Monday, January 3, 2011

Namaste and Happy New Year! Tell us how we can improve BABDC in 2011

I'm back from a two-week family trip to India, refreshed and ready for a new year on First, I REALLY want to thank Ninjaboi, DirtfaceX, and Del for all their efforts keeping this site going for the last two weeks. I feel honored and lucky to have talented members of this community to keep it fresh, entertaining, and fun while I was mostly internet-less.

In keeping with that theme, I'd like suggestions on how BABDC might improve over the next year. I know that many of you are interested in discussion boards, which I will look into in a few weeks. What other improvements or features would you like to see -- party rooms during the off-season (and on which day?), more surveys, other types of content, more reader involvement (and if so, in what form)? Leave a comment. And thanks again!