Even with the excitement of ABDC7 going on, crews from past seasons have been keeping busy as well, dancing and performing, competing and teaching. Here's just a quick listing of videos from the past week we want to highlight
-I.aM.mE crew (ABDC6 champions) has footage from their "Shake Up the World" Tour in the Philippines.
-Hype 5-0 (ABDC5), with members of Hypersquad Studios performed at Crewz Control in Ft. Collins, Colorado. Apparently I.aM.mE, Kaba Modern, and BreakEFX all performed as well. Here's a cypher that took place after the event on stage.
-World of Dance Tour dropped a video featuring Les Twins, Smart Mark (ABDC2 Phresh Select), and Chachi, filmed right after WOD LA.
-World of Dance Tour also dropped a video featuring Mos Wanted Crew (ABDC7)'s Ricky Cole, and his protege Harlie Ramirez from Soul Fresh Fam
-Chad Mayate (ABDC5 Champs Poreotics) taught at Quest Learning Center recently: Here's his choreography
-Mix'd Elements (ABDC7) may be gone from the competition, but they're not out of the dance scene. They have this video letting you guys know how to get connected with them, and promising us some video footage showcasing what they were hoping to show America on the show.
-Step Boys (ABDC7) takes you behind the scenes to see what the accommodations are like for crews in the ABDC hotel, featuring Funkdation and Fanny Pak. Of course they do it MTV Cribs style.
If you have any videos you want posted, leave a comment below, or email us at bloggingbestdancecrew@gmail.com