Fly Khicks danced at Club Bed in Miami in April, and here are the photos to prove it.
- Beat Freaks danced on Kovas' Wax On Wax Off video. So, they want you to help keep it in the top 10 at 106th and Park by voting for the video online. There's no limit to how often you can vote, so start clicking!
- Super Cr3w members Ronnie Boy and Ben will be judges at the Art of Wore dance competition in Las Vegas on May 15.
- SoReal Cru's Jackie Lautchang will be teaching a Master class at the Marvelous Motion studio in Houston on May 16. Details on the poster above.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Mailbox: Fly Khicks, Beat Freaks, Super Cr3w, SoReal Cru
Beat Freaks,
Fly Khicks,
SoReal Cru