Lando Wilkins (Boxcuttuhz, Mos Wanted Crew, Movement Lifestyle) choreographed and dances with "random talented dancers" including Ian Eastwood, Jun Quemado, Joesar Alva (ABDC's Boogie Bots), Pharside Jennings (ABDC2's Supreme Soul, Academy of Villains), Mami Kanemitsu (ABDC's We are Heroes), Aye Hasegawa (Boxcuttuhz), Amanda Grind, Krystal Meraz (Academy of Villains), Knicole Haggins, Terence Dickson (The LXD, and Jonathan Rabon.
This is the first in a series of videos where dancers will create performances within a day -- rehearsing one day/night and filming the next day to see what can be accomplished in "the heat of the moment". From LandoWilkins Youtube.
This is the first in a series of videos where dancers will create performances within a day -- rehearsing one day/night and filming the next day to see what can be accomplished in "the heat of the moment". From LandoWilkins Youtube.