Saturday, May 7, 2011

Enter the next round of our ABDC Elimination Challenge contest now!

The Elimination Challenge: Which crews will be in the bottom 2 each week and which one will be eliminated? Enter each week; the person with the highest cumulative score for Season 6 wins an ABDC crew shirt of their choice and size (up to $35 value). 

To enter: Each week, we'll publish a new post for this contest. When the weekly post is up, leave a comment with the names of the bottom 2, specifying which one is eliminated. For example, in Season 3, a winning entry for Week 7 would have read: "BOTTOM 2 WEEK 7 - Quest, Fly Khicks. Eliminated: Fly Khicks." From now on, you will be awarded 1 point for each crew you name in the bottom 2 that week, and an extra point for identifying the eliminated crew, for a total of 3 possible points per week.  This week's deadline: midnight on Monday May 9, 2011.  

**IMPORTANT**: Create a user name you will use every week for the entire contest, and make it memorable (not just a common first name or word). I can't track email addresses, and if it's difficult for me to track votes, they won't be counted.

Videos: Phunk Phenomenon, Instant Noodles, and 787 answer our readers' questions

Riquel Olander (We are Heroes) and Chris Trondsen used our readers' questions this week before the taping of ABDC's Rihanna Challenge. Check them all out -- your question might be answered! And, click here if you want to submit another question or challenge for the crews or judges.
  • Instant Noodles: which crew they'd most like to battle head-to-head, family relations inside the crew, which bboys they most admire, and their connection with Kaba Modern.
  • Phunk Phenomenon: how they get hyped for the show, how they've work and fight together each week, and how Bebo became a bboy and learned to do flips
  • 787 Crew: which members are unattached, what inspired the hairstyles, and how 787 members who were also in ABDC3's GOP have improved their dance styles.

Byeynyn's review of ABDC's Rihanna Challenge

Last week, after seven crews danced to the sugary pop songs of Katy Perry, ReQuest was sent packing after continuously being stuck in the Bottom Two for the unforgivable sin of not owning American passports (I’m speculating). We’re not even at the halfway point, and IaMmE is now the only crew with more than one female. Even the US Senate has a better girl-guy ratio at this stage. Six crews are left to groove to songs by Rihanna, with a dancehall twist.

And THANK GOODNESS for Rihanna Week, because this show’s had a real dry spell when it comes to danceable artists. I know I said most of the songs from the Black Eyed Peas were danceable, but I also hadn’t listened to their most recent album when I typed that, so… my bad. I really mean it this time when I say Rihanna’s songs are easy enough to dance to, and this week should be a reflection of that. As a bonus, Rihanna’s choreographer, Tanisha Scott (who is also kind of a badass), is there to help them, which can only be good
. Click here for the full review.

IaMmE answer fan questions: supercrews, parental support, and team battling

Riquel Olander (We are Heroes) and Chris Trondsen talked to IaMmE before the taping of ABDC's Rihanna Challenge, They answer questions from readers of including: who they'd like to join forces with from Season 6 to make a supercrew; getting parental support to dance based on their ABDC performances, and which members win when IaMmE battles.And Moon shows the first tutting sequence he ever made Thanks to MOVeMEDIA Productions. 

Exclusive interview with ICONic Boyz: Jacob or Edward?; what they look for in girls

 Riquel Olander (We are Heroes) and Chris Trondsen interviewed ICONic Boyz backstage before the taping of ABDC's Rihanna Challenge. They talk about how they feel about the judges' critiques and how the judges fought over them, and answer fan questions including: what they look for in a girl, how they balance dance and school during the ABDC taping, if they've ever had their heart broken, and if they identify more with Jacob or Edward in Twilight. Thanks to MOVeMEDIA productions!

