Friday, March 5, 2010

ABDC5 Lady GaGa Challenge Review by BJhayPinoy

"Hey BABDC! My weekly review is out again, and I wanted to also say that I do my reviews based on watching each performance ONCE. I want to have the Judge feeling and also critique in a manner that gives positivity to each crew, a little bit of negativity (or more), and emphasize what needs to be worked on. Thanks again for reading!!"

Overall, I LOVED THIS WEEK. Everyone stepped it up.  My Performance and Challenge Incorporation Ranking:
1. Blueprint Cru 2. Poreotix 3. Static Noyze 4.Hype 5-0  5. Jungle Boogie/Heavy Impact (Flip-Flopping how to rank these two)  6. Saltare

Click here to read the details including reviews, WOW moment, and Words of Advice for each crew. Thanks BJhay Pinoy!