Monday, September 30, 2013

Mike Song to help launch Onionflix, a media company promoting "emotionally inspiring videos"

Mike Song (member of ABDC's Kaba Modern with dozens of other dance-worthy credits) will be on the Advisory Board for Onionflix, a based media company that hopes to highlight achievements of both amateur and professional filmmakers and plans to showcase emotionally inspiring videos that encourage motivation, philanthropy, and compassion. Putting the artist first, filmmakers will be given the option to partner with Onionflix and receive 90% of the advertising revenues, compared to the standard 50% share that most studios currently provide.  Videos to be featured on the newly launched website may include short films, interviews, documentaries, and scripted stories.
“Onionflix films aim to tug at the heartstrings and inspire viewers to do something good,” said founder Bennett Kim.   “We hope to be a positive influence to both our viewers and filmmakers."