Monday, May 16, 2011

What else is there to say about Bieber Challenge Week-- ABDC recaps from all over

--We'll Fix it In believes that ICONic Boyz are going to win ABDC's Season of the Superstars
--The recapper at gets through the episode by treating it as a drinking game and is already worried about next week's elimination.
-- PsychoPixie thinks it's "almost unfair" for any other crew to battle Street Kingdom since their "energy, aggressiveness, and sharpness almost makes them win by default"
-- Too Interesting for Twitter explains why they pick IaMmE to win the season
-- Ology calls the Bieber Challenge a ratings ploy and is shocked that he is now a Street Kingdom lover
-- CMR is disappointed that IaMmE didn't have their usual on-point performance, saying that their moonwalking would have "caused Michael Jackson great embarrassment".