Every week I’ll be putting a humorous spin on my evaluations by choosing a random subject to help entertain you, and acclimate (or not) my thoughts on each individual crew. For example, one week might be “Mortal Kombat Week” for me, because I felt like it, so I would assign every crew a Mortal Kombat character to help depict what I thought of their performance. For example, Phunk Phenomenon might be Scorpion one week, because they’re just SO HOT in that performance that they will CEASE to die out. Or something like that.
The Superstar for this Week: Rihanna
Subject of the Week for Review: The Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers
“GO HARRRRD YEAAA YEAA YEAAA”, ok Rihanna, I get it, you can sound like a siren sometimes, and your voice is loud. Stop it, I’m trying to write here. Anyway, this week’s subject is THE POWER RANGERS. Yeah, you know, those guys (and girls) that wore those crazy outfits and used pose-y martial arts skills to beat up awkward creatures. Click here for the full review.