Well, that’s it ladies and Gentlemen. After weeks of dancing their hearts out, the popping robotics have become ABDC!. I’m so sorry for Blueprint Cru. But hey, they did a great job this season and don’t let anyone tell them otherwise. But, time to get to my final review of the season.
West coast: There was so many parts I loved about it. Like the formations for example. The “W” in the beginning and the zipper section and when you broke into 3 groups. They were clean and on point. Also, when it was all of you dancing as a group. Every time that happened, it was so in sync and good. Now, let me address the crews individually. Poreotix, once again, showing America your humor and robotic and it was funny and good. You even got Heavy and Hype to tutt with you. The tutting section was good and I was surprised to see Heavy and Hype do that. Hype 5-0, The head spin through out your entire part was dope. While he did that, every other person had that high energy going and it was really good. Heavy Impact, showing us your athletic abilities right in the beginning of your section. Then you got into what everyone loves about you, your grooving. Overall, the West coast had such high energy and had so many different aspects of it. It turned into a great performance. As they would say, “West is Best”!
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