Dance's review of ABDC's Rihanna Challenge

Hey everyone! This season keeps getting better and better! It was another great episode of ABDC this week!! All of the crews brought a new dynamic energy to the stage and it showed in all of the performances. All of the crews brought some Caribbean flavor to their dancing, with the help of Rhianna's choreographer Tanisha Scott. It was a great episode and T-Money definitely worked those arms for the all of the BABDC viewers! Everyone in Street Kingdom twerked dem hips for all de guys and gyals. Phunk brought some nice new moves to the stage and IaMmE. blew me away with their performance. It was a great episode and the Rhianna Dancehall challenge was definitely a success!

I also tried to change my writing style. Instead of just typing about what I saw on stage and then describing it, I tried to describe my feelings about the performance and then talk about the movements that I liked the best from each performance. I also tried to be funny where I could be, I'll work more on being funny next week lol. Let me know if my writing style improved or how to improve it for next week. Most importantly tell me how you felt about each of the crew's performances this week! Do you like French Fries (IaMmE.), Clam Chowder (Phunk Phenomenon), Chicken and Waffles (Street Kingdom), Dumplings (Instant Noodles), Rice and Beans (787), or Pizza (Iconic Boyz), or a combination of all of the above. Let me know in the comments section!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Rihanna Recaps Round One

  • Too Interesting for Twitter is impressed by the crazy moves of IaMmE and Phunk Phenomenon
  • Ology posts a video apologizing for giving ICONic Boyz a good review last week
  • CMR is heart broken that 787 Crew went home before less worthy competitors and thought that IaMmE's "S&M" might have been the best performance of the season

Enter the next round of our ABDC Top 4 contest now!

Thanks to all of you who submitted entries on which ABDC crews will be in the top 4 at the end of this season, in the order of their elimination. If you want to change your vote, here's your weekly chance. Note: there's no penalty for entering each week. If you get it right early, that's the vote that counts! The prize goes to the first person to submit the correct answer, based on which week they submit it. If more than one person gets it right that week, we'll employ a tie-breaker rule.  Click here for contest rules and prizes. 

This week's results really shook up the contest. Out of almost 400 entries received so far, only 9 are still in the running! So try, try again. Deadline for this round: midnight on Monday May 9. Good luck! 

Video; Molasses Gang Collabo --

Molasses Gang is the official clan of Blogging Best Dance Crew vigilantes. We strive for peace and sweets, amongst all lovers of sugary treats. We have only one idol, Thomas Gullivan Swag a.k.a. G.Swag a.k.a. T-Gully!!! 

This video includes BBDC regulars including Names Are Overrated, Freeze, Zekeish, Koopa, Ninjaboi, Maxxann, Del,  and Isaac (PoppiniSiK). Click here for the full Official Molasses Gang roster!

Send some love to 787 Crew!

I've been a fan of members of 787 Crew even before America's Best Dance Crew Season 3, when I saw pre-season videos of  GOP (a crew from the same larger dance group). I was sorry that GOP was eliminated early (largely due to injuries) and really looked forward to 787 Crew on Season 5. Well -- 787 Crew exceeded my hopes and wishes for them. Their prowess at stunts, broad repertoire of well-performed moves, and their passion enlivened and brought extra meaning to each week's performance.  The judges' decision during the Rihanna Challenge must have been tough, since that was an outstanding performance. And, much appreciation for their classy departure, where they took the time to address the audience and thank the judges before walking it out. We'll miss them!

This post is only for positive comments about 787 Crew. If you have anything negative to say about them or any other aspect of ABDC, please take it to the Critics Corner. All negative or unrelated comments will be deleted.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Survey: What's your favorite performance on ABDC's Rihanna Challenge?

Survey: What's your least favorite performance in ABDC's Rihanna Challenge?

Vote Now for your favorite ABDC crews -- all the MTV voting info right here!

