Monday, September 5, 2011

KoopaTV | Dance Clip of the Day: "Anthony Lee - Without You"

Hey! We're going back to Cali! Today's episode of KoopaTV visits Anthony Lee (Kinjaz/ LXD/ CADC) recording this popping routine. I also found that the message in his description matched the uplifting vibe of this video:

"This piece represents the idea [to me that is...] that life isn't so easy all the time, and in many of those circumstances, I probably wouldn't have made it through as best as I did without the support of so many loved ones in my life. To my friends, my family and the Man upstairs. It's not meant to be depressing or lonely at all...ahahah at least to me."

So subscribe to his Youtube channel, [Anflowny], for more of his work!

: : : Submissions for tomorrow's "Dance Clip of the Day" are always open, by Youtube message at : : :

***Submissions can be no older than TWO WEEKS!***

KoopaTV, signing off.