Sunday, July 24, 2011

KoopaTV | Dance Clip of the Day: "Silhouettes American Pride"

Ok... I'll be the first one to say, that I'm one of the LEAST 'patriotic' of my friends. But, this 'American Pride' themed performance by Silhouettes (which I completely missed the first time I scouted the newest America's Got Talent [Top 48] videos) edges out Steven Retchless for Performance of the Night!

The images this crew creates are remarkable, and their classical training is powerful! Good luck, kids! Check out AmericanBestTalent, to see all the other performances of the Top 48:

: : : Submissions for tomorrow's "Dance Clip of the Day" are always open, by Youtube message at : : :

***Submissions can be no older than ONE WEEK!***

KoopaTV, signing off.