The online voting is now open from now until 6:00am Eastern time. If you want to protect your favorite crew, act now! Click here to vote. Performance videos will probably be online after 11:00pm West Coast time, to aid in your choices. If you want to phone or text instead, the numbers are: Phone: 1-877-96-CREW + (number): OR Text: 22444 then (number):
*  +1 Instant Noodles
*  +2 ICONic Boyz
*  +3 IaMmE
*  +4 Street Kingdom
*  +5  Phunk Phenomenon

The Rihanna Party Room/Critics Corner is now open -- join us!

The Party Room/Critics Corner for ABDC 6's Rihanna Challenge is now open! Join host/moderators Koopa and Tbone, along with lots of other readers as they rave and vent on the best and worst parts of this episode, America's Best Dance Crew in general, Rihanna in particular, and other things that shall not be named. IMPORTANT: If you want to write a long comment, write in in NotePad or Word and then paste it into the comments field. Otherwise, all your work may disappear if someone posts something new while you're in the middle of writing.

After the show is over: The party has just started, so stick around and join your friends (old, new, and not-yet) to praise, bitch, wish, and amuse. Did this elimination upset or please you? Do voters choose crews on talent, appearance, local pride, or what? Are you ready for a week devoted to Justin Bieber? What would you like to see in a new season of ABDC? What other shows' season finales are worth catching? This is your party -- snark, humor, nostalgia and almost everything else (except spoilers, spam, obscenity and abject disrespect) are expected and welcome.

Join us now for live play-by-play of ABDC's Rihanna Challenge

Del, Ninjaboi, TBone and Nancy will be co-hosts of this live play-by-play of America's Best Dance Crew Rihanna Challenge. Feel free to follow along (particularly if you cannot watch it until later). Please be aware that your comments might not be posted immediately (or at all) as we have to moderate them, watch the show, and type at the same time.If you want to leave longer comments and be sure they're used, go to the Party Room (the post above this one).

MTV Sneak Peak videos: Lil Mama cries, D-trix gets hot and bothered

MTV released two very short segments of judges' remarks as a sneak preview. In the first, Lil Mama talks about a personal tragedy and gets teary talking to Street Kingdom. In the second, D-trix expresses admiration for Street Kingdom's Melissa.

Pre-show interviews: D-trix on ICONic Boyz; Street Kingdom on KRUMP, ReQuest, happy dance moves

  • Zap2It interviewed D-trix about his harsh judgements of ICONic Boyz and the negative feedback he received (which he then retweeted). Favorite quotes: "I take any type of negative criticism and I use it for momentum. Basically I was reminding my followers that yeah, this is all the hate I got.. The very last tweet after I posted all the hate, I pretty much wrote 'You'll thank me tomorrow.' And I think after this week, after you guys see what Iconic Boyz did... that's the reason why I did that."
  • Pacific Rim posted pre-taping interviews with Instant Noodles, IaMmE's Chachi, ICONic Boyz, Phunk Phenomenon, and Street Kingdom.  Highlight (thanks Ninjaboi!) is Street Kingdom talking about how KRUMP stands for Kingdom  Radically Uplifted Mighty Praise, describing how they'd like to collaborate with ReQuest and JabbaWockeeZ, and showing their happy dance moves

Video: Purple Elephant Society's award winning performance at Kollaboration ATL

Purple Elephant Society won Second Place at Kollaboration ATL 4 for this Men In Black themed performance.  From KollaborationATL Youtube Channel. Thanks for the tip, OC!

Join us tonight for ABDC Rihanna Challenge & our play-by-play, party room, polls, and more!

Thank God it's Thursday again! Watch America's Best Dance Crew Rihanna Challenge with us tonight! The Party Room/Critics Corner opens at 9:45 ET and stays open as long as you want, so that everyone can comment on anything remotely related to ABDC.  Will tonight have another shocking elimination? Did they do a good job assigning the songs to the crews? Did the show have any wow moments, or is it just chugging along?

