Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Teldon's ABDC Rewatch - Season 1, Episode 2 - Video Star Challenge

About this series: Teldon is going to watch every episode of America's Best Dance Crew from The Season 1 live auditions all the way to Season 5 Champions for Charity, in order to try and see them with a fresh outlook, judging them on their own merits.  He invites you to join him, rewatching and reviewing the shows. Click here to read his criteria and how he is judging the performances. His only request:  "please keep an open mind through out this look back.  You may surprise yourself and learn to enjoy crews you did not like or see one of your favorites in a new light."

Our first true challenge week.  This week kicks off what was to become somewhat of a tradtion through out the series.  Most of us who follow the series have fond memories every time a version of this challenge is performed.  For this episode onward I will be adding a section to each crew's write up on my feelings of how well they did their challenge for the week.  In addition, to make sure I get everything I will be watching each performance three times instead of twice. Watch here and click here to read his review. (If you want to watch ahead to the next episode, click here).
Thanks Teldon!