Monday, January 17, 2011

ABDC Rewatch - Season One Audition Special -- what really happened!

Hi folks!  For those that do not know me, I am Teldon.  I have been a huge fan of the show since almost the beginning (I started watching season one at Thriller week) and I love to talk about what has happened on the stage.  For a while now I have seen that many of us are always comparing crews from different season against each other.  I feel that most of us unfairly (whether good or bad) remember performances from past seasons.   What I am challenging us as fans to do is to go back and re-watch all the seasons without the previous love, hate or indifference we had for the crews performing.

I am going to start at the beginning of the series and work my way to the Champions for Charity Episode.  I am going to watch every episode all the way to the end with no skipping past anything.  This time around I am going to be more open minded to all performances and judge them on their own merits.  Nothing they do before the show or after the show will factor in.  Only time spent on the ABDC stage will count. I only ask you all that you please keep an open mind through out this look back.  You may surprise yourself and learn to enjoy crews you did not like or see one of your favorites in a new light.

Watch the live audition here, then click here to read my criteria, how I am going to judge, and this episode's review. [Note from Nancy: definitely try this at home. You may be surprised at what you find, just as Teldon is surprised that he has JabbaWockeeZ in the bottom 3].