Snoop ‘Jergens Lotion’Doggystyle would like to issue an apology to the Iconic Boyz and their choreographer and mentor Geo Hubela for cyber-bullying them on Twitter. In addition, he realizes that his comments have been extremely aggressive towards them not just on Twitter, but on BloggingBestDanceCrew as well. Mr. Doggystyle still holds certain opinions about Iconic Boyz and Geo though, but no longer has any ill-will or will say anything derogatory towards them.
Recently, Snoopy has arisen from the burning ashes of his former, wretched soul, and has reincarnated into a mighty rainbow phoenix that has opened its wings to spread positivity and enlightenment throughout the community. Here he is to share his review of this week’s Justin Bieber routines. Click here to read the full review.
Recently, Snoopy has arisen from the burning ashes of his former, wretched soul, and has reincarnated into a mighty rainbow phoenix that has opened its wings to spread positivity and enlightenment throughout the community. Here he is to share his review of this week’s Justin Bieber routines. Click here to read the full review.