Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Week 10 Blowup Contest Answer - SoReal Cru

Our Blowup Contest is officially over. MAJOR thanks to 'The 4th ABDC Judge' for proposing the contest, supplying me with photos and clue ideas, and helping judge the tie-breaker. I will announce the winners tomorrow morning (we're still thinking about it!) as well as giving information about a new contest that will start next week. The answer for this week was SoReal Cru. Here's the blowup that was used:

Here's the original photo from the ABDC Season 2 Finale:
The clue was "Turning carrousel". This was another cryptic clue, with the work turning telling you to play with the letters of the word 'carrousel'. Carrousel can be anagrammed into SoReal Cru. Several people figured out this week's puzzle on the clue -- WTG!