7 GORGEOUS ladies. The whole room froze when the entered the room. They could be trouble for other crews solely on their look. 
  • N-10City. A group of 5 guys with wild colors and crazy hairstyles. Looks like a vogue crew. 
  • Stereo Junkiez from Chicago with members from A.S.I.I.D. They had a fresh look and choreo that puts you in the mind of Fanny Pak. 
  • Puzzle League from Chicago. If any crew from these auditions could make it based off of choreo alone then this would be the crew. Insanity!
  • There were about 3 crews there that were foot work crews so maybe we will see some footwork on the show.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Answer to ABDC Trivia Contest Week 7: Lady Gaga

Thanks to everyone who entered Week 7 of our ABDC Trivia Contest. At this point, we have a 3-way tie between AnotherCreator, Florian, and VivalaVix with 7 points each, and quite a lot of people just one point behind.  If we still have a tie after Week 10, I'll announce a tie-breaker challenge (if anyone has some superb ideas on this, please email me at

This week's question:What musical artist has been performed to by the most crews? Answer: Lady Gaga's songs were danced to by 17 America's Best Dance Crew competitors,  beating out close contenders Beyonce (15), Chris Brown (12), Britney Spears (12), Black Eyed Peas (12), and Lil John (12). An interesting factoid mentioned by 3 entrants: Ke$ha is the only artist who has been danced to by 7 crews in a single season without having her own artist challenge. Here's the enumeration for Lady Gaga (thanks, Ninjaboi): 
  • Season 3: 6 crews -- Quest, Beat Freaks, Fly Khicks for Hip Hop Decathlon; Dynamic Edition Illusion Week; Team Millennia and Boxcuttuhz (along with Beat Freaks who are already counted) in the reunion
  • Season 4: 4 crews --We Are Heroes, Afroborike, Massive Monkees for the top 3 challenge;Beat Ya Feet Kings for Martial Arts Week
  • Season 5: 7 crews performed during Lady Gaga week
  The next trivia question will be posted tomorrow!

Teldon's ABDC Rewatch - Season 1, Episode 7 - Evolution of Hip Hop Challenge

About this series: Teldon is going to watch every episode of America's Best Dance Crew to try and see them with a fresh outlook, judging them on their own merits.  He invites you to join him, rewatching and reviewing the shows. Click here to read his criteria and how he is judging the performances. His only request:  "please keep an open mind through out this look back.  You may surprise yourself and learn to enjoy crews you did not like or see one of your favorites in a new light."

This is it.  The last episode until the final vote.  Who will rise above the others and who will fall by the wayside?  Watch it here, then click here to read my Rewatch Review. Click here if you to watch ahead to the finale.

Video: Pat Garrett (ABDC Ghost Crew) and the new Ghost Crew plus I.aM.mE's Chachi

Ghost Crew only appeared for a short time on ABDC5, but demonstrated originality and flair. Ghost's leader, Pat Garrett, has reassembled the crew and they MIGHT audition for the new season of America's Best Dance Crew. Here's some of their recent work from the HoustonGhostCrew Youtube Channel.  Thanks for the tip, Austin!

Field report from Dance Fan on the Chicago ABDC auditions

DanceFan (a reader) left a brief report on the America's Best Dance Crew 6 auditions in Chicago on January 21, 2010. Here's the writeup. Thanks DanceFan!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Today's video picks: Dumbo solo; I.aM.mE

Two videos to share, as recommended by Den: 1. Dumbo from Poreotics solos at SoReal Studios and 2.Moon and Chachi from I.aM.mE

Teldon's ABDC Rewatch - Season 1, Episode 6 - Broadway Remixed Challenge

About this series: Teldon is going to watch every episode of America's Best Dance Crew to try and see them with a fresh outlook, judging them on their own merits.  He invites you to join him, rewatching and reviewing the shows. Click here to read his criteria and how he is judging the performances. His only request:  "please keep an open mind through out this look back.  You may surprise yourself and learn to enjoy crews you did not like or see one of your favorites in a new light."

The first major outside the box challenge. When I first heard of this concept I was skeptical. Did they actually manage to marry Hip-Hop and Broadway? Time to find out. Click here to watch the show, then click here to read my Rewatch review. And, here's Episode 7 if you want to watch ahead.

Another ABDC6 auditioner: 787 Crew from Puerto Rico

787 Crew from Puerto Rico auditioned in Chicago on Friday. The crew has some ties to G.O.P. who competed in America's Best Dance Crew Season 3. They also performed at Hip Hop International 2010. Here's part of their audition performance, from GOPDance Youtube Channel. What do you think?