The crew de jour: JPD (Just Plain Dance). They are nowhere near traditional B-boy. But, they have creative moves and technical expertise. If ABDC is looking for some 'different' talent, they might just tap JPD for the show. But -- could they win, given the fan base's love for B-boy groups?
- Just Plain Dance is the name of their dance studio
- Members: Ashley, Devin, Melissa, Ania, Mike. All are 18 years old
- Performed as a group for three years
- Dance Styles: contemporary, 'contemp-pop', lyrical, jazz
- Favorite ABDC Crews: Fanny Pak, Kaba Modern
- What's special about them: big use of props. In the past, they've used pirate ships, a five-foot helium balloon, a glass box, a mattress, and a door. In their auditions, they used an electric plug and a cord attached to a cell phone
- What they'd do with $100,000: pay for college