Monday, October 5, 2009

Favorite ABDC4 Performance survey results - Ichiban rules!

The results are in for our survey of the most popular performances for America's Best Dance Crew Season 4. Over 800 votes were cast. The top 10 were all from We Are Heroes, Rhythm City, and group performances.

Over the next 2 weeks, we'll post videos of the top 10 favorites, and the top vote getters for the other seven crews. Because I am only posting legal, non-bootleg videos, I'll be unable to post a few videos for awhile. Case in point: the winner is We Are Heroes' Ichiban. However, there is no Fanscape excerpt and the MTV episode will not be online until October 21. So, if you need to rewatch it, go to Youtube and search for it yourself.

Tomorrow: #2 from Rhythm City.