At 10pm ET, I will be doing live play-by-play while watching the show along with  Ninjaboi, Del and TBone, so feel free to tune in and make fun of me or get a sneak preview of the action (for those of you from the West Coast/Puerto Rico/New Zealand or other ABDC-deprived zones). Tomorrow morning, please vote in our polls on the best and worst performances. Plus we hope to have recaps, some more backstage videos, and more. And, we'll have new rounds of the Elimination Challenge and Top 4 contests, so get in it to win it. Join us!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What challenges would you like to issue to the ABDC crews?

In this week's backstage interviews at ABDC's Rihanna Challenge,, Chris Trondsen and Riquel Olander used several of our reader questions in the sessions with crews and D-trix. I haven't seen the interviews yet, but want to make sure we have lots of fresh material to use next week!

So, leave a comment on some challenges you'd like to issue the crews and the judges (or some more questions you'd like to have answered), either in general or for specific crews/people.  If we use your challenge/question, we'll give you credit of course! And, this will be part of a master list; even if we don't use your challenge/question this week, it might get asked at the next taping. Thanks!

Video: DanceOn's Promo for ABDC's Rihanna Challenge

DanceOn is back with another video of highlights from backstage interviews before ABDC's Rihanna Challenge. It features interviews with ICONic Boyz and D-trix, with quick views of the other crews.

Our survey results for ABDC's Katy Perry Challenge

Here are the results from our survey on the favorite and least favorite performances during America's Best Dance Crew's Katy Perry Challenge. We'll see tomorrow night whether our respondents' voting patterns are similar to that of the larger ABDC voting public.
  • Out of 2954 votes cast in our survey for Favorite performance: 787 crew had the most votes (29%), followed closely by IaMmE (28%). Click here to see the full results
  • Out of 2402 votes cast in our survey for Least Favorite performance: ICONic Boyz received the most votes (34%), followed by Street Kingdom (26%). Click here for the full results.

Video: Architeks at Goodphil 2011

The Architeks (a group that includes many members of ABDC2's SoReal Cru) showcased at the GoodPhil 2011 competition. From the LoadItProductions Youtube Channel.

Crazed Beats' Nonspoiler report: ABDC's Rihanna Challenge taping

Crazed Beats was in the audience for ABDC's Rihanna Challenge taping and posted this non-spoiler report on the event. Thanks Crazed Beats!
What's up guys? I just got back from the taping and this is probably the best episode so far this season. All the crews brought Rihanna's island flavor by incorporating dancehall style of dance into their routines. Click here to read the full report.

Playlist for ABDC's Rihanna Challenge

America's Best Dance Crew's Rihanna Challenge will feature the following songs. This list is presented in alphabetic order, not in the order that the crews performed. Thanks, Crazed Beats!

  • 787 Crew- "Whats my Name" 
  • ICONic Boyz- "Only Girl" 
  • IaMmE - "S&M" 
  • Instant Noodles- "Hard" 
  • Phunk Phenomenon- "Please don't stop the music" 
  • Street Kingdom- "Rude Boy"

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Let us know if you attend tonight's taping!

America's Best Dance Crew Season 6 (aka the Superstar Season) Episode 4 will be taped tonight, with the 6 remaining crews dancing to Rihanna's hit songs. If you attend the taping, leave a comment and let us know what it was like -- the dances, the judges, the songs, the crowd, the crews, the costumes, celebrities in the audience, oddities and funny moments, etc.

Three million thank yous!

As of this morning, reached 3 million hits. Thanks to all of you for helping us to this milestone: -- the readers, commenters (including Yoo and others who attend the tapings), tipsters (too many to mention!),  banner artist Shahin, moderators (including DirtfaceX, Ninjaboi, Del, Koopa, Sarah, and BPR team), interviewers and film crew (the mighty Chris Trondsen, Scott Yoshimoto, and many dancer/interviewers), reviewers (for this season: Dance, Ninjaboi, Zekeish, Freeze, Byenyn, Bjhaypinoy), contest creators (Teldon, DirtfaceX, The Fourth ABDC Judge), field reporters (too many to name), media friends and partners (esp. Pacific Rim and DanceOn), dance event organizers (e.g., Hip Hop International, World of Dance, and dozens of local events), MTV, Howard and Karen Schwartz,  and hundreds of amazing dancers that make the work fun.

