Monday, May 9, 2011

Video: D-trix (the Crackhead?) defends his judgement of ICONic Boyz & answers reader questions

ABDC judge Dominic 'D-trix' Sandoval spoke to Riquel Olander (We are Heroes) and Chris Trondsen before the taping of ABDC's Rihanna Challenge. He talks about why he stands by his harsh judgement of ICONic Boyz during the Black Eyed Peas Challenge in his role to help crews improve. his reactions to JC calling him a crackhead,,  the many attacks on him after the comments (even his mother!), and  how ABDC is NOT "America's Favorite Dance Crew". He also answers questions from BloggingABDC readers about how he started to dancing to attract girls, and describes his brothers and sisters.