Monday, January 31, 2011

Answer to ABDC Trivia Contest Week 8: 3 Poreotics members auditioned for SYTYCD

This week's ABDC Trivia question skunked everyone. Nobody had the right answer to the question: "What members of Poreotics tried out for So You Think You Can Dance?" The answer: Jet Li, Dumbo, and Law all auditioned for SYTYCD. This poser was suggested by Andy P. and verified by Jet Li's Formspring answer to this question.

I am thinking of ending this contest early. Too many regular entrants are staying away, either because they feel they have no chance of winning, they don't know the answers, or they don't love trivia. Leave a comment if you want 2 more rounds. Otherwise, I'll post a tie-breaker question for the 3 leaders in this contest (though others can participate if they wish).