Video: District 78 Interview by DirtfaceX (and proof that he attended an ABDC taping!)

Sup guys! DirtFaceX here with an exclusive interview with the magic men behind all the Master Mixes... District 78! Getting to visit and meet d78 was actually one of the many highlights of my spring break vacation several weeks ago. While I did a lot of memorable things that week, I also fulfilled my small dream of attending an ABDC show taping (Black Eyed Peas week). As you all know by now, it was a FANTASTIC episode and I had an absolute blast being there. However, that episode and these interviews are pretty much the only documentation of my vacation- I didn’t take any pictures! I had originally planned on making a huge write-up about my trip, but without pics- even I was starting to get bored typing it up.

To make an extremely long story short- my trip was highlighted by... meeting and interviewing District 78, watching a taping of Conan, going to a [random] Japan Benefit event featuring The Beat Freaks, randomly ending up at a Jay Sean concert in Vegas, watching the new Mus.I.C Jabbawockeez show at the Monte Carlo, and of course attending a taping of ABDC. Sprinkle all of that with seeing old friends, karaoke singing, a road trip through the desert, relaxing by the pool, spending a day at the beach, eating tacos everyday, and making a HEAP of new friends- it was certainly a vacation I’ll never forget!

Here's a sneak peek of the 2 Part interview series I conducted with District 78. Below that are links to the full interviews. *Due to some technical issues, half of the interview was shot on my iPod- haha! Thanks to Nancy, and of course, D78 for making this all happen. Enjoy!

District 78 interviews: Working on ABDC / Beginnings & other projects

Video: D-trix dances in Panic at the Disco's "Ready to Go"

Dominic "D-trix" Sandoval has several more tricks up his sleeve than judging America's Best Dance Crew. He's one of the main dancers in Panic at the Disco's latest music video "Ready to Go." You can watch him starting at 1:38. Another ABDC connection: The dancing was choreotraphed by Beat Freak's Lindsey B and her choreography partner Craig Holloman. Thanks for the tips, Kevin and Dtrixfan!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Share your favorite dance videos with us!

The airing of ABDC's next episode is days away and we want to watch some dance! So, if you have a favorite dance video that is NOT ABDC-related, share it in the comments section. Only post one per commenter, though, so that readers have time to watch the goodies. If this post is successful, we'll create another 'favorites' post in a week or two. Thanks for this idea JabbaJake!

Message from ReQuest, back in New Zealand

On Friday, I received the following message from the brother of ReQuest Crew's Parris:
"The girls got home this morning before the show aired so we were able to watch it with all of them. They are extremely happy and content... they were happy cause they know for themselves that they did their best and they don't need to win a show to prove how good they are... they said it was just a dream come true to even make the show and learn so many life lessons along the way.. They didn't realise until the last couple of days before they left but the affect they had on everyone.. ALL the crews, the wranglers, the hair and makeup people, the wardrobe people, the casting directors, the choreographers, Parris said they were all soooo sad, and also said that it was the hardest thing leaving the crews at the hotels as ALL the guys were sobbing especially Street Kingdom as they were very tight with them. So the girls are very happy with how they left the show...The girls have some big things waiting in the wings which i cannot spill yet but obviously it aint the last of them."

Here's a photo that Chris Trondsen took of Request and Poreotics' Dumbo (our guest interviewer) after the show taped:

Ninjaboi's review of ABDC's Katy Perry Challenge

And I bet you guys thought/were hoping I wouldn’t do a review this week.  Sorry, but while finals and other commitments have kept me busy, I still did my review, for you guys to hate all over, or agree with, or whatever.  If you do decide to disagree, please make sure they have solid arguments within them.  Even if I don’t go all snarky for foundation-less arguments, someone else will.  Just a warning. Either that or a dance-off.

