Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ninjaboi's review & ratings of ABDC5's Southern audition show

Reader Ninjaboi reviewed America's Best Dance Crew 5, Week 1 - The Southern auditions. He created a 30-point scale to analyze each of the crews:
  • "Intricacy/Choreo/Togetherness (Kaba would get a 10 here) - isolations, tutting, etc
  • Wow/Tricks (Massive Monkees would be the best here) - mostly athletic moves
  • Showmanship (Quest and Jabbawockeez would be the best here) - how well they use stage, showcase members, the energy, and such"
Based on this scale, his ranking for the routines (before the battle):  Swagger 24, Jungle Boogies 22, Royal Flush 22, Ghost 20,  X-treme Motion 17. Ninjaboi's review also discusses crew personalities (based on interviews), power rankings, recommendations to improve performances, and comments about the judges.

BE SURE TO CLICK HERE to read the detailed review. I personally would love to see Ninjaboi's scale (or suggested variants) used in reader comments to improve our discussions about the crews and the season.