Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sneak Peek at Tonight's show from the audience: comebacks, headspins, audience participation, and surprises!

We're abiding by our no spoilers policy, but here's some sneak peek information on America's Best Dance Crew Battle of the Sexes from audience member Chunpreet:

"I was so glad to be apart of the audience. It was one of the best nights/episode I had ever attended out of this season. I'm lucky to get next week's tickets too, because its SOLD OUT! Ahhh!... the amazing things that happened:
- the audience becomes involved in the opening act
- Someone makes a comeback in the beginning of the show
- There's an even BETTER headspin that occurs in the night! Not only did it beat our favorite Jabba's headspin, this person put on their own pair of glasses while in the headspin!
- The elimination was also very surprising!"

Thanks, Chunpreet!

Photocredit: MTV