Sunday, July 31, 2011

KoopaTV | Dance Clip of the Day: "Ok Go + Pilobous - All Is Not Lost"

Hey! This episode of KoopaTV finally takes us back to the US, where we find an amazing collaboration between the band, Ok Go, and the Connecticut-based shadow dancers, Pilobolus. These two groups came together to produce quite the unique Music Video.

The most impressive part of this video, is not only the beautiful (and often very exposing) imagery created by Pilobolus. The best part about this video, is that if you use Google Chrome, you can actually create YOUR OWN message at the end of the music video!

For Google Chrome users: Click [Here] to visit and create your own message!
Thank you, Nancy, for telling me about this amazing video!

: : : Submissions for tomorrow's "Dance Clip of the Day" are always open, by Youtube message at : : :

***Submissions can be no older than TWO WEEKS!***

KoopaTV, signing off.