Sunday, June 5, 2011

The ABDC6 Finale Party Room/Critics Corner is now open -- join us!

The Party Room/Critics Corner for ABDC 6's Finale is now open! Join lots of other readers as they rave and vent on the best and worst parts of this season, the ABDC past champions, the crowning of ABDC6 champions, and other stuff. IMPORTANT: If you want to write a long comment, write in in NotePad or Word and then paste it into the comments field. Otherwise, all your work may disappear if someone posts something new while you're in the middle of writing.  

After the show is over: The party has just started, so stick around and join your friends (old, new, and not-yet) while you watch the Movie Awards to celebrate, reminisce, and think about the beautiful summer full of dancing and joy ahead of you! What did you think of the themed performances tonight? Which season's champion do you think is the best? Which would win in a fight with the Wolfman? How has this season affected the dance community? How does this season and its finale rate with other ABDC seasons? This is your party --  humor, keen observation and almost everything else (EXCEPT personal attacks/disrespect not related to the dancing itself,  spam, and obscenity-- Please read our guidelines!) are expected and welcome.

**REMEMBER** no matter the outcome, no matter who is crowned champion, there is a whole world of talented dance crews out there. This show represents only a small aspect of the hip hop dance community, and both crews will be successful out in the world afterward. If the crew you were rooting for doesn't win, it doesn't mean they're bad dancers or that people don't recognize their talent, it means that in the context of this particular competition, they got fewer votes. The end. So let's all be pleasant and level-headed. Please and thank you.  