Tuesday, September 27, 2011

KoopaTV | Dance Clip of the Day: "Poppin John - Pyramid Del Sol"

Hola! Today we're headed to Mexico! This episode of KoopaTV takes us to the Pyramid Of The Sun, where world renowned popper, Poppin John (SBK /LXD), had an amazing freestyle cypher with friend, Conker Mong.

Subscribe to Poppin John's Youtube Channel for more of this guy's insane footage. Seriously one of the dopest dancers I've ever seen.
Thank you, Incom1337pro, for this awesome submission!

: : : Submissions for tomorrow's "Dance Clip of the Day" are always open, by Youtube message at www.youtube.com/KoopaOviasu : : :

***Submissions can be no older than TWO WEEKS!***

KoopaTV, signing off.