Saturday, June 25, 2011

New Series coming to BABDC Courtesy of Ninjaboi

Hey guys,

So as you know, Nancy will be going out of town for a couple of weeks. I figure that this would be as good a time as any to start a couple of series that I'm thinking of starting.
-One series will be called "Dropping Knowledge."  If you've interacted with me on the comments, you'll know that one thing I really push for is more knowledge regarding hip hop culture.  My mentality is that "if you don't know where you came from, you don't know where you're going."  I want to help the cause of spreading knowledge about the history and roots of hip hop culture, or even dance in general, so that people can have a greater appreciation of everything outside the glamour of reality TV.
Knowing me, if it were single day posts on these topics, they'd go on and on and on and on and no one would read them.  Instead, I'm going to take the topics, and break them up into smaller segments, and highlight a different aspect of the topic at hand over several days, augmented with videos and examples.  I hope you guys will find it both entertaining and educational.
-The other series is tentatively called "Legend...(wait for it)...ary Hip Hop."  These will be a mix of of KoopaTV, highlighting non-ABDC things in hip hop dance, and "In Case U Missed It" by DirtfaceX, taking a more vintage time frame to these clips, instead of within the past week like KoopaTV.
The point of these clips will be to show various clips of dancing showing hip hop dance outside the ABDC universe.  However, these clips will be geared toward performances/battles that pretty much EVERY dancer knows, or should know.  There may or may not be ABDC dancers there, but not necessarily.  Also, despite the name including Hip Hop, I will be taking submissions for non-hip hop dance if you explain 
So yeah.  look forward to these two series premiering in the coming week or so.  If you want to help by submitting suggestions for
-Topics I should cover in "Dropping Knowledge"
-Any video clips that you think are "Legend...(wait for it)...ary Hip Hop" (or non-Hip Hop dance)
email me at If you submit for Legendary Hip Hop, please include the significance of your clip and why it deserves to be called Legendary.
Peace out!