Friday, May 13, 2011

JustAnABDCFan's Review of ABDC's Justin Bieber Challenge

The Superstar for this Week:  Justin Bieber
Subject of the Week for Review: BOY BANDS AND THEIR HITS
OH SNAP. We are getting for real now. The less crews there are, the more ridiculous I can get. And since this week we seem to be celebrating the teen heartthrob sensation known as “The Justin Bieber”, I decided to one up him with MULTIPLE…cute boy sensations. That’s right ladies and gentlemen, this week, we kick it OLD school, and hash out some of the greatest boy bands in history to compare the crews to (and their hit songs)! If you’re ready, I encourage you to read on, and if you want, sing a little too

 Note: Every week I’ll be putting a humorous spin on my evaluations by choosing a random subject to help entertain you, and acclimate (or not) my thoughts on each individual crew.  So, onto the review! Click here to read the full review.