Tuesday, October 9, 2012

In Case U Missed It: Polyswagg and The Royal Family

Back in March of this year, New Zealand's 20/20 aired a full story on Parris Goebell and the Royal Family.  It's an in-depth of interview with Parris' as she discusses her beginnings of a dancer at an early age, the creation of ReQuest, their success at Hip Hop International, the future and more.  It also documents the audition process for this year's HHI.
NZ Hip Hop Success in LA (19:11)
And from Thepalacedancestudio, here's the first part of an 8 day video diary of the Royal Family's journey at this year's Hip Hop International.

Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5 - Day 6 - Day 7 (1) - Day 7 (2) - Finals

For our New Zealand readers, 20/20 will be airing another story on the Royal Family this Thursday at 9:35pm.