Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tanooki's take on the ABDC5 top 9

Now that we've seen all 9 crews that will compete in America's Best Dance Crew's Nationals,  some readers have become even more contemplative and creative: 

 "Hey everybody, it's Tanooki! I've been a watcher since season 1, reader of BABDC since season 3, and poster since season 4. I always like to show people the other perspective when it comes to crews predictions and stuff like that. So this is not necessarily a "POREOTIX IS GONNA WIN!!! RAWR!!" type of review, but my view of how each crew could be successful and make it on the show as far they can.  I like to talk about it here...since no one else around me really does except for like my dancing friends haha. Our dream is to audition, which apparently we can do, thank you Blended Projekt! But that's besides the point, READ MY POST READ MY POST! : D"

Click here to read Tanooki's review and predictions about Blueprint Cru, Heavy Impact, Hype 5-0, Jungle Boogie, Poreotix, Royal Flush, Saltare, Static Noyze, and Swagger Cru. Thanks Tanooki!