Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Rihanna Party Room/Critics Corner is now open -- join us!

The Party Room/Critics Corner for ABDC 6's Rihanna Challenge is now open! Join host/moderators Koopa and Tbone, along with lots of other readers as they rave and vent on the best and worst parts of this episode, America's Best Dance Crew in general, Rihanna in particular, and other things that shall not be named. IMPORTANT: If you want to write a long comment, write in in NotePad or Word and then paste it into the comments field. Otherwise, all your work may disappear if someone posts something new while you're in the middle of writing.

After the show is over: The party has just started, so stick around and join your friends (old, new, and not-yet) to praise, bitch, wish, and amuse. Did this elimination upset or please you? Do voters choose crews on talent, appearance, local pride, or what? Are you ready for a week devoted to Justin Bieber? What would you like to see in a new season of ABDC? What other shows' season finales are worth catching? This is your party -- snark, humor, nostalgia and almost everything else (except spoilers, spam, obscenity and abject disrespect) are expected and welcome.