Lando Wilkins of Mos Wanted Crew (as well as many other dance groups) had an intriguing tweet that I think extends the excellent post by Lady Jules (click here to read) on dance on reality TV.
"The reason for the previous tweet: someone asked me why i did abdc when i dont need it. Another said im doing it for fame. Another asked if we won would i do it again. I didnt do abdc for fame, only to help america see a missing side of choreography along with my crew. Always gets overlooked by a trick. There is certain intelligence to it. There is a mission and statement to be made by not falling into the tricks trend. If abdc didnt allow it i would not do it again. The struggle from then till now i would not do it again if we mos was not mos on the show. Time, money, and health would not be worth it to be an imitation on the show. The general public really does not get it and we along with Fanny Pak and RNG get hated on for it. That is what i meant to say."
"The reason for the previous tweet: someone asked me why i did abdc when i dont need it. Another said im doing it for fame. Another asked if we won would i do it again. I didnt do abdc for fame, only to help america see a missing side of choreography along with my crew. Always gets overlooked by a trick. There is certain intelligence to it. There is a mission and statement to be made by not falling into the tricks trend. If abdc didnt allow it i would not do it again. The struggle from then till now i would not do it again if we mos was not mos on the show. Time, money, and health would not be worth it to be an imitation on the show. The general public really does not get it and we along with Fanny Pak and RNG get hated on for it. That is what i meant to say."