In any case - Katy Perry Week.  Not exactly the biggest fan of her music, but I guess they needed a superstar to fill out their roster.  Pretty “controversial” decision tonight, and some heated arguments between the judges.  As always, Ninjaboi is here to put a mathematical spin on everything.  I’ll try to keep things brief (as much as I can) given how many reviews we’ve had this week
. Click here to read the full review.

Video: Poreotics, Fanny Pak, We are Heroes dancing to "On The Floor"

There's a new Youtube video of three America's Best Dance Crew alums taking the stage to dance J. Lo's "On the Floor" -- Poreotics, Fanny Pak, and We are Heroes. Not sure, but I believe this was part of a shoot for EXTRA. From JBinAV Youtube Channnel.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

WOD Dallas performances: Redefined, Jungle Boogie, Jawn Ha, Dtrix and Beau Fournier!

World of Dance Dallas provided a multitude of outstanding performances. Among the ones we'd like to highlight: 
-- Jungle Boogie's exhibition performance
-- D-trix dancing
-- Jawn Ha's solo 
-- Beau Fornier (Fanny Pak)
-- Redefined, the crew that won first place champion as well as best theme, best costume, and fan favorite.

Katy Perry Recaps

  • We'll Fix It In commented on the ADD Cam that seemed especially sugared up this episode and analyzed Lil Mama's driving glove, makeup, phrasebook, and pivotal role in the ICONic Boyz judge dustup
  • Too Interesting for Twitter gave JC Chasez the quote of the week award for telling D-trix "Come on man, don't be a crackhead" and thought ReQuest should have stayed
  • Psycho Pixie provides bilingual commentary (Portuguese on top, English on the bottom), loved 4 of the performances and found the episode bittersweet
  • Ology judged ICONic Boyz as the 'best performance of the night'
  • Reality Wanted still describes everything but the dancing
  • A.C.Slater thinks this is the worst season of America's Best Dance Crew ever.

Exclusive video: Street Kingdom ready for all challenges - 'We'll make Justin Bieber into krump"

Matt "Dumbo" Nguyen (Poreotics) and Chris Trondsen interview Street Kingdom after their performance in the Katy Perry Challenge on ABDC. They talk about making D-trix cry with their performance this week, what they'll do to make sure they continue to do well (including dealing with camera angles), using their faces to help convey their bodies, how they'll deal with slower songs like Bieber Week, and why they like ICONic Boyz. Thanks to MOVeMEDIA!

Zekeish's Review of ABDC's Katy Perry Challenge

Let me tell you, definitely one of the best episodes of Americas' Best Dance Crew to date. I got up out of my seat, I cheered, I said OMG more times than I should have and the most intelligent judgements in ABDC history were said. There were peacocks, a roulette wheel, a merry-go-round, a SPACESHIP (rings a bell in 7 year old me) and wheelchair choreography! Needless to say I loved this episode. Also, shout out to district 78. The mixes this week were fantastic. Anyway, there is probably going to be a bit of controversy in my review this week, as I am going harsher on the crews than in past weeks. I am not a hater; I just want to see the best ABDC season possible. With two good crews already gone, I find myself very disappointed at voters. But, I shall not ride the rage train, as that would be unfair to a lot of people. Thusly, dust off your panties and find yourself a puppy to love and squeeze, CAUSE ITS REVIEWIN TYME! Ya dig?  Click here to read the full review.

Freeze's review of ABDC's Katy Perry Challenge

What up everyone this is Freeze here writing my first review for I’ve been an active member here for two years now. Just so you know a little bit about me -- I am a dancer myself and I respect ALL the dance crews that appear on this show for what they do, but there are a few unsightly ones.  Anyways since this is my first review I'm pretty must just winging it so constructive criticism is welcome. So here we go! :] Click here to read the full review.