You may not realize it, but she loves each and every one of you, which is why she works so hard on this blog. So I think that today we should all get out our construction paper and crayons, prepare our world-famous cake recipes, choreograph some birthday jigs, and raise our hands to the sky with a world-wide song of "Happy Birthday." No matter where you are, you should leave a little love for Nancy on this day, her birthday.
As a party favor for reading this post, you get to learn a factoid about our beloved webmistress! The people in Nancy's closest circles (welcome to these circles!) know that her second and third loves -- after the hip hop dance community, of course! -- are anteaters and sloths! Therefore, you should take a little walk over to this website and this website and watch this video so you too can know about the beautiful creatures of Costa Rica. But do these after wishing Nancy a very happy birthday, because that comes first!
Happy birthday, mom! Love you! Sorry I'm taking up room on your blog!