Friday, February 26, 2010

Plea to MTV: PLEASE make your ABDC voting pages error-free!!

MANY readers are upset at the errors on this week's voting page for America's Best Dance Crew. The concern is that those errors might significantly impact results. You can see a screenshot here (thanks AskYourself101!)/ The errors:
  • All the phone numbers except for Poreotix were listed as 1-877-96 CREW2 -- the number for Jungle Boogie. The listing does have the correct number afterwards, but it was confusing and potentially misleading
  • Though the captions are correct, the photos for Blueprint Cru and Royal Flush are reversed. That might lead some people to think that Blueprint Cru was eliminated, and reduce the number of votes for them
Nobody's perfect. I make mistakes all the time, as my readers know. However, the voting page should be double- and triple-checked for accuracy. Otherwise, mistakes on the voting page could results in the wrong crews being sent to the bottom 2.  So, MTV -- please don't let this happen again!