Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Enter Return of the ABDC Blowups Week 8 now!

Time for the last of our RETURN OF THE ABDC Blowups.  We're bringing back some of our favorite images -- but you'll have to look CLOSELY! In this contest, we've blown up parts of photos from ABDC Seasons 1-6. All images can be found somewhere on MTV.com. Your task: Name that crew. Also -- even if you don't know the answer --let us know if you have a great idea for the tie-breaker!
Rules: This contest will go on for several weeks, and the person with the highest cumulative number of answers will win a Tshirt, iTunes certificate or other merchandise of his/her choice, worth up to $30. If there is a tie, we will randomly choose the winner. To make it a little harder, we are disabling the comments for the contest posts. Send your answer to abdccontest@gmail.com; we will NOT confirm whether you have the right answer. Please do not post your answer in on this site or elsewhere -- we want to keep this fair.   Answers for this week's puzzle must be received by midnight December 3,  2011.

This week's clue: "Crank that Soulja Boy!"